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Shocking news to hear WoW subs are down 41% since the launch of Shadowlands??
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Too many chores, which is what I didn’t want in Shadowlands
I quit 2 weeks ago. Many reasons but I did enjoy the start.
They are losing it, they make it a grinding game and complicate everything. Wow players mostly working grown people that just wanna play the game. We look for fun and efficient game and not time consuming monster. Hail tbc
I quitted cuz pvp is one shot on one button and rdruid sux.
It’s just not the same anymore and it’s very difficult to come back from this. For me personally, I’m done with WoW, it’s completely lost it’s mojo with me. The story has finally come to an end. It’s super sad to say because I’ve learnt to love this game over the past 10 years, it’s flame has finally went out, the systems aren’t rewarding in the slightest and nothing seems fun anymore.
Edited: grammar.
I enjoyed leveling through SL but can't imagine it would be fun to get alts to 60 too – I know I wouldn't have to do the story to get there but I'm SUPER casual, like, don't really do dungeons casual, so I've been using my time lately to go through old expansions I'd missed while studying. Now I've done that and I've no energy whatsoever for Torghast/The Maw/Anima or any of it tbh, I can see myself quitting soon for at least a while. There's lots to do sure, but none of it is particularly friendly to those of us who aren't good enough to raid or do mythics or whatever. I guess I could git gud but who has the time 😥
I didnt mind torg but im a solo player havent played since wod. all the groups im in were zero social everyone just expects you to know everything and if i didnt i was kicked
That PCGamer article hasn't aged well. This happens every expansion
Yeah I left as well. Main reason was because I couldn't change covenants. I want to play all 3 specs of my character but I can't because different covenants are strong for each one and I can't switch. So… GGs. I am almost sure they are going to make it easy to change in 9.2.0.
Honestly with all the issues, I think the non new character/alt.. gating behind huge grinds with little to no means of catch up is the biggest issue. If people get bored or their class just isn't what they thought… the insane grind and all the gimmicky mechanics to catchup on is enough to plainly put people off completely.
Imagine playing this for hours😂 go live a little
run a m10 … wait a week to collect a duplicate piece in the vault. gearing sucks in this game
I thisnk they have become to focussed on the systems, on bells and ribbons, and the core game sort of got lost.
Playing covenants you don't like for the "best" ability (Necro and venthyr have a bunch of class abilities that are unfun so it's not like a numbers thing, not to mention door of shadows and fleshcraft are shit) means most the fun content isn't worth doing cause I hate the look of nightfae and kyrian
Well, my subscription ends next week and I'm not renewing it. It just got so boring and repetitive…
Yeah, yeah, yeah, not sure about those numbers, especially when blizzard make sure they don’t leak since a while now. Why a random site would have access to this when 99% don’t ?
I’m okay with SL not being the greatest expansion but imo it’s fine.
On the purely financial side I would expect that they look at the long term revenue of a game like WoW and see expansion launches as a brief peak which will settle back down rather than looking at the top of the peak and treating that as a new baseline. For me the major downside to this expansion is the Maw. Feeling like I am being punished for trying to do difficult content isn't fun. Hopefully they have a wall of shame in Blizz HQ where they list things to never do again. I'm sure in 7 years time some fool will think that the old BFA neck was nostalgic nut no it was annoying. Also they really need to acknowledge their illusion of choice in the game when they know that once a product goes live people will quickly find the best thing and everyone will do the same thing.
I feel Shadowlands started out really strong. However as I progressed through the zones and content, I felt I was on a Disneyland ride. The sense of a open and dangerous world, like I find in classic… is just not there in Shadowlands. No knock on players who prefer shadowlands, just personal preference.
I just don't feel it this time around. I don't know if it is because I am almost 30 and balancing work, life and games is just impossible or if I am just over it. But what really kills it is the whole expansion just seems too strange for me. No genius loci, no stuff that I like from Warcraft – no familiar surroundings, no human castles, no forests full of elves or any plains with taurens. Feels like knockoff Chinese Warcraft. Somebody really wanted to do Vampires, Greek paladins, blue Emerald dream and.. necromancy but differently.. I guess? I am out and I will be back for TBC.
PVP is absolutely trashed, even in 51-59 BG's you are just zug zug'd by full level 60 premades using level sync cheesing it… There's literally no fun
If you don't raid and if you don't do rated PvP, there is a definite end-game. Once you can't gear from quests, campaigns or battlegrounds, many people just hit a brick wall. IMO they should allow casuals to get similar gear (with a lot more time input possibly) to the rated pvpers or raiders.
For the first time in my life in WoW, I have actually unsubbed. Fuck systemlands with its horrible gearing system and endless contrived chores.
Was there ever any verification of these numbers? Blizzard doesn't publish sub numbers.
Everyone is playing Valheim, they will go back up in a couple months.
I definitely unsub'd, not enough reward for all the shit you have to do each week. They say "you only have to do what you want" but nah still gotta do dailies and weeklies for shit I don't want (like normal torgast)
I agree that Ion and Blizzard are doing alright. The loot scarcity turned off a lot of people, but the primary goal of getting rid of Titanforging for the hardcore fanbase was accomplished. That was kind of an unfortunate growing pain. I'm sure they will do better to keep people enjoying the game longer, like with adding Valor Points back. I would hope they learned that all these complex systems aren't so important to the game; content and keeping it rewarding are. People want to get something for the amount of time they put in. Which is one big reason why Torghast was a bit of a flop. Cool idea, but the execution could have been better to make it useful for more than soul ash. Ion is on the right track, and he'll keep working to make the game so good that people don't want to leave. I have faith! Thumbs up.
I quit because they made a bunch of stuff that I felt like I HAVE to do instead of making things that I WANT to do. Games shouldn't be intentionally slow and frustrating while also having terrible rewards for those things.
Wow has worked like this for the last expansions, because they keep doing the same thing. The new element that needs to be farmed, the legendary that needs doing. Its not fun for everyone, but they keep pushing it. All these additional systems and layers they added that they think makes it more engaging.
There is a very big audience of WoW players who do not particularly enjoy MMORPG gameplay, as in- endgame content. Grinding. Progression. Rank climbing. A World of Warcraft expansion launch is equivalent to a new triple-A console game coming out. Most people will play the bulk of the content, put one or two dozen hours into it, 'beat the game', then move on to the next title.
It is what it is. World of Warcraft does its best to satisfy both long-term and short-term players, but MMORPGs are still far from mainstream. Endgame just demands a lot of time investment to get any sort of gratification. There are other games that can give that dopamine hit much quicker, with content that can hold onto a persons complete attention for a couple hours.
way too many chores in wow. it's like they are designing the game around to boost quarterly earnings instead of making a good game and it's backfiring. Just make a fun, engaging game with tons of content, you will make money…jezus.
Nothing new its just the casual tourists going back home
all the micro currencies, covenants, progression…retail just sucks all around rn
Honestly shadowlands blows chunks of dog vomit.
Thats just normal. With next content patch many ppl are coming back 🤦♂️
Underrated af WoW content creator