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Recorded with my dedicated RECORDING/STREAMING PC via Capture Card.
This video was directly Captured from my ULTRAWIDE GAMING Monitor OR my OLED 4K HDR GAMING TV.
Shadow’s are set to “Ultra” instead of “Ultra High”, I tested Ultra High in my RTX 3090 WoW video, Ultra High was way to demanding there combined with Ray Tracing, it just destroyed the performance.
00:00 Overall Graphic Settings
00:23 Boralus – Ray Tracing: ON
01:20 Stormwind – Ray Tracing: ON
02:25 Elwynn Forest – Ray Tracing: ON
02:52 Alterac Valley PVP – Ray Tracing: ON
04:00 Ashran PVP – Ray Tracing: ON
05:10 Ashran PVP – Ray Tracing: OFF
05:34 Orgrimmar – Ray Tracing: ON
05:58 Orgrimmar – Ray Tracing: OFF
06:11 Orgrimmar – Ray Tracing: ON
06:48 Zuldazar – Ray Tracing: ON
08:02 Garrison (Alliance) – Ray Tracing: ON
09:15 Shadowmoon Valley (Draenor) – Ray Tracing: ON
10:15 Dalran (Legion) – Ray Tracing: ON
10:37 Suramar – Ray Tracing: ON
GPU: Radeon RX 6800 XT
CPU: Ryzen 7 5800X
Power Supply:
My Ultrawide Gaming Monitor:
My Office Monitor
OSD: FPS Monitor
Windows 10 64 bit
CPU: 3900X
Capture Card:
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is the eighth expansion pack for the massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) World of Warcraft, following Battle for Azeroth. It was announced and made available for preorder at BlizzCon on November 1, 2019. Originally scheduled for release on October 27, 2020; its release has been delayed until November 23, the sixteenth anniversary of the release of the original game.
The expansion will open up the Shadowlands, the realm of the dead in Warcraft lore. It will feature the game’s first “level squish” and a completely overhauled leveling system, access to the Death Knight class for the races that did not previously have access to it, Covenants in the new zones, and new dungeons and raids.
World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment. It is the fourth released game set in the Warcraft fantasy universe. World of Warcraft takes place within the Warcraft world of Azeroth, approximately four years after the events at the conclusion of Blizzard’s previous Warcraft release, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. The game was announced in 2001, and was released for the 10th anniversary of the Warcraft franchise on November 23, 2004. Since launch, World of Warcraft has had eight major expansion packs produced for it: The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, Legion, Battle for Azeroth, and Shadowlands.
#RX6800XT #5800X #WorldOfWarcraft
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Shadow's are set to "Ultra" instead of "Ultra High", I tested Ultra High in my RTX 3090 WoW video, Ultra High was way to demanding there combined with Ray Tracing, it just destroyed the performance.
00:00 Overall Graphic Settings
00:23 Boralus – Ray Tracing: ON
01:20 Stormwind – Ray Tracing: ON
02:25 Elwynn Forest – Ray Tracing: ON
02:52 Alterac Valley PVP – Ray Tracing: ON
04:00 Ashran PVP – Ray Tracing: ON
05:10 Ashran PVP – Ray Tracing: OFF
05:34 Orgrimmar – Ray Tracing: ON
05:58 Orgrimmar – Ray Tracing: OFF
06:11 Orgrimmar – Ray Tracing: ON
06:48 Zuldazar – Ray Tracing: ON
08:02 Garrison (Alliance) – Ray Tracing: ON
09:15 Shadowmoon Valley (Draenor) – Ray Tracing: ON
10:15 Dalran (Legion) – Ray Tracing: ON
10:37 Suramar – Ray Tracing: ON
I miss the time where we raided together
thank you for the benchmark btw
I need a request to you. Can you do Apex: Legends, Tom Clancy's: Rainbow Six: Siege, VALORANT, Metro: 2033: Redux, Metro: 2034: Last Light: Redux, Metro: 2035: Exodus, CONTROL: The: Foundation, and, WATCH_DOGS: L≡GION, in 2K/1,080p, with, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 (24GB)? Can you do all benchmark tests, and then upload these benchmark tests to your YouTube channel? Can you upload all benchmark tests/videos to your YouTube channel, like I've requested you?
If I Use My NVIDIA RTX 3090 On 256GB Ram Would It Matter?
Question 2
If I Use My NVIDIA RTX 3090 On A 20°C Cold Room Will It Broke My NVIDIA RTX 3090? Because, It's On 55°C
nobody would play competitively with these ultra settings though. I get 120 fps+ with the 5700 xt on 4k on more intelligent settings (disable anti-aliasing, put the rest to high/7 except liquid detail to good which is enough , spells on dynamic, disable raytracing as it sucks in the current state) and you'll stay below 65 degrees without a noticable result on at least 144 fps on your card
75 ° Chigh fever a little, NVIDIA RTX 3070 3080 castrated, 8-10GB is very small for such a card
Brilliant stuff. love your content, Keep it up broski.
Is it me or does the 3070 seem to do better than this?
Great video! Thanks!
Ashran pvp r traycing off and still 45fps? I think maybee 32gb ram would handle it much better
How does it compare to the RTX 3080? Hardware Numb3rs youtube seems to show a big gap between the RTX 3090 anf 6800 XT, in favor of the 6800 XT.
Is this with SAM (Smart Access Memory) enabled or disabled?
Hey can you do pls do one in 4k? Would like to see performance there
I got a 6800 the other day, it's quite amazing what performance you get on 1440p with full settings, I always stay at 144fps with my 144hz monitor, my 1080 ti would drop down to 60 fps in cities.
Why is he getting such low FPS ?
Im getting more with RX 5700 XT and 7 3700X