World of Warcraft's Greatest Quest Never Made

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To finish off the “Paladin Trilogy”, let’s not take a look at what was, but instead investigate what could’ve been.


00:00 – The New Shadow
04:13 – Behold a Red Horse
08:59 – I Love (Flight) Fees
14:00 – Off the Rock, Through the Bush, Nothing but Steeple
19:48 – I Would Have Been Your Pally…
25:45 – channel update

Songs Used

“Summer Fields”, Fable
“Fable Theme”, Fable
“Machina Del Diablo”, Age of Empires II
“Damp Tomb”, King’s Field IV
“Arthas My Son”, World of Warcraft
“The Road Most Travelled”, TESIII: Morrowind
“A Moment’s Peace”, Dark Souls
“Hearth and Brotherhood”, Mount & Blade: Warband
“The Shaping of the World”, World of Warcraft
“Gravemind”, Halo 3
“Peaceful Moments”, The Witcher
“Diaspora Nenalata”, Beyond Skyrim – Bruma
“Sanctuary”, Assassin’s Creed II
“Wings of Kynareth”, TESIV: Oblivion
“Waterfall”, Runescape

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24 thoughts on “World of Warcraft's Greatest Quest Never Made”

  1. I will forever hold that the greatest mistake Blizzard made with WoW was to raise the level cap with the first expansion. 60 should have always remained maxx level, and power progression should have been more horizontal, based on gearing and other newly introduced systems that remained between expansions. Many of the problems with modern WoW, but also many of the things we missed along the way, can be traced back to that single decision to raise the level cap, which was about the laziest way to increase player power.. In this case, raising the cap forced the devs to choose to either abandon this quest completely or find some strange workaround that allowed it to continue in Outland. They attempted the latter, but eventually ended up with the former.

  2. I wish warcraft focused on these stories. Stories in which a big player just temporarily appears, like Malfurion in the Sunken quest. Without being THE main story (which should not go on, this is a setting, not a novel) or subtracting from what the players do.


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