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World of Warcraft in 2021. The new player experience of Shadowlands as experienced by a returning player. What is Wow like in 2021? The last time I played World of Warcraft was years ago. Returning to the game in 2021 and looking at it again from the point of view of a new player has been refreshing. This video is my first impressions of World of Warcraft (wow) in 2021.
If you are asking yourself: should I try World of Warcraft, or Should I play Warcraft – look no further. I hope this video will help you to make up your mind.
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surprising content!
Very nice video! I can really relate as an on/off player it's like this with wow and oldschool runescape u just never seem to quit.. U just take long breaks
Your first MMO is like your first girlfriend/boyfried – you'll never forget! For me it was Asheron's Call (may it rest in peace), but played WoW off and on since launch.
For the Horde!
Cool video! I actually had never tried wow until about a month or so ago and I have been sucked into shadowlands, this game is truly fucking awesome
Started base game in 2004, on release day. Played for 5 years none stop, every night, through WotLK. Left in 2009, before Cataclysm in 2010.
Base game raids were brutal with 40 players to coordinate. Sold my account, got £200 for it, so I would not be tempted back. Never been back since and have no desire to, as it claimed 5 years of my life, and it will not be claiming anymore.
With all that said I enjoyed it alot, but is was my family life that suffered, as I was always playing on an evening. Game addiction is a thing.
I loved playing wow I started at lich king too and quit at warlords of Draenor. But I simply cannot recommend this game its just way too addicting in these times I played way too many hours I missed so many games and other great things, especially if you raid and have to ''schedule'' it just sucks. The freedom of gaming nowadays is just way more fun and I don't think I ever return to a MMO. Its a great game don't get me wrong but it will eat your time
I haven’t played since cata, pandora was a complete turnoff. So if I want to jump back in do I need to buy the multiple expansions to not feel left behind? That’s too much of an investment if so
Hahahaha he didn't resist after all
The pendulum swings out yet always returns to the default place!
The ol' times round that mate's house he says haha ananghuuu!
Are you intending to stick around on wow dude?
Would be interesting to see if perhaps some of the subs wish to have a bout?
I'd come and heal ya asses or pummel someone to ketchup if need be 🤪😤😁
Gotta agree there player hand holding feels supportive, evenafter having done the levelling far too many times this seems good enough to justify another bash at it.
/2 WTB new races
I fucking love wow
Nope…took me 8 years to quit last time 🤣🤣🤣
I stoped playing wen you started, just loged in today since 2008
Nice video! Quit in 2014, but am coming back for a much more casual experience–previously, I was in a hardcore raiding guide. F that now.
How can i download this game????
Really beautifully explained, you managed to bring me back to the game once more. Great video!
It is still shit … .
I have been debating so hard on getting a PC again an coming back to wow god i miss it.
cool vid … I also returned for shadowlands after more than 7 years… definitely improved and the engagement is amazing…
Main question is did you stay with wow and continue playing this after the video??
Nice video man, reinstalling Wow now, cannot wait 😁
Not a returning player but have been for along time, Name is GIftedmagic/Onebigbeard A-52 FOR THE HORDE! lol
This vid doesn't show any changes for returning players after 7 minutes…
I notice Onos and your profile pic is a skull. Malazan fan?
I love the Pandaren 😭
Fooooooor theeeee Hoooooooaaarrrrddddd!!!!!!! (Playing when wow was just "World of Warcraft") all the way through to Pandarai.
Snowmurlok and the 7 Murloks. The fast and the Murlok. Pirates of the murlokbeins. A Murlok place. (Garglllle) Murlexmen……
went back after 9 years, def worth it.
I appreciate you doing this. I stumbled across this video and this hit all the feels, as a hunter I spent so much time hunting rare pets just to have em nerf 🙁
I played since alpha on and off, so I would always come back to checkout the new expans when they released. Thanks for this.
After the squish the player experience went to hell
Here I am just being sucked right back in lol 😂
i would have play wow if the lvl cap didn't get squash to lvl 60
Just logged back on since early Legion/late Warlords. Not sure how I feel about it yet.
haha steven erikson fan i see :D.
Checking my laptop specs, downloading tonight.
I just returned a week ago. Started right before wrath came out. I still remember my first Maxx run and then dived deep into raiding when ICC went live. Maybe just nostalgia but to this day I still feel like ICC was the best raids I participated in. Played straight up till MOP and then the dailies basically burned me out. Grinding all that rep just became such a chore. I'm leveling a DH right now and still haven't used my free boost yet. Once I hit 60 on this alt I haven't decided if I'm gonna bite the bullet and do more than casual stuff, at this point it's just wait and see.
My first was Everquest. Then I played wow. EQ was the best but the first time leveling up in wow was so great. It was fun, but wasted so much time.