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#chains #domination #World #warcraft #9.1
Here it is yo! The BRAND NEW Cinematic for World of Warcrafts new raid Chains of Domination coming out in 9.1. To me it looks like Sylvanas kinda regreted that decision! Be sure to comment your thoughts on the new cutscene! This has made me so excited for 9.1 and the future of world of warcraft 9.1 its going to be amazing!
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First pog
Sylvanas looking hot af
So let me guess this, bastion dosent have a way to inform the rest realms of this?? Blizzard logic
aaaa now sylvannas gonna be good and have a redemption arc… My god.
Who writes the story?
Let them come , Shalamayne hungers
Uther… wtf. Why didn't you tell them you felt something??!
Sylvanas seemed to notice that possibly Arthas was under Jailors control all along … but then again… Jailor has the same runes on him? So A. To show he is in control of puppets like Arthas or Anduin… or B. Maybe he is a puppet himself? 🤔🧐
Feels like a copy of the Arthas kills his father cinematic.
So now Arthas can have his redemption too. Redemption… redemption everywhere…
Oh no..
Wait why isn't Uther forsworn anymore? Is that a part of the bastion storyline?