World of Warcraft's Storytelling Has A Huge Problem

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23 thoughts on “World of Warcraft's Storytelling Has A Huge Problem”

  1. The more I watch this type of analysis of WoW, the more I am reminded of how dated and old fashioned this game is, the story telling included, its never been great or ground breaking, but it made more sense early on. WoW is fun to play sure, the game is enjoyable, it’s a good game, but man if it’s not a skinner box scenario. Most don’t read the quest text because it doesn’t matter, theres no reason to invest, when in a operant conditioning chamber (i.e. live service theme park mmo) the only content that matters is the current content, why bother investing into the story (emotional, because emotions are energy expensive) when its not relevant to progress and will be replaced with a new chamber in a few months anyway. Some may play the game for lore sure, likely a minority, but I would hazard a guess that most get their lore fix from Youtube. I am not saying don’t play or don’t watch, it’s your agency, just pointing out the not so obvious to those who are stuck in the chamber.

  2. I stopped paying attention after Shadowlands. The lore I fell in love with, Frostmourne, Arthas, the Lich King, the Death Knights and WC3, all thrown through the blender and left in a heap of rubble that can never be salvaged. Blizzard took away my reason to care about anything beyond increasing my power level to make farming old raids easier. Unless they come out with a new DK order hall quest line that puts me back in a more villainous role like Legion did, I have no incentive to not spacebar through text or go somewhere outside of where the quest marker points.

  3. I find it hard to care about the story anymore thanks to shadowlands.

    Knowing it could all be retconned at any moment makes it difficult to care. It doesn't help that dragonflight's story was very meh.

  4. I read all of it, since Warcraft 2. But these videos and the general vibe in the community are trying to convince Blizzard to remove writing. It's already getting worse: in Dragonflight the writers started mixing "their" with "they're" and "its" with "it's". Everyhting getting worse. But at least now we have 357 different types of gems in Pandaria Remix

  5. I love reading. I love playing video games. They are 2 completely different activities that require completely different mindsets. I HATE reading in my video games.

  6. I want them to stretch it back out to where it was also, but everybody kept yelling at Blizzard, "FASTER! FASTER!! FASTER!!! FASTER!!!!" And now the cadence is at such a breakneck speed that I don't give a shit anymore.

  7. I read the quest logs but it should all be voice acted now.

    That and those novels.. Yeah, that needs to come in game or they need to do an animated series with that stuff in so that it's more accessible/easier to get to know said lore (If they stop retconning that is)

    It doesn't flow well at all, you get some parts VA and other parts just text to read and click okay.

    Entire quest system needs upgrading to be the same thing that flows. Short discussion type stuff that you're having a natural conversation with a NPC to get said quest would be a great help.

  8. We live in an instant gratification society. Very view people take the time to read the quest text. They hit 'Accept' and then pop up the mini map and go to the blue area to finish the objective shown in the quest log list. My wife gained a priest for Legion (holy) and got the artifact weapons for the other specs. If I had to guess, she has absolutely no idea who Xalatath is. It's a societal issue. Not sure what Blizzard can do about it.


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