World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore – Relaxing Longplay – Mage Part 8 – Gameplay Walkthrough

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In this series, we’ll level up as a Human Mage on the Fresh Start anniversary realm of Doomhowl US.

Addons: Dialogue UI, Bagnon, Leatrix Plus, Leatrix Maps, What’s Training, Atlas Loot, Questie

Professions: Tailoring, Skinning, First Aid, Cooking, Fishing


10 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore – Relaxing Longplay – Mage Part 8 – Gameplay Walkthrough”

  1. I know you like to show everyone your questing campaign , just wondering why you don’t do other things like cooking and fishing , I’ve watched you pick up quite a few white items used for cooking , and fishing is a great way to get food buffs . Especially end game stuff, and don’t get me wrong I love watching you do your thing.

  2. You uploads have become must watch for me. Thank you for doing this. ? Why do you always avoid groups for quests? I understand lower xp but in hardcore would it not be safer?

  3. If you are interested in doing it, you forgot to pick up the final part of In Defense of the King's Land, but that's the part you need to fight the three named troggs in the cave. Mana Shield seems nice but if I'm in a situation I need to escape from, I think I'd rather have as much mana as possible to use Frost Nova, Fire/Frost Ward, and Blink.

    Someone can correct me, but I don't think you can train Teleport: Darnassus until level 30. Keep up the great vids!


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