World of Warcraft's NEXT EXPAC – What NEEDS To HAPPEN ??

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What does the expansion after World of Warcraft Shadowlands need in order to succeed that what lacking in WoW Shadowlands??

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23 thoughts on “World of Warcraft's NEXT EXPAC – What NEEDS To HAPPEN ??”

  1. Let me put this idea in your minds: more factions divided in smaller kindoms/clans/organizations (Old and new races are proposed considering lore affiliations, and also the need of having a diverse geographic distribution).

    The Alliance: Kingdom of Stormwind (Humans), Kingdom of Gilneas (Worgen), Bronzebeard Clan (Dwarves), Dark Iron Clan (Dwarves), Darnassus (Night Elves), Shattrath (Draenei Outland), Gnomerean (Gnomes), Pandaren, Tuskaar (Northrend).

    The Horde: City of Orgrimmar (Frostwolf Clan, Warsong Clan, Dragonmaw Clan), Garadar (Mag’har Orc, Outland), Thunderbluff, Dark Spear (Trolls), Pandaren, Taunka (Northrend), Bilgewater Cartel (Goblins), Forsaken (Undercity Undead).

    The Arathi Confederacy: Kingdom of Stromgarde (Humans), Kingdom of Kul Tiras (Humans), Wildhammer Clan (Dwarves), Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, Broken (Draenei Outland) Frostborn (Frostborn Dwarves, Northrend).

    The Black Empire: Nazjatar (Naga), Blackrock Clan (Orcs), Twilight's Hammer Clan (Ogres), Telogrus Rift (Void Elves), Arakkoa (Outland), Nerubians (Northrend).

    The Scourge: Azjol-Nerub (Nerubians), Drakkari (Trolls), Cult of the Damned (Scholomance, Humans), Wolfcult (Worgen, Northrend), San’Layn (Elves), Icecrown, (Undead)

    The Army of the Light: Argent Crusade (Humans, Eastern Plaguelands) Zandalari Empire, Lightforged Draenei, Tempest Keep (High Elves, Outland), The Frostborn (Dwarves, Northrend), Pandaren.

    The Burning Legion: Man'ari (Demonic Eredar, Argus), Shadowmoon Clan (Orc, Outland), Scarlet Crusade (Humans, Tirisfal Glades), Suramar (Nightborne Elves), Jaedenar (Undead, Fellwood)

  2. No Civil War when there is such faction imbalance in WoW. You don’t care about guilds but hey everyone in one would so you are out numbered. Cross-realm wasn’t the death to server pride…server population and server transfers were the beginning of the end. Just eliminate factions and join who you want guild wise.

  3. Honestly I have vastly more pride as a demon hunter of the illidari than I do being a member of the Horde. Due to the illidari being more than ordinary elves now!! FOR LORD ILLIDAN!!

  4. An easy fix they can do is similar to SWTOR, star wars the old republic, level a race on one faction, then you can create that same race on either faction. I.e. in swtor you can have a sith (race) republic trooper.

  5. Honestly at this point I feel like it’s kinda pointless with Fractions, now keep in mind I am not saying I DON’T like having the Horde and Alliance, mainly because at this point when you keep having these Planet ending to Universal ending threats that keep popping up and forcing you to work together for better or worse. It just feels so forced to save the world when being 98% close to losing story wise each time, finally breath easy only for some Faction leader to fart the wrong way and suddenly we are back to fighting each other for half the story as a NOTHER great threat pops up!

    Sadly this has been done so many times that we have “Passed The Windmill” the point of no return! Once or thrice a major threat? Okay fine, then I can go back to fighting, but when a MAJOR THREAT is like every other week and this insane hint at “This is just getting started, Zoom out when looking at the map” that fighting each other just seems stupid when you have intergalactic threats out there wanting the world you live on! They should have keep it where the major threat was the other faction!

  6. cant imagine you wanting another faction expansion – I agree with most of your points, but I think it just needs a small resolve – not a full expansion. We've got a whole cosmology chart to explore in stories thats way more interesting then faction pride- And I dont trust blizzard to do a faction expansion good anymore – they burned my trust on that front

  7. Sadly i had to moved (with my guild) to horde just(only) because of pve but my regular friends are from the Alliance. Now i dont enjoy the game i used to but i have progress. Blizzard "forcing" players do this is stupid af.

