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What exactly does World of Warcraft Classic+ need if it wants to succeed in today’s climate? What do player want exactly from this rerelease, if it even comes at all? In this video, Moocluck goes over nine of his suggested changes that he thinks would make Classic+ a success for World of Warcraft, helping to continue the population boom that Classic has brought to WoW since its release. From discussing new class quests, more lively cities, small changes and big changes, this video covers almost everything.
Do you have any suggestions though for what you think could make Classic WoW a better experience, if rereleased to a new audience? Let us know in the comment section below, as we are reading behind the scenes. And don’t worry, Nixxiom will be back with more videos featuring him too! He’s just taking a little vacation in Ashenvale, last we heard.
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I like number 11
OMFG not even with Premium YT you get ads on the videos. for gods sake. !
I dont know that classic wow wish list sounds like retail?
These are all great ideas. Except that you litterally described the updates that got us from vanilla or retail LMAO
The problem is that everybody has a different idea of what classic+ should be.
Why change the game that is perfect how it is that people have been playing for over a decade. We don’t need changes. Give us another fresh no changes vanilla server thousands are itching for and are just waiting to get off of wrath and play it.
Since we're talking about wild fantasies, how about this? WoW pulls thier heads out of thier asses, finds a way to reignite thier passion for something other than short term money, and makes something of the game they have?
wow ascension group seems to have what ppl want for classic+ to the point they are doing seasonal servers year after year, they clearly know how to keep a classic community going, blizz should just hire them
So, a new fucking expansion then?
Essentially classic players are asking for stuff that we got in retail but in classic? LOL, Man this is like kids saying I wish I was back in high school but with the amount of money I have now as an adult.
list of 9 things like 7 of them new quest lines………. new expansion talk, let classic go boomers jesus lol
We need some class balance changes.
PvP honor system changes.
Maybe some 5v5 pvp system.
this sounds amazing
As someone who played prot pala in all expansions i must say it. They should in classic plus at least add the fixes they did for pala in tbc cause in comparisson the class felt lacking in classic….taunt etc mechanics cough cough….and if they do mess in any way with tallents and skills they should stick to original classic recipe about class diversity instead of trying to gradually provide healing, interrupt, tank, etc mechanics to every class just with diferent skill names.
Sounds like turtle wow… just saying. Lots of new quests, new dungeons, new raid content coming soon, new zones, new races, cross faction talking, grouping, dungeons, and raids (not in bgs though). PvE or PvP by mode, iron man mode, punishment for death mode, new profession, updated class talents, new crafting recipes and even more! While updates are slow, and updates to things can bug things, it is only a small team doing the work. Hotfixes come in fairly quickly to fix most of the egregious issues that can be solved quickly. I haven't enjoyed playing WoW so much in years upon years.
They surely haven't to increase difficulty.
No dung myth+ like, they have to put new dung and new raid with cool gear, not better stats but strange item you can build a char around that like manual crowd pummeler for feral cat.
No increase experience or something like that.
Would be perfect if they add 4 or 5 new dungeon, one with every level bracket
1 new raid (possibly Scarlet monastery one)
Hundred of new item, new tier set
And a complete graphic redesign
I want t play photo realistic wow ahaha
what is that WOW video on the B-roll?
Are we talking about Vanilla+ or Wrath+ ? Because I really don't see them scrapping TBC and Wrath just so they would have to redo them but differently. Especially since most people like these two expansions the way they are. I like them too, I just hate how they made old world irrelevant. Which is why I was really hyped up for Cataclysm when it first came out, I loved the idea of revamping Azeroth, but not the way they did it. And most people will agree with that, given how unpopular that expansion was. If they were to do Cataclysm Classic after Wrath, that would be a disaster. So there's a chance they will go with Classic+ approach instead.
Love this great work
What about dual-spec? – Would make it alot easier for tanks/healers
Imagine playing classic wow with updated graphics
My classic + wish list:
– Cross faction grouping to elevate the faction imbalance that is plaguing classic wow right now
– Balance the classes so they all are useful for their intended roles, paladins should be able to tank and druids should be useful for something
– Change the world around to make every wiki useless, make people discover the world again with new quests and changing world to explore again
– Race specific classes, example the undead should be able to be necromancers
– New battlegrounds maps / games, keep all the old ones just give us more variety
And this is a neckbeard certified list too =D
isnt the talk of classic+ remake classic again and again and again getting a little bit ridiculous, what we need is new mmorpgs that dont suck.
i love how they go to places get stuck then inconvenience all the locals they help them back XD
Wrath has a really robust endgame with heroics, hc+, tokens, raiding 10 AND 25 man.
It also has pretty engaging gameplay with "rotations" being 3-4 different skills instead of 1 or 2.
However, expansions difference from vanilla is that everything up until the expansion start becomes irrelevant and a chore to perform before you get into "THE game". The game in vanilla WAS getting to 60 but without server launches or community driven restarts then vanilla players are very dispersed and can't play together.
So of they do classic+ then either let us transfer max lvl characters or they have to make the leveling experience part of the new content.
What's the source of the pvp and combat cutscenes in this? So damn good
I like some of his additions. I do hope they increase the level cap to 70 and still implement tbc talents minus tbc. Though I wouldn't be upset if they give us that with the other new stuff.