World of Warcraft's OLDEST SECRET (Ruins of Northeron)

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The Blizzard Entertainment MMORPG World of Warcraft is a huge world with a lot of hidden places and secret locations never meant for anyone outside of the development team to see. One of the most notorious of these is the hidden elven ruins that the fanbase has dubbed Northeron along the northern coast of the Eastern Kingdoms. This hidden location has been within World of Warcraft since Vanilla and remains there in World of Warcraft Classic but is normally inaccessible… but with the advent of World of Warcraft Shadowlands the Ruins of Northeron have become accessible to everyone. Today, I’m going to show you how to get to World of Warcraft’s Oldest Secret and give you some history as to why its so cool

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31 thoughts on “World of Warcraft's OLDEST SECRET (Ruins of Northeron)”

  1. This Zone was originally going to be the dragon Isles and that Coast was just a chunk of the zone but that got scrapped because classic wow was supposed to have Outland and dragon Isles included in the base game as a patch I have a feeling they will be using this Zone for Dragon flight patch which would be wholesome

  2. I was so enthralled with this secret location when I found it in Vanilla. It was so mysterious, and I made this my guild's meeting area, and pretended it was our guild housing. We would even roleplay here. It was one of my mos cherished memories in all of gaming. Part of me hopes they never touch it, part of me hopes they turn this area into a secret, super lore important minizone. We are the very least need a sentence or two explaining what this place is and why no one ever seems to go here. Even abandoned locations in WoW get lore.

  3. Interestingly enough, if you turn and face southeast from the tower, fly up you will see the unfinished/uninstanced portion of Stratholme, complete with an untextured "Naxxaramas" floating above the city. Sadly, you can't enter it as an invisible wall prevents you from traversing the cliffside and forces you back down.

  4. I feel like the Northeron Stuff was made because of Warcraft 3. Don't forget the Kaldorei and Blood Elves met in northern Lordaeron while Kael'Thas was on Duty for the Alliance still, and Maiev, Malfurion + Tyrande were chasing Illidan

  5. I remember discovering this area in 2007 with my shaman and her waterwalking ability, I walked all the way around both continents keeping close enough to the coasts to avoid fatigue looking for interesting stuff which might be hidden away, I was pleased when I found this tower and that cabin between the wetlandws and westfall, plus that little southseas island on kalimdor. She was great for doing stuff like that, the waterwalking coupled with far sight meant I could look just about anywhere, I used to check out hyjal all the way from darnassus. Unfortunately, far sight cannot seem to do this any more and cancels back after just a few long chain casts, I noticed this in the cataclysm expansion and assumed it was due to how the game was redesigned with instanced zones. Edit: As an interesting side note and since you mentioned quel'thalas, you could actually get to a zone called just that back when you could wall walk in game, if you used the wall walking trick on the front on stratholme by the instance portals. That worked in vanilla and early bc but I assume this is long gone in the retail version, wrath classic I'm not sure.

  6. I had to go check this out as soon as I saw this. Interestingly, if you continue on the path along the coast, you can see the continent still ending at the Eastern Plaguelands, since the Ghostlands and Eversong are technically loaded from a different part of the game.

  7. The highelfes/bloodelfes had to go because they where the reason sageras found azeroth, because of the magical energy. But they cant stop it, so they created a barrier to hide the magic usage. Si if this is the earliest setup of Quel'thalas, this barrier must be the magic shild.

  8. Lorewise the structures also make sense since High elves were just futher mutated Nightelves due to arcane overuse.

    So it is reasonable that after they were banished first settlers still used their familiarized architecture that evolved as they settled and developed a own culture over the years.

  9. This reminds me when i managed to enter Gilneas in during Lich King!
    You can climb up to the stone wall that blocks you,and you reach a part when an invisible wall stops you,so as a mage i accidentally blinked inside!
    It was an empty place with some trees ahaha,the game area was changed to gilneas when i entered!

  10. Northeron was actually In images of the cancelled Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans, there's an aviary (gryphon roost) that is notably missing from these ruins lol.

    Really though, the fact it's more NElfish than Dwarvish makes me question why people thought it was Northeron. Northeron was home to some members of the Wildhammer clan, not NElves.

  11. So I fact, check this video follow the instructions, determined the exact location made it to said location, and there was nothing there the closest thing to what he mentions in this video that can be found as some is some blood elf structures located in the ghost lands, which are a part of the area in question

  12. Interesting is that this area can't be entered in the past version of Tirisfall. Not even Eagle Eye and such do work there. It always gets reseted when trying to at least see the area this way. I tried it after in the current (BfA) version and I could get there without any problems at all. Even more confusion, why can't i leave the way i entered? I'm blocked by an invisible wall, if i want to leave. Nevermind, the Void Elf ability made it possible xD

  13. In later releases, the way I get there is to do an exploit that sends me into a non-instanced version of Stratholme. There are a LOT of unused assets behind the town, and you can follow the area straight on to that lovely little Elven retreat.

  14. it’s funny how i my character died while on the way to kalimdor, which caused him to get thrown into oblivion & i got revived at this spot.
    i couldn’t move or use any item, so i logged out & used on of my other chars, to write a ticket.
    the gm asked me how i got there & that i shouldn’t play around & do some stupid things, since i shouldn’t visit these places.
    next time he wouldn’t free my character from this place 😂

    still very weird to this day for me, but yes 🙌


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