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“The Shadowlands are infinite. Their terrors and beauty were never meant for mortal eyes. I wonder if they can bear to behold all that awaits them. The denizens of this realm are the key to restoring the balance between life and death… if their trust can be earned. Death comes. And the end of everything… is just the beginning.”
— Bolvar Fordragon
Shadowlands Lore
Sylvanas Windrunner, fallen leader of the Horde, has pierced the veil between Azeroth and the realm of the dead, setting in motion a series of events that threatens to upset the cosmic balance between life and death.
In recent years, the machine of death has broken, and souls brought to the Shadowlands no longer go through The Arbiter, instead being sent straight to The Maw. As a result of this, The Maw and its Jailer have grown far stronger, while the other domains of the Shadowlands are becoming deprived of Anima, a fundamental resource in the Shadowlands. Sylvanas Windrunner has been working with the Jailer for a long time to inflict as much death as they can, and with each death and soul sent to The Maw, her and The Jailer grow stronger. Many innocent souls, including the thousands of civilians killed during the War of the Thorns, are now languishing in torment in The Maw.
As adventurers arrive in the Shadowlands, they too will be sent straight to The Maw, but their innate connection to Azeroth will save them from an eternity of torment within The Maw. However, some of their allies will be left behind, while the adventurers are tasked with exploring the Shadowlands to understand the realm of the dead and hopefully becoming strong enough to return to The Maw and save their allies.
Blizzard has produced another set of epic movie shorts for Shadowlands. This time the shorts introduce us to each of the four Covenants.
Bastion is a kingdom of crystalline spires and pristine skies, ruled by the Kyrian covenant. Souls drawn to service are sent to Bastion by The Arbiter, where they examine their life’s deeds and work towards a state of virtue, letting go of their life burdens and seeking ascendance.
Maldraxxus is the heart of the military might of the Shadowlands, ruled by the Necrolord covenant. Although it is home to wicked beings such as abominations and necromancers, not all beings of Maldraxxus are evil, they are simply battle-hardened. Souls fueled by war who never yield and thrive in a survival of the fittest environment are sent here by The Arbiter and welcomed by the Necrolords.
Ardenweald is an enchanted forest ruled by the Night Fae covenant. Serving as a dark mirror to Azeroth’s Emerald Dream, Ardenweald is a place that focuses on rest, hibernation, and eventual rebirth of the soul. Souls deeply attuned to nature are sent here by The Arbiter, where they prepare for rejuvenation and rebirth.
Revendreth is a land of dark secrets and gothic spires, ruled by the Venthyr covenant. Souls that are prideful or flawed in life are sent here by The Arbiter to atone for their sins and seek redemption through torment inflicted by the vampiric Venthyr.
Oribos, the Eternal City is the arrival point for all souls in the Shadowlands, where they will be judged by The Arbiter, a being that determines where souls will spend their afterlives.
The Maw is the endgame zone of the Shadowlands, a swirling vortex composed of the vilest souls sent to the Shadowlands and ruled by The Jailer, a being who has never been seen before. The Arbiter only sends to The Maw souls that are considered to be irredeemable and a threat to the Shadowlands if left free. No one has ever escaped The Maw, and those that went to explore the vortex were never heard of again. The Maw is also home to Torghast, Tower of the Damned, the replayable endgame instanced feature.
New System: Covenants
Covenants are a new take on factions for Shadowlands. There are four powers governing each of the areas of death in the Shadowlands. From The Arbiter’s judgement, souls are assigned to an appropriate Covenant to help them find a purpose in the afterlife:
The Kyrian Covenant of Bastion governs over souls that served a life of service, offering them a chance to look over their past deeds and seek ascension to become a Kyrian themselves.
The Venthyr of Revendreth take over souls that were flawed or prideful in life, but can still obtain redemption. The Venthyr punish those who lived a life of sin, determining whether they are worthy of redemption in the Shadowlands.
The Necrolords of Maldraxxus governs over battle-hardened souls and rewards strength, while weaker souls become fuel for Maldraxxus’ cosmic weapons. Those who are deemed determined, quickly rise to positions of power.
The Night Fae of Ardenweald accepts those with a deep connection to nature, using of the Anima in the Shadowlands to infuse slumbering spirits with the knowledge of old, and preparing them for rebirth.
check out @Athelarius
nothing escape the maw …..
player escaped the maw
jailer : wtf XD