World of Warcraft, but YOU Are the Quest Giver

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21 thoughts on “World of Warcraft, but YOU Are the Quest Giver”

  1. I enjoy watching you try all the content Guzu. People have such sunk cost fallacy with claiming retail was bad for years they are salty to see you enjoy it. Enjoy sod enjoy cata enjoy retail they all have fun elements.

  2. Je suis continuellement émerveillé par la profondeur des connaissances et de l'expertise démontrées par les membres de cette communauté. C'est impressionnant.😻

  3. "I wanna do what I think is fun and if people enjoy watching that, that's awesome" has to be the best mentality for content creation. Having the opposite mentality is what caused so many of the youtubers I used to watch either burn out and quit, or focus entirely on content that got them views but was the exact opposite form of content they used to make. Focusing on making videos/streaming games you personally enjoy will guarentee a crowd since watching someone have fun with what they do is way more fun than watching someone grinding League for 10 hours when they hate the game but play for views

  4. PvZ quest was very buggy even in original Cataclysm times. Most of the time, turning off addons and relogging helps.

    I vaguely remember something like this happening to me, too, back in the day. I think it is because of phasing (not layering) – you were in the group, and one of group members was nearby but with a different phase (the round icon next to him).
    Probably he already completed quest – which propagates to you because "killing enemy" event is shared for the whole group no matter the distance, as long as you are in the same "world".

    Also, make sure to explicitly abandon failed quest before re-taking it again.
    Also-also, it is quite a long quest – you can play for 20+ minutes, if I am not mistaken, before the boss will even show up.

  5. Cata gets a lot of shit but I really think it's a great expansion minus Dragon Soul. The world revamp makes leveling new toons way more fun and interesting and you can change it up every 5 levels if you want to travel or just follow one continent the whole way to 60, you can do dungeons whenever you want, and PvP is even really good leveling if the queues are popping (which they weren't this last week when I leveled a hunter). I'm looking forward to watching Guzu's journey and especially once we actually get into 85 content, I think most Cata dungeons, BWD and Firelands are all top tier.

  6. This is the quest I point to when talking about how bad Cata is for questing. The entire revamp and expansion is full of these post Borderlands written quests that aren't funny in the slighest
    "hey its like we're playing…. A LE VIDEO GAME. XD"


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