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World Of Warcraft: What IS THIS outside The Deadmines?
Join Nathan on another exciting adventure in the world of Azeroth! Today, he’s exploring the infamous Dead Mines in World of Warcraft, but with a twist – he’s wearing a gentleman’s attire complete with a monocle. Subscribe to find out what lies outside The Deadmines!
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did you know you can use all 3 pillows? – Check out Gotham Knights channel! Please go give him a Sub as he also growing his YT channel.
These large purple balls are from the vanilla map, there was a single one of them in the Alterac Mountains area north of Hillsbrad. If you look closely at the balls you can even see Hillsbrad in the reflection of the balls. But what I find really exciting about this place is the different textures (floating trees and boulders).
do not appear anywhere else in the game. This location is a prime example of why out-of-bounce exploration in WoW is so much fun
nice video!
Nathan, thoroughly love the content!! Wanted to mention, there’s a neat place to explore to the far right and way back from the Sepulcher raid in Zereth Mortis. Still inbounds, but clearly should’ve been cleaned up and wasn’t 😊
Nagrand trees maybe. on bright side, you're already in Westfall so if they kill you you're not far from it.
Haha! Did u see my post in the galleriademez channel about this place?
Btw, even though you fall through the crystal rocks with the trees, the rocks in the center are solid and you can land on them
Proto Emerald dream or Outland. Very cool didn’t know this existed at all probably the coolest more interesting glitch
Good old "Old outlands"
It was once located outside in the sea, unreachable. I love how the devs refuse to delete this old content although there are a lot of things missing by now.
You should make a t-shirt out of that, lmao.
"what you're gonna wanna do here"
Hello can you try to get out off hellfire remparts to see the old hellfire peninsula?
Great stuff man! One of my favorite random additions outside a game map! 😀
Can you dragon ride lol
upside down dalrans! i've always wanted to get inside the purple shield. i pass by it super often in classic and it just TEMPTS me