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No realm has nearly as far-reaching of a reputation as Moon Guard (US), but does this reputation actually match what’s actually going on?
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Thank you to the Kingdom of Gilneas guild for their help in creating this video!
Fireworks Show Footage provided by Christine
0:00 Intro
0:40 The ‘Secret’ Of Moon Guard
1:06 Moon Guard 101
2:24 What Makes Moon Guard Special
3:08 My Experience
5:18 The Message
6:11 Get in on this!
7:03 Outro
the kingdom of gil was guild is so cool, our guild, the valdrakken accord, works with them on events sometimes and it’s awesome. thanks for coming to our server to check it out! we appreciate someone coming in and giving an accurate representation of our server !!!
I've been playing on Moon Guard since I first started the game back in 2006, and I love this server so much
They’re also the biggest woke cysts on society that would be better of writing their own fan made lore in dnd than polluting the lore of the game with their dogshit futa worgen character.
that music addon is a sick idea, i'm gonna give it a try and who knows, maybe this will spark my rp life back up, if i see you in game i'll thank you inperson sometime.
so what addons would i need for rp? is it and overwhelming amount of addons?
me hoping there's a felweed smoker's club ig
As an mg player. I loved making up crazy rp events that surf the line of lore and fanfic. My primalist aligned dark iron dwarf went to duskwood to play a concert (with musician) and when I played bad to the bone five players in skeleton disguises would appear and hop on mekgineer choppers. Narratively. She summoned five primal fire possessed skeleton bikers that proceed to race to stormwind to cause havoc in a bar! Was a tremendously fun time!
Sorry but I will never go back to Moon Guard. The amount of whispers I got for erotic nonsense when I started out in the human zone were disgusting and shocking.Your video title is clearly click bait as you didnt really address that problem. Ive always hoped they would delete the server.
When the end of the world (of warcraft) finally comes – The RP community will outlast all others as the last bastion of the player-base. Thank you
Moonguard is a wonderful server and full of awesome people. Goldshire is like tourist attraction for many who are curious about the bad reputation and seedy side. Be sure to get an RP add on and state in it that you're not interested in erp if you want to enjoy the party atmosphere of Goldshire but don't want the solicitations.
They are nice until you question and have an opinion on something… They do not agree with…
as a casual player on moonguard, the roleplaying community makes the game very immersive as i do my own thing, i even use small mounts as to not get in their cameras as they do their thing. the only nsfw thing about moonguard in the goldshire inn, and a few other hidden corners well out of the way every now and then.
if blizzard ever decides to recreate ff14's player housing system, it would add a whole new galaxy of possibility, the crafting order system is already set up for the logistics of furniture crafting which can be a community powered crafting profession that has the members of the guild feed their furnisher materials that can also be ordered and bought on the auction house.
I have never once had a good experience with a player from Moon Guard. In fact the worse experiences I've had are almost always from Moon Guard players. I've been playing this game since 2007, we've always been in the same battlegroup, and all of the stereotypes are correct.
Jaedenar forgotten realm
Been playing on MG for years and it's good to see the positive side. Sure you my run into some traumatizing erp between males pandarens in stranglethorn. Or, you could have a fun chat with roaming gnome reporter that enjoys puns! Everything has the degenerate with the pure!
Been playing in MG since MoP. My only regret is not doing it sooner.
I started RP in SoD. It was so much fun I wanted to join an RP realm in retail and was heavily advised to join Mooguard. It has been so much fun meeting people and getting into different stories, shopping at RP markets. It's amazing how creative the members can be to have an immersive experience. I highly recommend this server for the most active Alliance RP.
From Argent Dawn, To Wyrmwrest, and Moonguard finally being the resting spot for the community, it really does make me smile to see folks talking about the small events inbetween of the world behind the joke of Goldshire. It's really always hid a real gem in the rough.
Love rping both on MG-Alliance and WRA-Horde, and, as someone from Wyrmrestaccord Hordeside, we could definitely use more rpers…!
Love seeing MG get some love on YouTube…in a PG way! RP is just so wonderful and really helps keep my interest since end game content is so small