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Part 13 of our World of Warcraft journey. Thought Shadowlands was over. Happy to see some new cinematics and some more Anduin and Sylvanas. Hope you enjoy the reaction and to see all of our WoW reactions check out this playlist
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#worldofwarcraft #worldofwarcraftreaction #worldofwarcraftshadowlands #reactionvideo
I always love the reactions from you guys, ken and barbie 😀
you are correct on calia being arthus sister
Hey guys. That's correct, Kalia is the future leader of the Forsaken and Arthas's sister. She's seeking of redemption of her family legacy. Glad to know that your adventures in world of warcraft is continuing.
So yeah. Calia Menethil is pretty much the last heir of the throne of Lordaeron. Sister to Arthas, she's having difficulties trying to lead these Forsaken, humans from the Kingdom who were risen into undeath by Arthas. Also in the earlier video, Tyrande received the tear of her goddess that she shed in a previous cinematic, now turned into a seed of some kind, so it will likely grow into a new tree that could possibly accommodate the night elves since their home tree Teldrassil burned down.
Forsaken are free willed undead. Honestly though, I can't give the writing that much credit. A lot of the characters have extreme overactions and mood swings when the writing team feels like having drama which makes just about every faction leader kind of bad faction leaders in my book. But to be honest, out of all the Blizzard game out there, I liked the writing on like 3 of them. When it comes to political conflict and deep emotional characters, I feel Final Fantasy are kings in that department. Like as much as I hate Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca from FF12, she's still well written and she never did much out of character.
Yes, she is Arthus’ sister Calia. She is undead but raised through the light, unlike the rest of the Forsaken. In the play through of this, she questions her place as she is different than the others but is reassured that she is the same as they are. She and the other prominent Forsaken reform the Desolate Council to govern the Forsaken, which is the undead faction of the Horde.
The tear is what was created when Elune and the Winter Queen came to their accord when Tyrande was being overcome by the Night Warrior transformation. When Tyrande gave up the vengence for renewal, the tear was created. The souls are part of the night elf souls that we rescued from the Maw. I assume that the souls, in their wisp forms, empowered the tear so that it will become a world tree seed, maybe this time, one that will allow them to regain their immortality. In the play through, right after the cinematic, Tyrande and Ysera have a conversation discussing a safe spot for the seed to take root. Ysera suggests “an ancient, hidden place”, i assume this is a reference the new dragon isles but we will see.
The souls of the fallen night elves chose to fuse with the Tear of Elune to create a new world tree seed. Their previous home Teldrassil, which was also a world tree (although kinda corrupted), was burned by Sylvanas. So this is their chance now to rebuild what was lost. The cycle of death and life being the souls of the dead helping to create the birth of a new tree.
The Tyrande cinematic is a bit vague and probably won't be fully resolved for awhile, but the implication seems to be that this "seed" the Winter Queen made will be planted to grow them a new tree to live in.
7:47 100%, ya nailed it!
9:09 And yeah, this scene did feel pretty odd. I guess Anduin needed to talk to someone who gets the whole "undead mind control" experience, even if it was the person who subjected him to it.
So basically that throne room is located in the ruins of Lordaeron, and most of the forsaken in the area were (obviously) former citizens of Lordaeron under the rule of Arthas's royal family. Now Calia, was killed by Sylvanas and ressurected as an undead, and as soon as she saw that not all undead are mindless zombies, but actually free willed and capable of thinking for themselves as well as feeling emotions(which is the biggest difference forsaken have from the scourge) she more or less started devoting herself to helping their cause, although she was not ready to lead them at the time. In other words, she is the last true heir to that throne so it makes sense for her to lead. But I was honestly expecting the other undead woman to lead, Lilian, she has been an iconic character and forsaken, memorable throughout, tons of lore, had a huge impact on the story, and she has undergone such character development that it would feel natural for her to be ready to lead now.
Calia is Arthas' sister, she was raised by light magic which is why she looks so "beautiful" compared to forsaken who were raised by death magic. She is now a member of a Council that replaced Sylvanas as leader of the forsaken.
ya she's arthas sister
I appreciate some of the animation subtleties in these cinematics. Stuff like eye motion, breathing, shifts in posture. Stuff like that makes the characters more lifelike. Even Lilian Voss (the undead talking to Calia Menethil) looks like she has some slack muscles when talking, which makes sense as she's undead. She is actually a character that I'm glad they have brought into focus, as her story is pretty interesting. She was first introduced in Cataclysm, and you encountered her when you made a new undead character, in the starting zone. She was a newly risen undead too, and initially afraid of you and in denial of her own undeath. She sought refuge with her father, who turned out to be a high ranking member of the Scarlet Crusade, a group devoted to destroying undead. That meeting didn't go well. She had a few more appearances in that expansion and then mostly disappeared until recently (she might have appeared in the rogue storyline in Legion, I can't remember). Calia Menethil was absent from the game before Legion, although I think she was in books. She was resurrected by the Light, as a sort of 'light undead'. Lots of other undead don't trust her because of her brother being the one who damned them to undeath in the first place, and of the different method of her resurrection. So that cinematic is sort of them bonding over their shared outcast status but also resolve to help their people.
