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Our journey continues for World of Warcraft! Checking out the three chapters of Legacies as well as the Launch Cinematic for the Dragonflight expansion. To see all of our WoW reactions and journey check out this playlist
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#worldofwarcraft #wowdragonflight #worldofwarcraftdragonflight #reactionvideo
The Primalists basically rebeled against the dragonflights that accepted the titans gift
You really should watch some of Athelarius vidéo ! He made excellent editing for story telling and catch up with the lore ! Really, pick a video, you will love it ! I promise ! 💜❤
I really hope Blizzard does a lot better with this expansion then their last. Shadowlands felt very rushed and it was poorly done and executed as far as the story goes. A good example of this is with N'zoth and Ashsara. They barley did anything with them and it was over so quickly. It's really sad because people have been waiting for a very long time for N'zoth especially & they totally dropped the ball with him. A lot of people hated the shadowlands expansion and it's been called the absolute worst expansion in World of Warcraft history.
I love your reactions! The youtuber Nobbel87 has a wealth of wow lore videos and has recently made videos for each dragonflight. Also if you want more humorous wow videos I suggest Nixxiom Machinima especially his "How to" series.
Long story short, as they say..:
So the Titans are planet-sized beings. They float around as World Souls and eventually they "cocoon" where a planet forms around them. The current world of Azeroth is one such world with the Titan Spirit of Azeroth slowly maturing inside the planet. We saw them at the end of the Legion cinematics where they drag their Titan-brother Sargeras back to stop him from doing something with Azeroth (but Sargeras managed to stab the plnanet).
Titans are creatures of Order (there are 6 elements, with 2 always opposing each other, so Order against Chaos, Life against Death, Light against Void) which means they are very much in favor of Order and predicatbility. They made machines to produce creatures made of Stone and Iron that followed the Titans' orders. But the Old Gods, creatures of Void and Chaos (and very much Lovecraft inspired) landed on Azeroth and started to meddle, resulting in the Stone and Iron creatures to become creatures of Flesh. Titans didn't like this as Flesh-creatures were susceptible to the Fear and corruption of Old Gods, but being of Flesh also allowed for Free Will. A being of Order does not like Free Will as that is inherently chaotic and unpredictable.
Look back at the Matrix trilogy, the computers had to somehow include Free Will into their simulation but couldn't get it perfectly right, which is why the "anomaly" appears and when they reset the whole Matrix. Free Will messes with order and predictability.
So while Proto-Dragons evolved some of them started to show signs of sentience and higher intelligence (like how we can see signs of intelligence in gorillas, dolphins, etc). Broadly speaking they all held some form of elemental power, such as Fire or Frost. At this time big bad dragon Galakrond from the first episode appeared and started to eat other dragons and grew impossibly large. Titan Keepers (creations by the Titans to act as stewards and managers of their ordering and their plan to make the sleeping Titan grow up and mature properly) didn't really want to interfere but one of them, Tyr, decided to assist some of the Proto-Dragons and defeat Galakrond. To show appreciation to the Dragons for helping to defeat Galakrond the Keepers later asked the Titans for assistance in ascending the Dragons into Guardians of the planet. They all gained one part that they were responsible for. Alexstraza, the red lady, was responsible for all Life, Nozdormu that we see in the first three was responsible to maintain the Prime Timeline (so that no one tries to meddle with outcomes by timetravelling). Nefarion was given the responsibility of the Earth. All the rocks, the ground, the magma, lava, volcanoes, mountains and all that was his domain. But the ground was also where the Old Gods had been imprisoned by the Titans before they left. So the Old Gods kept whispering like Grima Wormtounge in LotR, slowly and over eons showing how much power they could offer. Neltharion stood his ground and created the Drakthyr to help fight the Primalists but as the Primalists destroyed his Control-gauntlet he felt that he had no other option and relinquished to the Old Gods whispering and they offered him immense power, to withstand the Primalists. But this all took a toll on Neltharion and you saw what happened in the Cataclysm into cinematic where they put iron armor on his body because his power and madness threatens to destroy his physical form. By the end he was so proper mad that he formed tentacles which is very connected with the Old Gods. In general, fleshy stuff is very Old God related. Tentacles and flesh.
