A noob that actually tries to learn mechanics. That's a rare one. Usually people don't try to figure out why the group is wiping and so the group just continues to wipe..
When in a group environment try position yourself behind the boss, that will remove its ability to parry you. Also alot of bosses cleave targets in front of them so usually not a good idea to be in front.
If you plan on doing more dungeons or even raids in the end game, Deadly Boss Mods – Addon – is very helpful when learning mechanics.
I just started as well after waching your vids, i still die and wach my team kill every boss :))
Nice mon
Nice job downing Rezan, at this rate you'll be raiding in no time 🙂
Fight him alone lol
Good job 👍
You were dying to Devour not Visage
Congrats Roox!
Bruh skip every bfa dungeon I still got ptsd for these annoying ass things from years ago
A noob that actually tries to learn mechanics. That's a rare one. Usually people don't try to figure out why the group is wiping and so the group just continues to wipe..
Pls my guy zoom out your camera you will get more vision and that boss sucks in general
The difference between being new and being a noob.
When in a group environment try position yourself behind the boss, that will remove its ability to parry you. Also alot of bosses cleave targets in front of them so usually not a good idea to be in front.
He might learn enough for LFR soon watch out Chad's :^)
Bro this is so fucking wholesome makes me miss being a noob lol
How do you play with the camera that close
Damn u suck
you should watch guides trust me it will save you alot of kicks
U suq I was trying to help u in-game u just ignored me good luck ur gonna stay a noob for years lmao 🤣🤣🤣
I’m glad you’re enjoying wow and also the best spec in the game , arms warrior been my main for years