Ok, so, about night elves – some of them were saved already by the players during the events of Shadowlands but majority is still in the Maw where Sylvanas is currently finding them and sending back to Ardenweald. That is why some of the souls were already present and have made their choice: to be the root for next generations. This choice really isn't that surprising. A lot of night elves that died throughout the ages chose to become wisps that do not pass on but remain in Azeroth to "help" the others (you've seen them in one of the W3 cinematics when they blow up the demon Archimonde). This time they get to do this through Elune's tear – transforming it (with the Winter Queen's blessing) into a seed. That seed is definitely a new World Tree which will be planted somewhere. We already got a hint right after that cutscene ended: Tyrande was asking Ysera about where it could be planted and Ysera implied that it could be in a place that was lost long ago, aka the Dragonisles. Meaning that is the first clue to the upcoming expansion^^
One of the two undead ladies was indeed the older sister of Arthas whose fate remained unknown to us since Arthas came back with Frostmourne and killed his father. She had been discovered alive right before the start of Battle for Azeroth and also killed by Sylvanas before she declared war on the Alliance by burning Teldrassil. The Light however brought her back as undead (that is why she isn't decaying like the others). The other lady is Lilian Voss who is also a high ranking Forsaken (oh yes btw, Forsaken is the name of the undead class – more about them in W3 cutscenes^^). Now that Sylvanas is stuck in the Maw it falls to them to lead the Forsaken.
It was actually implied many times that some dark powers are attracting/overtaking Anduin, drawing more and more parallels between him and Arthas – when he said he's afraid that the Light won't answer to him was a clear call back to what was happening to Arthas before he was corrupted by the will of the Lich King. It also means that Anduin will not be returning back to his kingdom for the time being so the one in charge of the Alliance in his stead will (probably) for now be Turalyon (the guy in shiny armor back from Legion who shouted at Illidan after the "Rejection of the Gift" and also the husband of Sylvanas' older sister Alleria).
So yeah, things should be interesting…
I actually think so far the relationship that has been building with Anduin and Sylvanas over time is interesting also you have the other horde alliance releations…Anduin and the leader of the Tauren Baine, Jaina with Calia. You now have people in leadership roles with direct friendly ties to leaders of the other faction which hopefully will allow more level headed talks and cooperation to begin. And I feel that has already begun with the 9.2.5 patch.
With the whole cross faction play in the dungeons now they added allowing Horde and Alliance to do raids and dungeons together I feel it is just a testing ground for full cross faction play coming to allow questing etc together as well as the relations between Horde and Alliance are in a better place with leaders on both sides having those friendships like I mentioned above. I feel the whole Sylvanas story will be the final catalyst that push the Horde and Alliance into a better place relationship wise as most of the factions now have more level headed people leading them.
After 18 years or so of non stop Horde vs Alliance stories I feel it is time to put that to the side and now work on more cooperation based stories as we come out of multiple major conflicts between the two all caused by some hot headed leaders.
I love how he brings joy and laughter to all of us
woohooooo i was excited for this <3
Please react to the new Apex Legends Story of the Outlands. It's so good, I'd love to see your reactions
Yep. Calia died but was raised through the Light (the first known case of this). So she feels out of place among a people who are already out of place. There's also the fact that she (as far as we know) can no longer reproduce (no Forsaken can). AND the fat that her brother is the reason the Forsaken were raised in the first place and have to deal with their state of existence. So she's dealing with a LOT right now.
The Winter Queen's gift was actually a tear from her sister, Elune, who the Night Elves worship as their goddess. WQ altered it and it might be intended to grow into a new Teldrasil (the tree Sylvannas burned at the beginning of the Battle for Azeroth)
The Forsaken are the playable undead race in WoW. On the whole, the Undead are the citizens of the Kingdom of Lordaeron that were killed when Prince Arthas Menethil killed his father and unleashed the Undead Scourge on his kingdom. Some time later, when Arthas left Lordaeron to become the Lich King, many Undead began to regain sentience and their memories of life. Sylvanas would go on to lead a coup that claimed Lordaeron for the Forsaken Undead, of which she was their Banshee Queen.
