a 17 year old and 31 year old is sus but, yeah thats ridiculous. Youre months from being an adult, just be patient. Its the law. Yes a few months doesnt make someone more of a child. I was fully mature and grown when I turned 17, that was when I became the person I am today. But of course many people never grow up so age doesnt really matter its just a number that applies to the law.
she only served 29 days because "there was no physical contact". tell that to Chris Hansen and the To Catch a Predator crew. i swear, some of these people get off so easy.
''they dident have to respond to uss'' ….sorry , i thought not cooperating with your domestic nations or global networking police forces where some sort of a crime ? or it be hard to see any difference between mega corps and say ….cartels , or mafia and other cross nation capable… worse ..then criminals organisation structures sooo… yeee…. great to see how us police force not at alllllllll is an example of how giving corpse free reign makes them start pawn the way for sodding decrepit old monarchy styled ''justice only applies as long it not tryess to touch the king'' stuff..
I HATE THIS WORLDS DOUBLE STANDARDS. we all know if it was a man trying to fly out an underage girl from a video game he would still be behind fucking bars. 🤡🌍
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Tag and Bag those SJW Epstein Woke = Broke Anita & Zoe sexist racist Cancel Culture Facist Communist Democrats!
Herp A Derp A Druggie Democrats!
Attempted murder, drinking blood, and flying a teenager across borders to get married sounds like the typical MMO player.
What the actual fuck
tamara broome actually ended up getting married and having kids with the boy she tried to abduct when he turned 18
They really have taken the heart out of the story. I couldn't believe they had Hemit Nessingwary turn into an animal activist lol
a 17 year old and 31 year old is sus but, yeah thats ridiculous. Youre months from being an adult, just be patient. Its the law. Yes a few months doesnt make someone more of a child. I was fully mature and grown when I turned 17, that was when I became the person I am today. But of course many people never grow up so age doesnt really matter its just a number that applies to the law.
4 months later… standard blizzard customer support lmfao
she only served 29 days because "there was no physical contact". tell that to Chris Hansen and the To Catch a Predator crew. i swear, some of these people get off so easy.
''they dident have to respond to uss'' ….sorry , i thought not cooperating with your domestic nations or global networking police forces where some sort of a crime ? or it be hard to see any difference between mega corps and say ….cartels , or mafia and other cross nation capable… worse ..then criminals organisation structures sooo…
yeee…. great to see how us police force not at alllllllll is an example of how giving corpse free reign makes them start pawn the way for sodding decrepit old monarchy styled ''justice only applies as long it not tryess to touch the king'' stuff..
Flights to AUS is expensive af so I’m pretty sure the parent would have found them quickly
I did not murder that orc
Banned for 10 000 years
fuck the legal system. No one has the right to tell me what not to do.
"The judge felt that 29 days served in jail was enough because there was any physical contact"
Now change the genders.
Two murderers were undead warlocks, had to be
I HATE THIS WORLDS DOUBLE STANDARDS. we all know if it was a man trying to fly out an underage girl from a video game he would still be behind fucking bars. 🤡🌍
Wait so Blizzard be snitching!!!???
That lady served 29 days because she was a woman. 100%. If it was a man that did that with a girl it would have been far different.
Nope. Too many uk YouTubers now. Im officially boycotting them all.
But why do you say that Blizzard doesn't have to reply to investigators, even though they're witnesses, because they have information about the case?