World of Warcraft Journey Part 9 – Battle For Azeroth Reaction (second half)

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Part 9 of our World of Warcraft journey brings the second half of Battle for Azeroth scenes. For all of our WoW reactions check out this playlist

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36 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Journey Part 9 – Battle For Azeroth Reaction (second half)”

  1. I was about to critique the both of you, then I saw the massive "hollywood" sign behind you and I stopped caring. Already know you are brainwashed. Neither of you have played the game, nor will you ever.

  2. 41:22 – I have an answer. The guy on the boat who reminds you of Nefarian (pirate, dracula, dragon dood) is called Nathanos. You've seen him before in the story about the troll guard who was caught in a doomed convoy. The orc admiral says "No silly elf could do all that!" and Nathanos replies with "I know one who can".

    Anyway. He's Forsaken. One of the undead. In life he was a human ranger and Sylvanas' lover. He's pretty much a regular Forsaken that remembers his past life. So he's still very much in love with Sylvanas but, sadly, she's incapable of loving him back. Or anyone, for that matter. We see her soul get fixed in Shadowlands, though. Which actually kinda makes me wonder if now they'll become some kind of jaded couple. LoL 🙂

  3. U dont know who the orc is!? Its Thrall maayn! The first good Warchief who maked taurens and trolls a part of the horde. He defeated Garrosh, he zapped Deathwing, he saved the world with Jaina, Malfurion and Tyrande. He is the son of Draka and Durotan babyyyh!!!😎😎😎😊❤️

  4. One thing I really like about Russian dub of Saurfangs' duel, is instead of saying "You just keep failing!" when he hacks at Sylvanas, he goes "Is there ANYTHING you can even do?!".
    That's one nasty verbal slap.
    PS: Orcish mak'gora has its rules determined by the participants. Unless they agreed on "no magic" – it's a fair game.

  5. The one downside with a lot of these later cinematics is you lose a lot of the buildup that happens in-game. For example with the final cinematic, it wasn't Wrathion who took down N'zoth but the player character, with other side characters channeling Titan energies through an artifact we wore in that expansion called the Heart of Azeroth.

  6. Judging the whole horde by the actions of the few is unfair! Most of the horde and player base did not like what Sylvanis was doing and actively worked against her. Also Sylvanis while always willing to do whatever it took to win she didn't go off her nut till she became warchief.

  7. I’ve been watching this since the first episode. I personally play WoW pretty casually but I’ve played it since the very start. Every time I watch one of your videos I remember I have a subscription and log on right away.

    It’s great to see you guys enjoy this. The cinematics are movie level quality and maybe sure sometimes the story gets crazy but it’s 18 years.

    Like y’all gave up on the Simpsons after 9 years.

  8. Sylvanas' character was a casualty of the plot demanding the alliance and horde fight again after two expansions as sort-of allies (and of the plot demanding the Horde lose a leader every other expansion–by contrast the alliance hasn't lost any. Yes Varian died in legion, but he was added later and then died. Anduin was leader as a child through base game and the first couple expansions so all the original leadership is still there the horde has lost Cairne, Garrosh, Vol'jin, and now both Saurfang and Sylvanas. It's basically just Baine and Thrall from the original cast left) BfA was where I stopped. Sylvanas was a favourite of mine up 'til legion and Jaina was a favourite until Garrosh became leader of the Horde when she blamed any and every member for Garrosh's personal atrocities; Jaina got me back a bit with BfA but she still has some of those issues with collective guilt.
    Always love the moment when Sylvanas yells "The Horde is nothing!" and the banner bearer just gives a tiny glance like 'uh, you said the quiet part out loud'.

  9. "I am Saurfang. Brother of Broxigar. You know me to be the Supreme Commander of the Might of Kalimdor. An orc – a true orc warrior – wishes for one thing: To die in the glory of battle against a hated enemy. Some of you have fought in battles. Peace has been with us for many years. Many years we sat idle but many years we battled. In those years – where strife the land and Legion and Scourge sacked our homes, killed our families – these insects dwelled beneath us. Beneath our homes – waiting. Waiting to crush the life from our little ones. To slay all in their path. This they do for their god. And for our gods? We defend. We stand. We show that as one. United. We destroy. Their god will fall. To die today, on this field of battle, is to die an orcish death. To die today is to die for our little ones. Our old ones. Our… loved ones. Would any of you deny yourselves such a death? Such an honor?"

