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All production: Westfall Studios
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Script and post-production help:
Sound design and music: Matheus E. @AudioMagic
World of Warcraft assets used in the video belong to Blizzard Entertainment.
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Crybaby Anduin finally bites the dust
Seems Khorne has found his avatar on Azeroth.
We have had enough of Anduin anyways
Very well done <3
Mans no Fury Warriors, mans a bloody Space Marine.
It's so over the top it's great. I love it lol.
Эм… а что там делает Андуин? И почему помер?
Dude, this was awesome !!!
wow, amazing editing, well done mate, you got my subscribe, make more please 🙂 if you can make one about Rogues too please.
This is legit how i feel when i play my warrior
This is clearly past 11 years of Fury Warrior in game.
POV: you're the raid boss
I think you meant fury shaman
please sylvanas too
I honestly kinda wish this is what avaloren is like.
What programs do you use to create? I dream of learning something like this, give me a couple of tips
Good thing this is a video no way a Fury warrior could've read a 3 minute story
I very much enjoyed that.
For the Odiiiin!!!
Best warcraft video
that was fucking badass, im actually impressed, i was expecting a shitty wow machinima type video but this is top notch, u earned a sub
Yoooooo did my boy Anduin dirty here hahahahahahah. Now wake up.
fury but plays like arms
In reality the only class a warrior can compete with is a monk
Fury is not exactly the best option right now. As much as I would like to impale our weakling king myself…
very great animation, but stabbing someone with these clunky "swords" won't work xD
Well-made video; this is how Warcraft used to look, brutal and bloody.
The sound was lacking a bit. Needs more impact when strikes are made or after the slow-mo when he slams the ground.
I Wish this was what wow looks like. But nooo, their 8-14 years old target audience would piss and shit their beds and Mommy stops paying subfee.
This is a Warrior boner incarnate.
I love the visuals here, insane brutality that maybe warcraft could use more of, along with a new engine and such 🙂
I'm absolutely in love with the profusion of details, especially the funny ones <3
"You won't get past me!" [immediately dies]
Looking back on it now, I can't believe that Tomb of Sargeras and Cruel Gladiator warrior armor sets look like that of Chaos Warrior from Warhammer fantasy.
Very well done! Very cinematic with your framing and editing. How did you do the flame simulation? It turned out great
good! another fallen king
reality: gets kited by a frost mage and dies doing 0 dps
If only capes looked like that ingame
Fury warriors have the most amount of stats and every fury warriors dread is to get big and do something like this in rbgs