World of Warcraft Retail on steam deck Dragonflight UI

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Thank you thank you thank you everyone thats watched my previous videos, liked, commented and subbed! I’m getting closer to maybe turning this Steam Deck obsession into a full time job and thats thanks to you guys. This video come about because i had many comments asking me to try the new World of Warcraft retail UI on steam Deck with Console port addon. So here it is 🙂
I have been toying with the idea of maybe doing Steam Deck game reviews in the future, not just Warcraft, let me know if thats something you would like to see from the channel 🙂


20 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Retail on steam deck Dragonflight UI”

  1. Im installing wow on an SD card 🤷🏻
    You need to type in a command with the location of the sd in it then you can install to SD.
    Its STEAM_COMPAT_MOUNT=/"(location of sd copied from Dolphin)"/ %command%

    If you add it at launch options in steam you should be able to select it from battlenet installer.

  2. Glad to see you don't backpedal, even with a controller 😌
    I'll try the same setup for my Fury warrior !
    Can you lock the camera in one position to strafe around the target like in PVP ?

  3. Subbed just because you said it'd make your year. I am waiting on my steam deck to be delivered and can't wait to put WoW on it. Watching videos is helping make me MORE excited lol

  4. I was wondering if it's possible to have a 'Steam deck' ui without messing up my actionbars on desktop?
    Modern wow UI allows for different layouts, but can I have different keybinds depending on the machine I'm playing on?


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