15 White/Grey Items to Stockpile for Profit in Dragonflight! | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide

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This video goes over a handful of different easy-to-obtain grey/white items that you can start stockpiling for the Transmog Update coming with Dragonflight! All of these items either come from a vendor, can easily be crafted or can easily be farmed. Let me know what your favorite white item is that you are looking forward to transmoging whenever this update comes out! Thanks everyone!

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0:00 Intro
1:26 Vendor Items
5:28 Craftable Items
8:45 Farmable Items
11:45 Outro

๐ŸŽต Music: https://www.purple-planet.com/
#shadowlands #goldmaking #guide


8 thoughts on “15 White/Grey Items to Stockpile for Profit in Dragonflight! | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide”

  1. Deadmines in my experience has dropped many high value white items (few hundred k gold) but I think most are fake value so be aware of that if farming

  2. An item you may want to go for is the white dagger in the lockboxes of Ghostlands, though you do need a rogue of a sufficiently high enough level and it is a bit time consuming.

  3. I have been waiting for this vid, thank you! I didnt even know there is a vendor in old hillsbrad! Personally, I like farming old raids for mounts or mats sometimes and I save any grey items that look good / skimpy. I have a few grey plate bras stockpiled..

  4. Wouldn't those vendor items still be available in DF as well ? Or you think people will be lazy to go and by those vendor items by them selves ?

  5. I think a lot of people already know about this one, but the white hanbok dresses that you can buy in Moonglade are super lovely. Also just old raids and classic dungeons. I've been leveling many characters through those dungeons and I've been getting a bunch of whites and grays to hold onto.


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