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#wow #warwithin #destinykiller
The War Within released on August 26th WORLDWIDE! Check out my link to try it for yourself! #ad
My WoW journey:
The year is 2004, most of you watching this video were either a little baby like me or you are just old, or you weren’t even out of your fathers. YouTube isn’t out yet, the Ultimate showdown isn’t even out yet, Chuck Norris was the meme everyone loved, Lord of the Rings just won the most Oscars ever, and Blizzard.. Had just created the most notorious franchise among their other notorious franchises, hell, Blizzard was about to make the biggest game the world had ever seen. So.. for 20 years of game, your boy was scared to get into this one, luckily Blizzard really wanted me to at least try this one out.. I looked back at some old reviews from release year to see what the hype was all about.
imagine an MMO where your experience is a string of quests where you’re rewarded with a cool item, recipe, or a decent amount of pocket money. A game where downtime is relatively nonexistent, where enemies respawn rapidly and dynamically according to how many players are in the local area; where you can use a healing spell, or bandage yourself, or eat some food, or all three, before diving right back in again. Your character’s death doesn’t result in the loss of many hours of experience points, or one of your items, or any money. This is a game that understands Fun. Welcome to World of Warcraft. This video is very much a rough introduction, so showing this video some love and letting me know if you’d want me to cover wow in some capacity is the best way to see WoW content for the future of this channel, thanks and enjoy my first few hours of learning WoW with other destiny players.
Gamersupps Code Evan:
to be adding soon:
Intro: 0:00
Gameplay: 02:32
Outro: 16:00
Darkmoon Faire – World of Warcaft OST
Seasons of War – World of Warcraft OST
Your videos are always so informative and informative! Thank you for this! 🍭💝
Very informative and interesting! Thank you for such content! 😚🍒
Each of your videos is a real discovery! Thank you for the new knowledge! 💋🔥
Never clicked on a video so fast. I have thousands of hours in destiny and even more in wow. I am very excited yo watch this
Bro, you're a bit late to the party. I don't remember anything good after Legion.
Thank you for such fascinating ideas! Your videos always inspire me! 🍒🧡
Remember Arthas did nothing wrong
i actually quit wow to play destiny 🤣🤣🤣
WoW has some of the best history in gaming. Look up Luke Smith's journey for Scarab Lord
The game i jumped too after i saw the d2 death announcement. I am the target audience for this video.
You should check out Guild Wars 2. It's free, no sub, and basically the antithesis of Destiny. 10 year old game that reapects your time. A story with seasons in between it's expansions, but they're all still playable, even for new players!
Welp Destiny is taking a small break for me, time to check out WoW and thanks to World of Warcraft I got the chance to check it out with some friends! #ad
If evan makes more lore/wow history moments breakdown like he do in Destiny, I will watch them 200%.
As a massive WoW and destiny player I'd love your style of content for wow
Going from destiny to Warcraft is like going from vaping to cigarettes
Ew WoW, wtf gross lmao, like going from bad to worse.
How about giving Final Fantasy XIV a go, insert the free trial marking text here, it has had an interesting story, from a 1.0 so bad it needed to be burned to the ground for it to rise like a phoenix with 2.0 to the giant it is today.
Evan you might want to try FF14
I haven’t played WoW since Cata. I feel like I’m too out of the loop to return. Warframe, First Descendant, and Guild Wars 2 for me!
I feel like recently there has been this mass exodus from Destiny and the players are desperately trying to find that fix but they can't find it.
-First Descendant has the gameplay and the challenge, but is a scam.
-Warframe has the gameplay, history and excellent community work and monetization but lacks the challenge.
-World of Warcraft has the challenge and the history, but kinda lacks in satisfying flashy gameplay department compared to D2 and is kinda past its prime
-And FF14 has the challenge, cool devs, decent monetization, but lacks the snappy gameplay as well.
I hate to break it to you, Evan, but no matter where you look, you will never have a Prime Destiny ever again. Something will always be lacking. I personally hoped for you to cover WF more, but I also understand that you as a Destiny player will always need to have a certain fire of ambition burning when playing. And ngl, I love WF, I have well above 5k hours, but WF is kinda the looter shooter where Veterans go to die. It's just a beautiful looter garden to tend to, not a shoot and loot festival like D2.
I really hope that you find a game to make you happy to talk about, because I love your videos, but I think the next few months, maybe years will become somewhat of an odyssey for you. I wish you good luck!
Honestly, if you covered WoW raid history the way you covered Destiny raids and major community events, I would poop myself inside-out with excitement. People have written entire books on this stuff and it is RIPE for video essay content.
Actually as someone who plays WoW for almost 16 years and D2 for around 4 I must admit that I had a lot of fun watching Ya guys ! Keep goin bcs this is gonna be much crazier journey ! 😂🖤
as a wow player myself this hurts my soul it's funny looking new players play wow
I started playing the dragonflight campaign and noe the war within and tbh. if you think Destiny has a bad new player Experience, you haven't played WoW Retail before.
Have played WoW for years and it was replaced by Destiny for me for a long time. I have still gone back to WoW for every expansion though (currently lvling to 80 now). It's funny to see new players start. Please play more. Would love to see you guys do a 5 player dungeon.
would 100% recommend doing stories about the race to world firsts in wow, those are some fun stories
Cant wait for the destiny community to start making excuses for and dickriding Blizzard.
what is with every youtube trying to pivot d2 players recently
You should make more Warframe Content, Lore is on par with D2 if not better
As someone who came from WoW to D2, I'll enjoy this~
We need more of this!
evan i love your style of videos when you talk about raid races. it would be so crazy if you covered the myriad of raid races for wow as well
Its a little painful to watch but you seem to be catching on quick. Most important thing is that you're having fun. would love to see more of this! Only pointer im gonna give tho is that you probably wouldnt want to lvl boost as you're gonna get overwhelmed with the abilities instead of gradually learning em
I'd actually be down to see more of this, as someone who has played since vanilla and had plenty of groups of friends come and go over the years with this game, it's kinda fun seeing a group of guys all experiencing the NEW new player experience.
Been really interesting (and hilarious) seeing all the destiny creators try the new WoW expansion. Curious to see if anybody sticks around after the sponsorships and gets into any sort of endgame content.