  8. I picked Alliance because my family member that introduced me to the game played on that faction, and I kind of liked the races more on that side anyway when I picked the game up in 2006. I didn't really like the humans that much, and I didn't want to be a gnome or dwarf (though gnomes are my favorite race nowadays), and I really liked the look of the night elf background on the character creation screen, and thought I would like to try that race. I made a night elf warrior named Magzog, decided he was a tough night elf that was raised by orcs (I didn't know the lore at all lol), and loaded into Shadowglenn in Teldrassil. I still have such intense nostalgia for that tree, I can't even put it into words. Nine or ten year old me was so happy with that character. Good memories. RIP pretty purple tree.

  9. I’d love to see a faction choice that’s not race based. I’d also love to see them introduce a third faction for Druids. The Cenarion Circle is already kind of its own entity…why not let us make it official? I don’t agree with the politics of either Horde or Alliance.

  10. Why would a Troll ever align themselves with the Alliance when the very foundation of the Alliance was based off Killing Trolls and the Troll Wars (One of the founding members was even named Trollbane).. The factions exist because several races in the Warcraft universe have done such horrendous things to one another that they grouped up based off of these atrocities. Some shortened examples being – Humans and Trolls, Dragonmaw Orcs and Wildhammer Dwarves, Orcs and Draenei, Orcs and Night elves, Forsaken and Gilneans, Night elves and Blood elves(Many Blood Elves are still bitter with their exile from the Night Elves and had already left the Alliance before the Night Elves joined). Yes You can claim neutrality for the few and far between but even then you see Neutral factions formed for that very purpose. The player choosing between the Alliance and Horde is the main pillar that supports the Warcraft universe. To eliminate that meaning would rob Warcraft of it's identity.

  11. I care more about the general worldbuillding and think 2-faction system is a major narrative issue of the franchise, but I like how well you expose your viewpoint, even if I disagree with it. But an even greater major issue to me is how the story is now much more character-driven rather than kingdom/race driven, up to a point where each group's geography and culture don't seem to matter at all.

  12. I agree that race restrictions are limiting the growth of the game. I believe we need a reestablishment of what the factions stand for, and we need a third neutral option.

  13. I would really like that they remake the old world with current sizes, I mean, as they ran out of places in the map they have been upsizing everything. The Broken Isles were a lot smaller but they expanded them to make them available to hold an expansion, same with Kul'tiras and Zandalar, etc… that way the old world is around half size what it should be with current world scales. Remake the old world, add new areas in the zones that don't exist in game but should exist in lore, upsize them.
    Of course do all the terrain with current size and detail is by far out of the scope of an expansion, but they can cut it into different expansions. Do an expansion on Elwynn, Strangletorn and the zones south of the Blackrock Mountain. Next on Khaz Modan. Next on Lordaeron. Next on South Kalimdor. Next on North Kalimdor… That's WoW content for ten years on lands we all appreciate and have a vinculation to.

    Although being realist, I think they are going to just asspull some big Dragon Isles north of Quel'danas and do the same stupid grinds as ever lately.

  14. This whole thing about humans joining the Horde and trolls joining the Alliance is biggest shit ever, worst idea you ever had. Factions exist today based on a Warcraft 2 and 3 lore pillar that cannot be changed, if you allow any race to join any faction you will literally kill the faction. I know people don't like to touch this subject nowadays but the whole world of warcraft societies are solely based on racism and judging on appearances.

    The Alliance is supposed to be the classic RPG noble races banded together united (humans, elves, gnomes, dwarves) and the Horde are supposed to be (in the appearance) the monster faction, with the bad guys (Orcs, Trolls, Taurens(minotaurs), Zombies), the Horde are the villains from the Alliance point of view which is the "classic RPG" PoV. However by playing the Horde you are supposed to have a narrative of a misunderstood, a misfit group that wants peace but are labeled as villains but somehow cannot escape conflict with the Hero faction. (this is also why all the original Horde races are hunchback, they have a "monster" posture).

    The real problem is the age of the game and how the story progresses. At this point, both the Horde and Alliance banded together to defeat world-universe ending threats, they should be able to be at peace and establish some sort of Azerothian Alliance ending the faction conflict, but this would never actually destroy the original factions. You can have both faction divide and peace. The problem is the actual walls between the faction players, they have different AH, different languages you cannot understand, they tag monsters away, you can't interact with the other faction except for violence and this is what really blows. If players could play together without faction restriction that would be the best of both worlds.

  15. My first choice was a nelf hunter. It was the race i wanted to be! The faction then didn't matter. Although i did eventually migrate to horde. The first crusade i was a belf rogue


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