As far as I understand based on a few quests during Beta-testing of the game (so I guess SPOILREZ) is that the Primalists just in general dislikes the Titans. They are in favor of the Chaotic nature of the elements. Now, this is pure speculaton at this point, but some players ponder if the Titans ascending the Dragons into the Aspects locked them down and limited their power. That the Dragons should really have had unfettered Elemental powers at their disposal and that the Titans locking the Elemental Lords away early on in the planets life as well as "ordering" the dragons by making them Aspects to some degree limited their free will to become whatever they wanted. A bit like "You stole our childhood".
But the exact nature of the Primalists will be revealed during the leveling and questing in the early parts of the expansion!
So expect a few cinematics to be revealed as players first enter the new expansion (28th Nov) so check in maybe a week or three later!
I just can't get excited about anything Warcraft, anymore. I just enjoy dungeons in FF14 a lot more. This whole bit of lore seems like a massive asspull to extend the franchise.
There's boss that will say unique lines depending on your race. They added a line for the new playable dragon people and calls them one of death wings failed experiments.
You learn in cata that he was doing a ton of experiments on dragons and made like the chromatic dragons whatever. I'm sure we'll get the lore as the expansion goes on.
I'm from Brazil and seriously! i love this channel. There will be an end of chapter event in Fortnite again on December 3rd 🙂 Could he react?
Hopefully this expansion will be better then shadowlands
Could u react to "how countries fight theirs wars 1 y 2" they're 2 animated videos of 2 minutos each one
Nozdormu has the coolest story out of all aspect leaders in my opinion
The Primalists are purist dragons, when the Aspects became… well 'Aspects' and accepted the Titan's gift, the Primalists were not happy, they sort of see the Titan's as false gods and want to wash the Titan's stain from Azeroth, whereas everyone else sees the Titan's as not exactly gods, but they are a higher power, hell Titan's are even BORN from planets, inside of Azeroth is a sleeping/growing Titan named Azeroth.
Funfact About Galakrond
you could consider him the first necromancer on Azeroth.
considering his hunger was so massive, he massively mutated with vast amount small limbs here n there, and those he didn't finish eating, eventually raised up as undead dragons, protecting it's devouring master.
Oh how i wish blizzard makes an animation movie. It would be insane.
Guys great reaction, you should guys react to new re4 trailer like the gameplay and the story trailer
Sigh i grew despondent with Cataclysm, I sat out Pandaria, wanted no part of the Iron Horde, played a bit of legion, face palmed in the battle of azeroth, and drank myself catatonic rather than deal with the jailer…
But fuck this looks good, and they brought back talent trees, and it looks like it has a story somewhat worth playing. Time to take up the hammer and tome once more. For the Silver Hand and the Light, for all of Azeroth
Could you guys check out the Warhammer 40k Darktide class spotlight trailers? They are some of the best!
@Definitely Not Definitive – Games this is for you. You can reacted on it. 😉
When the Titans gave the dragons power the Primalist looked at it as the Titans were corrupting them and this started a war between them.
I believe the sleeping big green dragon was Ysera, the guardian of the Emerald Dream, a separate realm altogether.
Brightwing (A fairydragon, not a dragon) describes the Emerald Dream as "The Emerald Dream is not a dream and has no emeralds. Big thoughts, head hurts now." This quote is entirely not canon from Heroes of the Storm, but I always loved the quote.
The big red one was Alexstraza, The Life Binder, Queen of the Dragons, the Mother of Dragons and the Aspect of Life itself. Thus her "fire" created life as she flew by.
Other than Death Wing, it wouldn't surprise me if we get to see a little bit of Malygos as well, former Aspect of Magic and leader of the Blue Dragonflight who kinda flew over the cuccoos nest as well as Kalecgos, the current leader of the Blue Dragonflight.
The Bronze Dragonflight is lead by Nozdormu, the main narrator here. They are the Aspect of Time and kind of try to work as the "time police", but… it doesn't always go to plan and sometimes they make more messes than fix. My personal favorite Bronze Dragon is probably Chromie, or Chronormu, who uses the visage of a small blond female Gnome and while a keen time traveller, doesn't always keep a good track of things.
