World of Warcraft Pet: The Sticky Situation With Gummi!

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I was hoping to do a more positive video after Gummi, but I guess we’re gonna Dew the Dew next for the Chillbot & Thrillbot pets!


11 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Pet: The Sticky Situation With Gummi!”

  1. I like Trolli gummy worms so when they released the promotion I happily just got some candy and a cool pet. Seemed sweet. Then came out the different rewards specific to certain stores…. just why? I'm not going out of my way to shop at different stores for virtual pixels.

  2. Just to clarify a few points. 1. you dont need to go to any 'specific" stores to purchase the candy. 2. In fact, you dont even need to purchase the pack of candy with the WOW promotion edition, any package will do. 3. There are many region specific items that Blizzard did before, now or will be in the future, like the silver pig, that's also China region specific before and eventually went to a twitch drop and probably will be in trading post in future. 4. most of these promotion pet are just for collection purpose, if you are expecting unique powerful skill set, you will be disappointed, in fact, I dont think Blizzard wants to put overpowered skill set pets even in their own store anymore.

  3. there are many contents in this game and in other games will be region restricted. Do you remember the Amazon Prime reward that ran more than one year and every month you will get some decent rewards? Are you going to also purchasing such account link with some Amazon Prime member to go for such things also (assuming it even does work)? If you are going for that extreme, than you should never complain about the price or risks.

  4. Hey scummy person I guess. With 1824 unique pets personally I gave away 4 gummies to out of US friends but I also sold 10 on eBay and have already sold 2 hate forged cycles. If blizzard is going to do this why not get a little money to pay my sub with. Don’t think it’s scummy at all.


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