World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade SECRETS (Eversong Woods)

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World of Warcraft is a massive game, one only made bigger when Blizzard Entertainment released their first expansion for WoW … the Burning Crusade. And now that World of Warcraft Classic has also gotten the Burning Crusade Classic, it seems only appropriate to for us to go explore the starting zones introduced with its new playable Races. So, today, let’s take to the newly discovered Eversong Woods, home of the Blood Elves and find all of the secrets and easter eggs hidden throughout it, just in time for the Burning Crusade Pre-Patch.

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42 thoughts on “World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade SECRETS (Eversong Woods)”

  1. One secret detail that you wouldn't be able to see without patched exploits is atop the Sunspire in the starting area. There's a room up there resembling the login background for blood elves with furniture and a readable book

  2. Fun fact: Saltharil and Sylvanas Windrunner have beef from her adolescent years. She “poisoned” three nobles who made fun of her brother during one of Salthsril’s big parties. She wasn’t invited again.

  3. Every Horde character I make comes to this area to quest. Start at level 13 and when you complete every quest in the zone you are level 22 or so. It depends on how many extra mob you kill.

  4. Dude most of what you are talking about aren't secrets. the fact that an area was designed as a little school with the podium and the seats and whatnot is not an Easter egg. It's the least you can do to show that this place used to be functional. Also at 5:22 you are completely wrong. What's happening is sunlight escaping leaves to creat this little light spot. Noone altered it so it resembles grain.

  5. I understand these videos must be a lot of effort, but I would watch this style of video for literally any zone, it's so well done. It seems like you have a knack for this kind of detailed analytical content which I really love. Subbed.

  6. Seriously, they removed another character because Afrasiabi made him? Are people to weak minded they can't handle a character made up by a 'supposed' disgraced creator?
    Well I've got some bad news for anyone using lovecrafts work 🙄

  7. I've always been in awe of the color pallet and the detail of Silvermoon, and then the night borne city when legion came out. I hope when they re-do the night elf capital they give it the same justice they did with the other elf cities. Darnasuss was always in need of a serious remodel

  8. Thank you for making these videos! It was such a great nostalgia trip. Would you consider doing a series over the major cities in game? I'm sure Stormwind and Ironforge themselves would be great episodes. 🙂

  9. I'm itching to start playing WoW again! If not soon, like before this Winter is over, I'll definitely get back for Classic WOTLK!!!! I just found this channel today!; Which is shocking! Because it's such an awesome channel! I look forward to seeing it get big! I have a lot of nostalgia for the Blood Elf starting area, a d The Forsaken starting area! I have even leveled a couple of my Blood Elves in the Forsaken starting area! Since they're my preferred race! I started playing Wow on a trial account back in the Summer of 09! Right after we had just moved across the US. And we didn't have much extra money when I started, and I was lucky to be able to afford to buy the actual game, when my 2 week trial was nearly over! Which is why I have the nostalgia for the Forsaken starting zone! I couldn't afford to play as Blood Elf when I started! And so the first character, who is my main to this day, or would be if I were currently playing, started as a Forsaken. It didn't take too long for me to get the expansions, and to pay for the racial change, to make my Forsaken Shadow Priest (dual spec Holy,) in to a Blood Elf too! Sorry to write a novel! I just got lost in my sentimental memories of the game! Anyhow! Hope this channel doesn't take too long to achieve the level of success and recognition that it deserves!

  10. Wow because Blizzard changes the name of an NPC that has no reference to a former disgraced Blizzard employee(except that they were named by them), I TOTALLY feel better now and I am sure all of the victims feel a HUGE weight off of their shoulders for how BRAVELY Blizzard handled this…. Give me a break. PR stunt to save face, nothing less, nothing more.

  11. as a blood elf lore fangirl this video scratched my brain just right
    just something u missed: 9:20 the party guests are rude only if u havent finished the quest to get the invitation, once u have it in ur inventory their dialogue changes and they welcome u to join

  12. A couple of things I had not noticed myself, very neat – good job! Only things I could add are:

    Flight Masters: They used to have bats as flightpath mounts, but changed to the more fitting Dragonhawks.

    Sunstrider Isle: The very top of the starting building has a fully decorated area.

    Fairbreeze: The Dragonhawk eggs used to be at the top floor of the other building. This is why you sometimes see the Dragonhawks suddenly pop up there – they probably forgot to change one of the spawn/path points.

    Sunsail Anchorage: The sunken ship is definitely a High Elven one, as these are "Elven Destroyers" that you can use in Warcraft 2 in the Human Campaign. They probably never had the time to dig up and remove it before building the current ones with the Blood Elf theme.
    Sunsail Anchorage: To the west, you see the only path between the docks and the open sea – a bit of water splitting the beach. However if you look at it, it's so shallow that no ship could ever actually go through there.

  13. I was secretly hoping he'd touch base on the chest that sits atop the balcony in the West Sanctum. I've always believed the world designers completely forgot to add a teleport to the top of the building as it's littered with enemies and as well a chest, untouched by people since the dawn of Burning Crusade. But alas, he did not. And I honestly don't think it's something a lot of people have noticed either anytime I ask people are just like "what chest?"

  14. 6:37
    Silanna and Solanin used to have dialog texts when you right click on them back in TBC.
    Silanna predicting the end of the expac by saying that she belives that they will restore the sunwell and all will go back to normal,that there situation is not as worst as all make it out to be.
    Solanin saying she could be naive,oblivious of how serious is the predicament there race is in and that they are moving inside Silvermoon after he is done packing.
    I asume there dialog texts are removed after the expac was done as to present it as time have passed in the zone or to not be confusing.

  15. As a person that puts strong attention tondetails, i really love this zone! I wish the High / Blood elven empire was larger,so we can have more zones similar to this one

    But yes, EW greatly imolies the mentality of the blood elves according to the lore


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