World Of Warcraft: Whats Outside Court of Stars? | Azsuna + Val'sharah

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World Of Warcraft: Whats Outside Court of Stars? | Azsuna + Val’sharah

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6 thoughts on “World Of Warcraft: Whats Outside Court of Stars? | Azsuna + Val'sharah”

  1. Great video as always Nathan! I found an easy way to break out of the Ruby Life Pools that allows you to access all of the Dragon Isles, so if you guys like this series I'd recommend to you AllThingsNerd to do a miniseries on this too. It's a pretty simple OOB to do, just like the how the Court of Stars is easy to break out of.

  2. Hey! Game dev here. Great vid!
    I'm not a expert on blizzard tech but maybe I can share an hypothesis on why's the full map loaded even when you're in that dungeon. And it's probably just simpler and cheaper to place a player in an instance of the world than creating a new map, which would add more to the game size even after cutting unwanted assets and etc. I'm sure that the one of the visions the team had whilst creating this dungeon is showcasing the amazing view you get from being there. Of course, they deactivate most of the complex objects in the map like NPCs and Triggers… probably one of the reason of your sudden disconnection, as you're sending information packets that is not matched by the server.

    On another note, I'm surprised you haven't gone to the emerald nightmare, would love to see what's happening back there! Can't wait to see more of your adventures 🙂


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