WAS WAITING ON THIS! i love the content! keep it up =) your always welcome to play the game. sometimes it disappoints but you watching and learning the lore. great !
Great commentary as usual 🙂
Hmm this is the part of the dragon flights storyline that hasn't been much explored since the novels about them that much to be covered so hopefully more information about them and update patches too for the storyline regarding this new expansion.
Being a vanilla player I’m glad they are bringing back the exploration aspect heavy In this expansion rather then the tired alliance vs horde plot lines.
So glad you’re continuing with WoW reactions! I always love your insight on those cinematics^^
When Nozdormu said his story is already written he meant he became/will become Murozond leader of the Infinite Dragonflight. We fought him in Cataclysma d ended his loop.
I read that nozdormu is referring to yogg-saron returning… Madness of deathwing was actually an easier fight than the boss fight before it spine of deathwing especially in raid finder because it required a lot coordination between all 25 players.
I do hope this expansion does a better or more engaging job at telling a story. and yes, the big red dragon you see towards the end is Alexstrasza (The Life Binder/ at one point also tortured by Deathwing to procure more hatchlings.) She is an interesting one imo because despite all the atrocities, she's still able to see or reason if you will- the why's/how lesser beings (like dwarves, orcs, etc.) do what they did, and forgive them. Furthermore as a Red they can heal and bring life – near the end of that cinematic that was what she was doing, turning a barren dead area back into what looks like a lush and sprawling forest, pretty cool. 🙂
primalists despise the titans, therefore, the aspects. they are the goliaths of primal unchained power, mastering the elements
i dont plan to play dragonflight since launch, i will wait for patch or two to consider it… simply whole lore premise just doesnt resonate with me
will wait for when whole expansion tone changes, and that will come with patches and will wait till lore shape it self better (right now its preety much empty, because they try to establish new beginning)
i dont like new race 'drakthyr' and how things look now, but i am interested in new approach to game systems, new philosophy of content creation and that they finally stop doing 'treadmill mechanics' that simply killed this game (in gameplay mechanics terms)
also they will finally stop treating expansions as opened and closed things… they really damaged lore of warcraft and pacing of story by that
well, i am not exited for this expansion, but still interested
imho dragonflight promotion materials are the worst of all up to this date… earlier harbingers, warbringers, cinematics are much better than dragonflight
From what I have read and seen the Primalists rejected the gift of the Titans and wanted to get rid of all the gifts. Also Neltharion aka Deathwing was hearing the voices of the Old Gods since he turned from proto drake to the Aspect of Earth. So those voice kept telling him to never trust anyone and they were all out to get him etc so he felt he needed to use the titan glove to force control of them. Needless to say there are plenty of books out there that are worth reading.
HJEY THERE GUYS! Ive been trying to catch the occasional videos but never sem to catch your livestreasm. id oyu ever get around to Halo 3 or 4 or wahtever?
18:36 it's not a friend it's alextrasza queen of the dragons 🙂
Philosophical conflict.
The primalist are dragons imbued with Elemental magic(storm ,water, earth, fire) and they hate the titans bcs they don't trust them.
The five aspects are imbued with titan magic(dream[rebirth],magic[order] , Life, Time and guardian of the earth[azeroth in this case].
The primalist belive that the titans are bad news , they dont hate the aspects but the titans , but they have to fight the aspects , thats what we know till now
You should react to the New Hearthstone trailer called March of the Lich King
Let’s soar! 🐉 💨
There were more Flights then just 5. The difference is just: 5 took the grace of the Titans and the others thought themselves already as they should be and saw those "titan graced" Aspects as abominations. Titanic Power vs "natural" Power is the war between the Aspects and the Primalists.
If you guys want to learn more about the Dragonflights and their roles, I would definitely look at a guy named PlatinumWoW. He's a content creator that does lore content that is endorsed by Blizzard themselves. Definitely ask him, but he does amazing work on his videos.
I know you guys were also wondering about trolls and their history, seeing as how they're one of the first races on Azeroth, PlatinumWoW also has a few videos on them too.
