Should You QUIT World of Warcraft or Keep Playing ???

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In light of everything that has happened with the Blizzard lawsuit and World of Warcraft Shadowlands, is it time to quit World of Warcraft?

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40 thoughts on “Should You QUIT World of Warcraft or Keep Playing ???”

  1. The flaw in your definition of "content" is obvious. It means no MMO actually has much content. All MMOs since time immemorial and relied on repeatable "content." You cannot, have not, and ever will have an MMORPG with much more content than wow already gets in a patch, since you only consider new story lines as content.

    That said, I am not quitting over this, because I don't really care enough. Workers having a bad time working at place X doesn't mean I am going to stop buying stuff. If that were the case, we'd all be in a cave eating stewed chickweed and acorns making our own stuff. Jobs suck and this problem is rife everywhere. My shoes alone are probably made by foreign serfs. Still gonna buy it.

  2. That is where you are wrong. The repeatable content IS the content of MMOs. You can't have infinite new content. Not practical. No MMO does that. IF people stopped supporting the cash shop, the game wouldn't improve. You are arguing from the false premise that lack of developers and people "doing content" is the problem. They actually hired more devs than ever who worked longer than ever.

  3. Tired of paying for a sub par product from a now (in the light) grossly unprofessional company that panders towards “love and pride” but then turns a blind eye to sexual harassment on an epic scale. Its one thing to pander to shit, its another to pander AND be a hypocrite.

  4. Its sad that people would lose their job yeah, but due to them puting off work on their female colleagues we get shit like SL in terms of content and 9.1. stuff needs to change and then we should massively support them. but hey thats my 2 cents

  5. I talked a long time with my guild about this and we were conflicted. And the guild master said something what touched me. He said: we are group of 5-6 active gamers stretched out in europe. We talk more to each other then to our family. '' we have a safe space. Some other youtuber also said this.. I wanted to unsub but to some members and for me some time ago it was all we had to go to.

    I shit on those blizzard douchebags but i wont let them take the thing away what made wow special.

  6. I'm quitting. Until they can figure out how to run their company, I refuse to fund anything associated with suicide and harassment of any kind. There are other games to play, wow is not the end all.

  7. I hear the devs have allmost completely stopped work on WoW because of this lawsuit, so they might not start work on it untill the lawsuit is resolved lol. So u wont see 9.2 till next year sometime.

  8. I'm in the third camp of people who played shadowlands, even some of 9.1 and canceled my subscription because I'm not paying or settling for an inferior product anymore. The release of this scandal is just more confirmation that I was right to cancel my subscription because the development team is obviously too busy with other stuff to play their own game. I am also of the opinion that these people who stay at blizzard aren't automatically victims because of the scenario at large. If you were aware of what was going on and you stayed, it's on you for going down with the ship. If this is a new revelation to you, well I think you're in luck because you'll have Blizzard as your work history for your next development job. It's not like these people are getting their hands cut off… they can find another job if they weren't involved with perpetrating the misconduct.

  9. Sage advice indeed. Been playing since vanilla and have never paused or un-subbed. I am now pausing till I see something better from Blizz. I have empathy for everybody that works at Blizz and had to deal with this crap but my decision is based on content or if you wish the lack of it. I'll follow along with the news and see where Blizz goes from here. Bring back content worth my money and time and I'll come back. With ESO, Fallout, and FF14, I'm no longer stuck with this game.

  10. I personally unsubbed about a month ago when I got bored of TBC. I have unsubbed twice before that since SL release – the first time shortly after hitting 60 and realising the only immediate "content" unlocked was repeating the same world quests for the… what is it, 3rd or 4th expansion in a row? The second time after coming back and doing the whole covenant/renown stuff, crafting a legendary, and then realising that yeah… still pretty much world quests and not much else. Then came back again for TBC.

    RE: This video – I fully agree with you on a lot of your points. There's just one thing I really strongly disagree with – that it's the player's responsibility to financially support the "innocents" within the company by continuing to sub. Sorry, if I want to be charitable I will give money to people in far greater need than game devs in Cali. Devs who have taken one of the greatest games of all time and turned it into a complete joke. Devs who insult their players on social media, patronise them at conventions, treat them with contempt. Fuck that. No, I don't want to see people lose their jobs and struggle to pay their bills, of course not, but it's not my personal responsibility or duty to bankroll them.

