World of Warcraft Retail Island Crusade

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As a turtle makes its way to the water so has cut BFA content made its way to The War Within! A deep dive into the island-hopping crusade of retail WoW.


31 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Retail Island Crusade”

  1. You know brother, they could spend the same amount of time and resources revamping a single zone in oldworld for any of these .7 patches and it would make the world so much more alive. PS, Love your content and your Oklahoma culture brother <3

  2. I am sooooooooooo done with these little islands that after the patch we will never visit again. UPDATE WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE INSTEAD OF ALWAYS GIVING US THE SAME CRAP!!! pffff so lazy

  3. I mean… you don't have to play WoW. You could log into ESO or GW2 or FF… or whatever other more obscure asian MMO your into… or replay the old old s4it from 10+ years ago if your into classic.


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