  10. I love the eye contact (and lack thereof) in this video. Anduin arrives and speaks directly to Saurfang who doesn't meet his gaze until Anduin locks himself in the cell with his prisoner. Anduin asks, "Why didn't you kill me" while staring directly at Saurfang. Saurfang's eyes speak truth when he utters the line, "Could kill you know." Anduin takes this statement of fact, choosing not to argue it or remind Saurfang of his current position, and continues his speech.

    "I spared you because I believed you have honor." Saurfang cannot hold his deathly gaze any longer. His honor dictates that Anduin is his enemy and he will not betray the Horde. Anduin is now holding his gaze and prods further, "do you want more innocents to suffer?" Saurfang reveals his rage at Sylvanas as well as her actions in recent history and Anduin does not avert his eye contact.

    Anduin pleads once again, "Tell me why you spared my life." In this moment, Anduin hopes to appeal to Saurfang's honor. This is the third time, and most direct approach, that Anduin has taken. After a moment of contemplation, Saurfang chooses his words carefully, "I hoped you would stop her" with a side-eye glance. Saurfang wants to see the emotion in Anduin's eyes when he finally gives up the truth.

    Anduin meets the glance once again. "I cannot" Anduin says as he looks away for a moment in shame. "Not alone". He turns his back on the prisoner who has truthfully told Anduin that he could kill him. Saurfang's jaw drops slightly in surprise as the gate is left open.

    These are two enemies who have lived through war, famine, and plagues. They have killed, bled, and lost for their factions. In this conversation, they threw their upbringings aside and put full trust in one another.

  11. You guys don't know Thrall because you skipped Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos and Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne stories. It is Thrall who created the Horde. He was the first warchief, and when he left, the troll Voljin became the warchief. Voljin later passed it to Sylvannas, you saw it. Btw, Saurfang is much older than Thrall, Saurfang was a soldier in the Second War when Thrall wasn't born at that time. They are not brothers :))

  12. 37:53 You are mistaking a lot. Jaina was talking with Thrall, not with Saurfang. She and Thrall were leading the alliances together with Malfurion in the Third War against the Burning Legion

  13. The Terror of Darkshore is like one of my favorite cutscenes behind all the Jaina ones

    That transforming Night Elf with the antlers is Illidan’s brother, Malfurion Stormrage. The cool looking woman with him is his wife, Tyrande. They’re both crazy awesome

  14. Funny that they say (Jaina and Thrall): We are what is different, when they where the same two people that made the alliance last time. They may be different, but the people is identical. (which should show how long this alliance will last)

  15. When Sylvanas screamed out "the Horde is nothing" is when i officially ended with Warcraft. A character that had been developed for almost two decades, brought to ruin in a matter of seconds.
    Sylvanas was many things: cruel, ruthless, conniving, but above all things she loved her people, she loved the Forsaken. All she ever did in Warcraft up until that point was for the Forsaken. There is no world where she would be the one forsaking them.

  16. I see a lot has told you about the "other guy" Thrall, so I thougt I'd give a tiny more referance, info or connection of him… If you ever has seen the movie from 2016 : Warcraft….. You see Thrall has a an another name which was given from his farther Durotan… : Go'el… so in other words he's the green baby – first born in the movie you see in the film!! The one Gul'dan aids the birth of after coming out from the Great Gate, kills the doe and infuses with a tiny flame of Fel. All you see now in these clips is him grown up as an adult , and what has become of him . Just a tiny info 🙂

  17. Omg it is so insane that you guys are watching and loving this golden age of cinematics yet don't realize that Saurfang has gone back to basically get Thrall out of "retirement." He is basically the George Washington of the current horde. He is the founder of the Horde and the city Orgrimmar and the first Warchief. These reactions are so awesome coming from folks that haven't been fans of these for over a decade. The fresh perspective and commentary is so solid.


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