    Current (and really, for the last 13 years) WoW is the biggest farce in the gaming world that I have ever come across. You can go on Steam and find games for $5 that have way more depth, replayability and care put into them than Shadowlands, as well as taking longer to complete. Blizzard are scammers and I'm not being tricked anymore. If that means some people have to job-hunt, I feel for them but it's not my problem.

  11. I can barely remember the papa John's scandal, but it was like a setup from what I remember. He was on a sensitivity training call with his corporate office, and they asked him what are some things that shouldn't be said in the workplace and he dropped some spicy rap lyrics.

  12. I feel alot of us players(that still play wow) are caught in the crossfire over this situation where we don't know what to do. Do we quit playing the game? Do we keep playing the game? Do we take a break?
    It's gotten to the point where I've been strongly considering playing on Private servers until things settle over. I don't know, This is such a trainwreck and I don't know what to do anymore. Obviously I still play other games as well so WoW isn't my only game but i've always found time to play WoW and I really don't want to play FF. I just don't know what to do anymore

  13. Im supporting game, not necessary some people that works on it. They will be punished if they are guilty and replaced, WoW will stay and be better place if we allow it. Thats my opinion.

  14. I'm not about to let some h*rny, balding weirdos take the joy of lorecrafting away from me. It would be a disservice to the victims and employees, that through everything, still work hard for us. They deserve to work in a safe, inclusive environment and it breaks my heart that it was ever otherwise. Thanks for keeping the video brief and focused on the financial facts.

  15. I haven't seriously played in forever. I only watch other people play / cinematics. I don't have to play the game to enjoy the content anymore. since world quests are boring and thats all they add to the game besides raids.

  16. It just didn't feel right to keep paying my subscription. Also, supporting game devs is not a good reason to pay a sub. They make a product, and if you don't want it don't pay for it. You're not owed them anything.

  17. I did not continue my Sub. 2 Weeks ago i just Stopped playing because Raiding is not Enough anymore for me and i play since 17 Years. But i am going to stay tuned with Accolonn because i still Love the Game and the whole Lore it provided.

  18. How Blizzard treat their staff isn't up to me. They broke the law, they are facing the legal consequences of it. That's what the law is there for. I am paying for a service, not to become responsible for the work environment in another country. If however 9.2 or later is delayed I will likely unsub.

    It is the government and managements responsibility to ensure Blizzard act right in the workplace, not mine.

  19. It's a very logical way to think about it and I agree with everything you said. It's normal to have emotions about such disturbing things, but it's important to use reason and logic also. That's the problem with boycotts is that they usually affect the innocent employees who may have been victims themselves in a negative way the most.

  20. Me personally, i’m removing my whole B-net account. Theres enough games, past and present, to keep me busy for years to come.

    Theres plenty of jobs out there in the market. If the blizz devs end up laid off, hey, maybe they’ll actually make a fair wage at like Riot or Microsoft. I bet Wal-mart now pays better then Blizzard in 2021.

  21. I think I can give an example that better situates the options.
    I work for a state-owned company that performs sewage collection and drinking water distribution services.
    A company full of people. Managers, engineers, sector heads and supervisors. If something as reprehensible as what Blizzard is being accused of were to happen in it, it would also make it very uncomfortable. But the problem with this is above all the people who are accused of the offences. The company's services would have to continue to be performed, albeit by other people. And it would not resolve people to stop consuming the water served by the company or using sewage removal services and new installations of new water supply networks. And this does not imply being conniving or indifferent to what happened within the company.

    It is necessary to correct the company and not its services. Still, it's not wrong for people to stop consuming blizzard products and services. The company has been fearlessly pushing the limits of its relationship with its customers since WOD. There are already plenty of reasons to kick Blizzard's ass for these brazen attitudes. The harassment scandal is just another nail in the Shadowlands coffin. It's not like there aren't many reasons to ignore the blizzard and low quality it has chosen to apply to its products, and that we now see one more factor as to why it's so degraded. It is not a negative attestation of character to remain playing something from Blizzard or leave when seeing one more reason for the rottenness of the relationship we had with the franchise. Blizzard already provides plenty of excuses to leave and few reasons to stay. And it seems less and less interested in reverting it in any way.

  22. Wait, who said employees can lose their job? So if a company is making an outright harmful product we shouldnt put them out of business because then people would be out of a job? Who the fuck thinks that nonsense? We shouldnt keep ANY company propped up and in business just because there are people working for them. So we now have to bailout every company and their stupidity?


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