11 thoughts on “World of Warcraft is giving Cataclysm Classic players a 50% XP boost #warcraft #worldofwarcraft”
Cataclysm Classic? No , no, no. Classic. Is Classic. BC is Classic. Wrath of the Lich King is Classic. Cataclysm is retail. I can't believe I had to say this.
If I want to see bitter and frustrated people, the comment section under any wow video does not disappoint.
There is an easy function: if you don’t like it – scroll. No need to spit your frustration under every post. If this game does not give you joy or anything positive – just go. You toxic people are so annoying.
Cataclysm Classic?
No , no, no.
Classic. Is Classic. BC is Classic. Wrath of the Lich King is Classic. Cataclysm is retail. I can't believe I had to say this.
That desperate to get people playing I see?
Cat was like the 4th expansion, and is in no way considered to be classic. You are dumb, and made a dumb video.
Aahh, yes, the class xp boost. The down fall begins again.
You talk about this crap like its a good thing
lmao so basically blizzard are getting you idiots to buy the game for a second time with this classic nonsense, got it
They'll need to not rip their heads off playing one of the worst expansions ever released 😂
Cata is a failure. Its not classic. It should have stopped at wrath
If I want to see bitter and frustrated people, the comment section under any wow video does not disappoint.
There is an easy function: if you don’t like it – scroll. No need to spit your frustration under every post. If this game does not give you joy or anything positive – just go. You toxic people are so annoying.
big oof, so if you have heirloom gear plus the buff your pushing like what 95-100% exp boost?
I like how wow classic is legit just wow all over again which will just eventually become the same game making it totally pointless lol