I just recently found your channel and binge watched all of your Overwatch and WoW reactions and I must say, you guys are a lot more observant than most other people, and you definitely have earned my support
Theres still 2 cinematics you havent seen yet, they're the prepatch cinematics for dragonflight
I am really curious if we will see Neltharion again. Maybe Nozdormu becomes Murozond because we bring Neltharion back from a timeline to defeat the Primalists or need the Titan artifact. Especially what is in there that gives the hand so much power. Maybe we will finally see Galakgrond ingame.
Above all, we must not forget that Turalyon is currently sitting on the throne in Stormwind. Above all, I think we will see Odyn again. He already didn't like the fact that the Titans had taken over the dragons.
Hi, the expansion dropped but I would maybe advise you to wait a bit (a week or two) until all the cutscenes are out so you can watch them in the proper order^^ For that I recommend channel Noone182 – he's uploaded "Dragonflight Intro all cinematics" so far and I'm sure others will continue 🙂
Deathwing was not enslaving the Dracthyr. He is their father, he created them. The titan gauntlet he was using essentially allowed him to "Control" them during battle but it wasn't to take their free will it was to have perfect synergy during battle. The Dracthyr willingly served Neltharion because he was their father not because he forced them too. The reason he imprisoned them is because he was locking them away before he could go even further insane and end up ACTUALLY enslaving them and using them to help him destroy Azeroth. He was saving them.
The Primalists rebel against the Dragons because they believe that Dragons were meant to rule Azeroth and that the Dragon Aspects "forced" the Titans magic upon them and that it was unnatural and an abomination. They might have had a point if they didn't then go on to commit horrific atrocities in the name of their rebellion against the Dragon Aspects.
This expansion is actually really fun.
people are having a blast with the Dragonriding feature.
Wich might seems Odd, since there as been Flying Mounts ever since the Burning Crusade expansion.
But till now flying mounts where just that, a mount with wich you could travel freely throuhg the air, it was simply a new mode of movement, ther was nothing much else about it.
Dragon riding is still "flying mount" but it is much more active and fun.
Contrary to the old flying mounts, there is a limit to how far/much you can fly with Dragon riding( in theory, but once you unlock the appropriate talents and know how to fly your dragon, you can basically fly forever, but it is still very active).
Your Dragon uses Vigor, a ressource that allows for your Dragon to do Aerial manoeuvres, stunts or simply taking off from the ground.
Vigor resplenish only when you're on the ground, or if you have a high speed buff when going really fast, wich can be achieved through rapid ascend and descent (the game tries to mimic "real" flying physics) and some other means later on in the game.
Ironicly this limitations, actually gives a sens of depth and "freedom", since you are actively flying your Mount by going up and down and taking speed boosts etc, while the Old flying mounts was just "Engage auto-run and go make a coffee or take a leak and come back 3 min later"
people absolutly love it, and they are asking Blizz if they can implement this systeme of flying for either ALL flying mounts through out the previous extensions zones, or making your dragonmount be useable in the rest of the game (for now the dragonriding can be used ONLY in the Dragon isles), Blizz responds for now as been "huh…maybe we don't know we need to wait and see for now"
The Exploration of the isles is actually fun and engaging, since there is many things and places to discover and there's also races tracks where you can try and beat the timer or even race agianst other players for rewards.
Wow Deathwing was super handsome. What a badboy! xD
If you guys want to continue your journey back to Arthas like you guys mentioned multiple times, below is a complete Warcraft 3 story video about him that I found:
Story of Lich King Arthas (2020)All Cinematics – Part 1 [Warcraft 3 Lore]
It's basically all in-game cinematics in Warcraft 3 regarding Arthas alone.
there are a lot of new senimatics out, you will like it!
I love how starting around 7:40 Deathwing’s Cataclysm motifs start creeping in then overpowering the music. Deathwing had an amazing theme, not even by Blizz standards
This expansion has really changed a lot about how Warcraft tells a story. It seems to be a lot more cohesive, and it also sparks a desire to explore and just experience the world. Very cool so far.
Hey guys please watch some old gods lore videos