Now that Sylvanas is doing her penance in the Maw (which I hope she never finishes and we never see her again), Calia Menethil, Arthas' sister and a unique kind of Undead I don't fully understand, is set to reclaim her rightful throne as Queen of Lordaeron and Queen of the Forsaken.
Sorry about the veritable paragraph of explanation, but lore is kinda my thing and I wanted to explain this right.
Pretty good.
My heart! I got emotional when Sylvanas said " farewell little lion "❤
8:00 yes its arthas older sister … she used to be priestess but was murdered by sylvanas once she become warchief
simply because she have partially legitimate claim on throne and wanted her subjects both living and undead to join aliance
(forsaken are mostly people killed and ressurected by arthas in his own kingdom .. thats why they still use same city as capital )
am i late ?😅😅😅❤️
I would really recommend Nobble,'s Warcraft Lore Videos Start with The Story of arthas or jaina
I am assuming the dead elves are choosing to be wisps and help rebuild the world Tree. New or old we’ll find out. Wisps are ancient spirits of nature, mostly night elves. They can be seen in Warcraft 3 taking down Archimonde.
Anduin went to talk to Sylvanas because they got to know each other very well during his imprisonment. He even came to understand why she was doing what she was doing, he just disagreed with the methods to do it. She was right about the shadowlands needed to be remade, as even when you die you don't get to see your loved ones again and everything is decided for you. Its actually a pretty terrible place for an afterlife. As for Sylvanas, she came to see him as being just like her little brother that she loved more then anyone else. After that, no one knows each other like Sylvanas and Anduin know and understand each other.
So these women are Calia and Lillian Voss.
Calia Menethil is sister of Arthas.
Lillian Voss, i think, i'm not sure quite, but she was once side with Sylvanas before she knew about her. I think it was about Derek brother of Jaina.
There are some parts where Jaina, Calia and Derek, and Voss, Calia and Derek had conversations that you maybe missed. Where things started… This is during BFA
here is a link for it
Calia Menethial is the sister of Arthas, the Lich King; who killed his father in that very throne room. She died and was resurrected as an undead herself when trying to start a coup against Sylvanas and the Forsaken. She has returned to the leaderless Forsaken (which are the free-minded Undead) after Sylvanas's betrayal. The person with her is Lilian Voss, who has pretty much been the backbone of the Forsaken in these turbulent times for them.
Yes as many have mentioned Calia is Arthas's sister as a lot of her story is really in one of the books, as Calia is an interesting character for the little bit we get of her in the game/books as she is unique in that she isn't the same some of the undead as the others are, as she was raised by the light instead of undeath.
Lillian Voss (the other character talking to Calia) is a really great character too story-wise that grew and became a bigger and bigger character.
For clarification, The Forsake is a group of undead that was created by Sylvannas by her willpower to not serve the Lich King, allowed other undead to do the same compared to The Scourge which is the undead that is controlled by the Lich King or if not controlled by the Lich King will basically go feral as they have no will of their own anymore.
The theory is that the tear/seed will be used to plant a new tree for the Night Elves.
The Kal'dorei are just like most races, born from person to person. The seed is just to be sow for a new world tree like Teldrassil. The world tree used to give them inmortality, but they give up that right to defeat Archimonde in the battle of Mount Hyjal during the 3rd war. It's uncertain if with the new world tree that inmortality may return to them.
I hope they would make a remake of World Of Warcraft , it would be awesome
LOL! "Who are you?" is an apt reaction to Calia fucking Menethil being placed on the Forsaken Desolate Council when she's been "Forsaken" for a hot minute. Thankfully, the rest of the council's feelings about this decision ranges from indifference to "huh, that's sus" to "this is bullshit". Even Voss, who started off as a self-hating undead (she was raised that way in life), and whose only been Forsaken for at least 5 hot minutes, deserved it more. Voss has one of the best character arcs in this game, and she's been reduced to a Calia cheerleader.
However, my hope is that Voss isn't actually a cheerleader, and is simply on assignment to stay close to Calia just in case she becomes a problem, and perhaps guide her away from becoming a problem. Voss is part of an organization (The Uncrowned) that specializes on that, and I heard that there's someone else from that organization also keeping close tabs on Calia.
Calia needs a proper character arc and more time in the Forsaken, and you don't need to push her into a leadership position to do that. Voss didn't need to be leader of the Forsaken to prove that she belongs, and that she can lead.