World of Warcraft Lets Play – DF Pre Patch Character Creation

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Its finally time to play WOW for the first time ever!!!
Tips and tricks are always appreciated in the comments enjoy the video!

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38 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Lets Play – DF Pre Patch Character Creation”

  1. hi omario love your content here's some basic knowledge about this class, 1- you can(could XD) color your tatoos, 2- you can jump twice and then the third time pressing space will open your wings and you will hover slowly to the ground(be sure to try dashing while mid air after two jumps, feels cool), 3- also you dash does damage, 4- there is also a class ability on your action bar which i think you didnt notice and that can reveal any demons to you like a X-ray also in pvp it will reveal rogues or any other class that can stealth so you are basically anti-stealth

  2. Hey, so i have been noticing you call the Alliance the "goodies" and the Horde the "baddies".
    The truth is there is no good or bad faction by default, just different sides with different goals and lore which one way or another ended up fighting for dominance in most of the warcraft lore. Both factions have commited heinous crimes and both have done honorable acts.
    But I understand why one would think the one is good and the other one evil by default. I'd assume most WoW players thought like that when they started with the game. Cheers.

  3. I don't know if you already know that, but you can get that drake that the other DH was using by playing the DK initial area on Wow classic until November 28. It's a really cool mount

  4. Remember now that you have completed the BFA storyline and have a level 50 character, then you have unlocked Chromie time so you can level in any expansion you want. I would recommend Legion its nice, or Warlords of Draenor

  5. I'm having such a big laugh about your race/class/faction choice. At least in my mind you are mixing the typical noob classes (Hunter, Paladin, Demon Hunter) with the typical newbie faction: the Alliance. I also started off as a night elve Hunter in Vanilla.

    I am now a proud member of the horde, cause I know now, that underneath all that shiny armor the Alliance is rotten and they are the actual baddies. 😉

  6. Night elf druid is the best for druid. not just my opionion its fact . also that seeing ability is NOT as usefull as they want you to believe .that is the starting area , kinda like training grounds , if you die there you should literally quit the game . lol . YOU are not OP , the mobs are just weak due to it being a training area .Literally NOT a PET , its a mount

  7. That first cutscene when you made your demon hunter is directly after the final raid of the The Burning Crusade expansion, where the players fight Illidan.

    Also the lore behind WoW is amazing, but for the legion basically a titan called Sargearas (titans are mega powerful beings, not gods necessarily maybe more like angels or something) found the void which wants to consume everything (sorta like in League of Legends) and when he found out how powerful the void where, he thought that the only way to stop them from taking over all life was to destroy all life before the void could get its hands on it. So he made the burning legion (the demons) to help him do this. He also killed all the other titans who were trying to stop them. This is a big oversimplification but again the lore is so good ( not recently though ;( )

  8. Mardum, the Shattered Abyss (pronounced mahr-DOOM, colloquially known simply as Mardum and originally called the Plane of Banishment) is a prison world that was created by Sargeras prior to his becoming the Fallen Titan to hold all the demons he killed in the Great Dark Beyond.

    It's not on your map because it's not of the world of Azeroth

  9. For character creation just start at the first option and work your way down lol. You're jumping all over so you keep not knowing where things are and how to change things. You'd see it all if you did it in order.

    Also, as a demon hunter your chest tattoos will be seen. It's lore thing that demon hunters have tattoos, so all the demon hunter armor shows your chest to show off the tattoos.

  10. Love these videos! Fun backstory – The first guy you see in the starting Cinematic is Illidan Stormrage (Also a night elf). He's the brother of Malfurion who is one of the leaders of the Night Elfs (next to his wife Tyrande). The scene where he looks over the castle walls and talks about foolish mortals attacking him is in reference to the raid called "The Black Temple". This was the final raid of the Burning Crusade expansion (WoW's first expansion) and Illidan was the final boss of that raid. This perspective of him talking to demon hunters is one that players never got to see until the Legion expansion. It was a really cool moment for a lot of players because Illidan is such a fan favorite.

  11. U really dont have to worry so much about getting ur characters appearance right. Sure, in classic ur stuck with it forever, so thats very important. But in retail? U can go to a barber in any major city and change any or all of ur looks! Including gender!

  12. the green goo is called fel blood basically the stuff that turned the mag'har into the orcs and turned some Eredar into Man'ari… the warlocks of those species didn't need to drink Fel blood because Fel magic is so corruptive using too much of it could fuck up your body


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