World of Warcraft Classic – Shaman Pt. 2 – NO ADDONS, SELF-MADE, SOLO SELF-FOUND HARDCORE – Gameplay

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In this series, we’ll level as an Orc Shaman on World of Warcraft’s Official Hardcore Server Defias Pillagers. This will be a SOLO SELF-FOUND run, so no grouping, no auction house/mail/trades. In addition, we’ll have some other modifiers for the run:

– NO Addons
– NO Enemy Nameplates / floating names
– MUST CRAFT GEAR FOR: Helm, Shoulders, Chest, Bracers, Hands, Belt, Legs, Feet
– MUST COOK our own food


3 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Classic – Shaman Pt. 2 – NO ADDONS, SELF-MADE, SOLO SELF-FOUND HARDCORE – Gameplay”

  1. SoD feels like it's trying to be both classic and retail, and failing at both. It's ultimately a hastily made experiment from Blizzard to capitalize on the hype surrounding the idea of getting Classic+ servers. I'm not playing a beta for a year long (or however long SoD goes for – if Blizzard even knows that themselves), so I dropped SoD about a few weeks before Phase 2 started.

  2. I"ve been guilty of complaining about you complaining. But not this video. This was constructive and wasn't full of anger. And I feel ya. Not a fan at all of SOD. If I'm not gonna play Retail I might as well play WotLK, which to me is the best expansion.


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