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00:00 Intro
00:41 Keys Dying?
03:21 PvP Stats
19:06 Is WoW Worth It?
45:00 League Of Legends?
01:08:28 WoW Isn’t Watchable
01:18:48 Final Thoughts
Original React Video:
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Music by Berserkyd
Music by Epidemic Sound
#Bajheera #Gaming #worldofwarcraft
Editor: Quaylin (
This video was spot on bro! Thank you for putting this out. Love the future of WoW arena!
PvP in MoP was falling off? Were we playing the same game lol?
Dying? My boi it’s been dead for years
This is now my 4th time watching this bellular video. Watch the original then watched asmon react then pika react to asmon now baj react to pika react to asmon. 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️ love it tho lol
More reacts Baj! U're funny and realistic at the same time! Hahah ❤
I don't get why WoW streamers pander to Asmon, dude's an idiot and never gives constructive criticism on anything.
"WoW PvP is dying because you can't get bitches", like come on man…
Issues i have always had is finding people that I can play with and vibe with, that are the right class and spec on at the right times. 2nd when your designing class trees it's dang near impossible to make the pve and pvp players happy at the same time on where some nods are. Just make separate tress for each piece of content then tune them separate. It get really old hearing pve get mad at pvp for where stuff is and vice verse.
We should all do react videos on Asmon.
Why tf would anyone want to invest time in e-girls?
I'm fooqkin 1200. lol
Think game just need more new pvp game modes other than arena to bringback interest for pvp, i dont mean abandoking arenas, butrevamping the battlegrounds, make it smaller maybe 5v5 but more objectives kinda like their own moba game maps anything to reignite the spark for pvp in wow… lifts up interest for arenas at the same time, like they said there is no better pvp game than wow out there.
They need to make a rated dueling mode.
Flag them for misinformation.
its actually embarrassing as a multi CE raider seeing how much asmon and bellular are out of touch and have no idea whats going on in wow. Like imagine a new player watching them and thinking thats just how it is. meanwhile wow is in one of the best states its ever been in, numbers wise and gameplay loop wise. yikes.
omg I can't listen Asmongold and Belular when they talking about WoW… They are brain dead.
so let me get this right we are watching Bajheera react to pika react to asmon react to some dude talking about pvp ? 😛 its ALOT of reacting here jesus
Sitting in a 1 hr solo que at 2k mmr is terrible. I want to shot my brain out
The whole game needs to start dying so Blizzard stops with the sub fee garbage.
As someone who use to farm pikaboo for arena rating, wow PvP is dog water now. And has been for a minute
You either die an Asmongold or live long enough to see yourself become a Bellular.
Default WeakAuras as a base tool like macros wouldnt even be hard.
its not peaking coz biggest wow streamer asmongold suck at it!and he is alos SIMP.