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Continuing Shadowlands: Sylvanas approaches Anduin with an offer, the Jailor prepares to forge the ultimate weapon, Kel’thazad gets a spanking, and Anduin unlocks a possible Sylvanas redemption arc?!
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There is one more current cinematic after the last one you watched called ‘kingsmourne’. Xx
Also each zone or covenant uses anima, it’s just a different color for the covenants.
Love the Reaction as always
Hope youre well man 👊
Yes, is just conversations between Sylvanas and Anduin, Sylvanas and The Jailer. I know it will be short.
6:54 this part is when you about to save Thrall in Torghast in the Maw.
7:30 this part, this dude the Jailer talks to is one who have lost his memories, so we have to go to do Torghast in the Maw, kill World Boss, Raid, Dungeons or PVP to find them and recover it to him and you can make Legendary items to boost your characters.
11:17 the blue crystal it's suppose to be the diamond from the Helm of Domnation, the one Sylvanas bend on, i'm not sure….
Then you have Maldraxxus Campaign ending with Kel'Thuzad, and the red blond guy, he should you recognize immediately, he is Kael'thas Sunstrider, he's new model, he is from the Fury of the Sunwell Cinematic back in The Burning Crusade.
Maldraxxus here is not full part, in vid i linked to you, you will see full ending, when Draka is about to attack Kel'Thuzard's minions, and the Revendreth comes and aids them and so on, that's why you see some of Revendreth there.
What happens to Kel'Thuzad is obvious, he became a next last raid Boss again in the next Patch, to spoil it, Sylvanas became the last boss!
And so ending cinematic of Castle Nathria 10:18
After the vid i linked to you, there is one is called for "Kingsmourne"
The next Patch is not yet out, but it is on testing realms, it's been on testings now for like 4-5 months now, and we assumes it will comes this month, but we dont now.
So far I hope you have enjoyed Shadowlands Cinematics!
I mean there's the 9.1 Chains of Domination patch trailer, patch drops next month probably though we're not sure. Sire Denathrius is the 10th and final boss of Castle Nathria which the only max level raid for Shadowlands currently. There's also all the patch trailers and announcement/features trailers from the other expansions you missed. I finally made a huge VERY comprehensive playlist of ever cinematic, cutscene, trailer other video media for the entire Warcraft series including the RTS games and all of WoW if you want to use it feel free.
So the guy that the Jailer was torturing and that he called a fool the Runecarver is actually the person that originally made the Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination 😀 That last cinematic that you saw when Sylvanas held the sword at Anduin looks eerily similiar to the Wrath of Lich King cinematic,when Arthas held Frostmourne not sure if you remember 🙂 but the sword Sylvanas used there was actually Anduin's sword that they made abit special,infusing that blue thingy into it,many are saying its a soul of someone,but who knows…some speculated it mightve been Arthas's soul,some say its Varian's…And yes youre missing 1 more cinematic,think its called Kingsmourne…Btw whats your taking on possible Sylvanas redemption,do you think its deserved or not? 😀
I don't feel like I can make a "wall of text" post here anymore, because even if I know more, we don't have the full picture of what is to come next. There are already a lot of in-game cutscenes and a few cinematics out that you have not seen in this compilation, but on the other hand they are "technically speaking" not out yet.
The next patch is 9.1 or rather, "Chains of Domination". Where we seemingly uncover many secrets regarding everything that's going on. From Tyrande's night warrior ritual, to how the titan keeper Odin is connected to the Shadowlands through Helya and the Val'kyr, who/what the Runecarver is, and how the grand scheme of the Jailer and co. is taking shape. BUT we still don't know motives and outcomes at all!
P.S. The one cutscene just out of nowhere showing Denathrius imprisoned doesn't do his story justice. It's just that most of it happens in Revendreth quests and the first raid of the expansion "Castle Nathria". It's mostly the raid voice lines and the fight with Denathrius that is missing though. I explained a bit about how the Naaru/light has an old beef with Revendreth in the previous video. So that's why there is a Naaru smack in the middle of Revendreth (think it was imprisoned/left behind, until we help it), and how they're able to use the mirrors to focus The Light on "Remornia". Who's a somewhat sentient sword, of Denathrius' own making. She's basically his makeshift wife and can somehow store his defeated soul inside her. xD
There is one more cinematic. Kingsmourne.