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Hi !
During World of Warcraft’s earliest versions, there were an enemy that was made to beat players whenever they went up against him. He never lost, and would only disappear once he had taken down his opposition – following them around the whole of Azeroth, if he had to.
In this video we will take a look at how players found him, how they used him as a weapon against the games major cities, and how, by random chance, they stumbled upon a way in which he could lose, after all…
Additional information:
Video edited using VideoPad Pro License
Images are from Pngtree and World of Warcraft (edited using VideoPad Pro)
Text and titles are from VideoPad Pro and
Music soudtracks:
🎵 Song: World of Warcraft – Passages
🎵 Song: World of Warcraft – Song of Elune
🎵 Song: World of Warcraft – Val’sharah
🎵 Song: World of Warcraft – King of Stormwind
Awwww yeah
Thank you for another awesome informative video! ❤
Enjoying these videos very much. Keep them coming
Here to boost your algo and reminisce on old vidya games. Cool video. 😎
Just did this quest a few weeks ago. It wad the hardest thing ive ever done on wow
always loving the content
I mean, no one actually killed him. He just decided to delete himself out of boredom. Still undefeated, save by himself.
excellent vid
Rest in pieces TheCleaner
cataclysm ruined everything
It shares the same model as Atiesh
i saw a short about the cleaner the last day, after that i tried to find any video about the mob but only found OLD stuff
The Cleaner 😎
I loved my hunter quest. Was a rite of passage
Great video.
I'm still fuming that Blizz didn't make the hunter bow and staff the weapons of choice for Legion. Instead we got a gun for BM's which should have been for MM and then MM got the bow which should have been for BM.
I will never forget this.
I had never seen this death animation before. And I thought I knew it all!
Missed opportunity not doing something with this guy in legion.
Love it! 😀
When wlock messes up a hunter carry lol
only in wow people were able to move bosses from one zone to another
what a great game
Nice. I was actually searching for this info after watching Veriganic's video
Has anyone ever killed that demon taking her walk with her pet, in Un'Goro Crater?
3:32 : Am I a pretty giiirl?
It just uses the death animation of dreadlord. While a regular dreadlord leaves behind his armor upon defeated, the cleaner leaves behind some stone shards, which are technically the recolored armor part of the dreadlord model.
I had never heard of this, very cool.
The Cleaner. I had fun with that by kiting said demon npc's to places where I wanted them such as Gadgetstan or Orgrimmar, at which point players could not resist the urge to attack them, at which point multiple cleaners would spawn.
This worked best with my warlock with the Ungoro one as you could banish her and simply kite the dog, then hopefully get a banish on the dog when you got to where you were going before anyone killed it because this would cause more and more cleaners to appear as more and more players hit the now immune dog thanks to the banish.
As for geting it to die, my mage was good for that when mirror image got added in wotlk. Cast mirror images then a quick invisibility as you killed the demon, multiple cleaners would spawn for you and each mirror image (two for each mirror image at first due to a bug where the mirror images briefly appeared as shades) which would hang around until they expired then died.
0:15 ngl i thought it was gonna be about me
Finally a goat that looks like one
FYI the quest also gave hunters a unique quiver. I remember doing this quest and the lack of information on what to do was quite a challenge, it didn't even tell you where to go.
I am just amazed stories like this, about this topic that have been told A MILLION TIMES if not more, are still new to some people
At this point you can literally regurgitate everything about WoW and still get views out of it
This is what i loved about vanilla, adventurous and many cryptic moments
All of the hirumared and madseasonshow videos and I've never heard of this guy. Amazing vid. Thank you.
I miss this guy
Love the vids. You should turn up the music tho! I love hearing that Legion OST in ur videos
Kenny Omega is all about that fair fight! 😁
Do you remember the immortal anubian statue enemies in Uldum?
I wonder if the admin item that could kill anything worked on him
My priest had the anathema. Also I skinned the best from Upper Black Rock Spire to tailor myself a hat with +2% crit. Along with other items I had so much crit chance I could compete with mages in raids as DPS (barely but still). And while I vividly remember playing WITH anathema, I have absolutely ZERO recollection of the quest itself. It is so strange, because the quest line was hard enough I required constant guild help to just find out WHERE to go next.
Vanilla was such a gem. I wanted to play a little bit earlier, so bought US version, instead of EU, and joined a guild with most guys from Norway and other scandinavian countries, so we had similiar time zone. What a wonderful people they were. I haven't met a better guild in any game since.
Great video, keep them coming 🤩
cata was a mistake
Are you Danish?