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Solo PVE is freaking awesome
Best of solo PVE master Xaryu… i love that guy <3 Awesome guy !!
Solo PvE is great and we knew this since the mage tower, also look at how popular souls like games are atm. Blizzard has great boss design so they could EASILY make a "solo boss rush" style mode with hard encounters that award great loot.
for someone who hates the mythic + mentality delves has been godsent i don't have to do a single mythic + in my life to get gear .And i do hope they revisit and redesign Torghast because that can be good to if they redo it .
how does he not get attacked?
I am fiending for keys!
Holy crap the amount of damage he throws in this is nuts
Nice to see your PVE content
Keep it up. I know you can be a world first raider
I love that theres no timer, if someone wants to sit there, wait for lust and cooldowns for every pull and take 3 hrs doing a delve for some better gear than they could otherwise with a timer then thats great game design, you should be rewarded for your time and effort
32:19 espi said in chat “ cant believe they made this that easy “ ..try it urself..see if it is indeed that easy.
I was doing Teir 7 but stepped it up to 8 boys
that first week juicer ilvl vault slot is wild
really enjoying delves, I still wouldn't mind a few fun power ups like in Toughast..
I love how he is having a good time in delves then you go to r/wow and everyone seems to be getting stage 4 cancer from delves.
I can't even beat level 6 on my mage… granted i'm sure your gear is much better but still…
Loving the content! Thanks xar
prot pala is easiest because of all the interrupts
Just took a break from PvP to try delves and finding them quite fun. Also was just making fun of my friend who does mythics at a high level because he couldnt finish lvl 8 while at 600ilvl. I finished level first try 8 at 570 ilvl with nothing but green honor gear and my few pvp purples 😂
Only us PvP players know how to survive without a healer and tank :')
The one guy in the chat who was like 'i cant believe they made it this easy' 😂 not easy to find the strat, build and pull this off at all
Love playing arcane but my skill lvl isnt that high so its eighter rly good dmg or wet noodle levels for me. 😂
Pick the most OP class / spec.
Deffo not world first Mage, one of my delve-addicted friends completed it on his frost mage solo 4 days ago (Haveaburitto-Zuluhed to check achieve) but still super fun to watch how people complete these!
I dunno why people on Reddit constantly complain that delves are way over tuned and too hard – it’s genuinely such a relief to have something to bang your head against for a couple hours, solo.
Why don't you use arcane orb much? It's free arcane missiles procs
Did it on Spriest. Pro-tip.. mind control the ritualists. Their damage pools one shot enemies.
Yeah I did my first 11 solo the other day. Freaking mini bosses I tell you. Got it done though. Arcane mage for the win.
wtf mages are op , they got a tank they deal 2mil crits wtf is this
Wow grats!!! That was awesome! I hope they don’t hot fix him to just the platform. THAT wasn’t cheese. That’s gaming 🤓
I don't think they'll nerf that strat….you're 1 of the best mages to ever play the game and you didn't exactly breeze through it a lot of people wouldn't be able to beat it even with being able to kite it
Do it on a rogue, this is eazy mode.
Delves are fantastic.
Bro Xar are you ok? Is the content overwhelming? How are you reacting to the delve as if you never did it when a couple days ago you did the same one in delve 8. You mention you died in certain pulls but then "assuming you kill X" when you died to it, learned and beat it already. Is that just the new streamer meta thing of pretending or what. Sorry if this sounds weird I'm a long time watcher and it just felt really odd. I have you in the highest pedestal for the "dailies" and in general full honest work. Much love.
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