"Its not ridiculous to say that". But to them, they wish to get offended over anything in order to get special treatment/exercise undeserved authority over others/cry about something because they are mentally weak in body and mind, and resort to being loud and repulsive. I will say what I have said and mean it each time. People need to grow up, you can't say I am wrong. Cheers for the video.
The worst part is that the ones who get offended are never the ones who you could be even offending. Ppl be offended in the name of others without anyone asking for it smh.
Diversity Officer: Ahh, quite progressive i see.. tho i didn't catch you apoligizing for being white cis-male, nor did you acknowledge that as such you earn 17,80G more than your female equals.. infact "equal" isn't really the adequate term to use, as we all know the patriarchy is still-
Best buddy colleague Guard comes along: sees you being lectured rolling your eyes – "accidentally" bumps into guy, as he falls in the canal
Diversity Officer: gets eaten by sewer beast
Best buddy colleague Guard: innocent whistle – grins – gives you high five, while you both gonna grab some well deserved beers after a long shift
Brother! What in the heck is going on here?! I don't remember you being all apologetic and pacifist like this! What has happened to our most beloved human capital?! First, we have discovered murders in the lakes and ponds (all credit goes to CSI Stormwind for his valiant efforts and investigation skills); Second, a colossal invasion from The Iron Horde (The REAL Horde and the Alliance's ACTUAL enemy faction); And now, THIRD……..we have a "Woke Ideology" now infiltrating our fair city?! SERIOUSLY?!?!?! THAT'S IT!!! This has gone too far, Hank, we need to get you and your other fellow Guardsmen (and Guardswomen) back to being over-the-top masculine "HE-MEN" or else we will lose "The War Within Stormwind" once and for all! I can't believe I'm doing this, but……..I'm going to have to contact a tiny little gnome named Brewmaster Brewfest from Argent Dawn (RP Realm) and put an end to this "Wokism Garbage!" Oh, Hank………I promise you this: The female guards will go back to being bad-@$$ warrior princesses again, the men will ALL go back to being over-the-top hunters and gathers again, and the children will learn to be brave, kind, noble, honorable, valiant, and so forth! I WILL retake Lunarfall and overthrow BOTH Karen and her cursed husband "Adventurer" once and for all! (I have connections with The Darkmoon Faire after all; and since they are in town……well…….let's just say that this B.S. is going to come to an end!) Sniffs…….Hank…….you can trust me on this: Brewmaster Brewfest is Silas Darkmoon's Right-Hand Man and he is the official SECOND-IN-COMMAND of The Darkmoon Faire Faction, and with his fellow carnies on the move……..Karen and "Adventurer" will be DEFEATED and that's final! Find Crazy Linda and keep her safe, brother, because things are about to get ugly…….and I'm NOT talking about the hideous looking jack-o-lanterns that are about to be harvested by The Headless Horseman himself! 🎃
wait, why did they get a dwarf to represent the vertically distinguished community? Clearly that's a gnome's job! Always the big.. well, the bigger guy keeping the little guy down!
I'm waiting the D&D treatment, were all the races are equal, all the races can interbreed and all the races now have the same stats and same habilities. Also, i almost forgot,they aren't 'races', because thats derogatory, they're SPECIES. God, i hate woke community so fucking much.
this is the current funniest WoW content LOL please never stop making these ♥ they're always the highlight of my day when i get to see them
"When I realized what I said, I honestly had a bit of a 'fit'." – That Woke Guard
I laughed at the 'body type 2' bit. I hate seeing that in every game I boot up now that has a character creator.
Haha theres always something that "offends" someone isnt there? 😂
"Its not ridiculous to say that".
But to them, they wish to get offended over anything in order to get special treatment/exercise undeserved authority over others/cry about something because they are mentally weak in body and mind, and resort to being loud and repulsive.
I will say what I have said and mean it each time. People need to grow up, you can't say I am wrong.
Cheers for the video.
The worst part is that the ones who get offended are never the ones who you could be even offending. Ppl be offended in the name of others without anyone asking for it smh.
In the end you realize that they are just looking for an opening to make you subservient to them.
👀 0:00
"I'm surprised actually, that our diversity officer didn't make that clear to me."🤣
"Like two bald men fighting over a comb"
Incredible content sir.
Diversity Officer: Ahh, quite progressive i see.. tho i didn't catch you apoligizing for being white cis-male, nor did you acknowledge that as such you earn 17,80G more than your female equals.. infact "equal" isn't really the adequate term to use, as we all know the patriarchy is still-
Best buddy colleague Guard comes along: sees you being lectured rolling your eyes – "accidentally" bumps into guy, as he falls in the canal
Diversity Officer: gets eaten by sewer beast
Best buddy colleague Guard: innocent whistle – grins – gives you high five, while you both gonna grab some well deserved beers after a long shift
haha amazing! Shows how crazy today's society has become!
why we cater to minorities and undesirables, I'll never understand
as a member of the tauren community I am glad you decided to put this BEEF behind us 🐄
-"women women women women women"
At some point, someone decided "woke culture" means spotting a woman or a black guy on the street.
F**k IRL Humans. -_-
This doesn't happen over on the Horde side
WOW has been getting pretty woke and gross as of late
You seem offended my friend! Kind of an L beta snowflake move!
nobody even woke up in tis
Most of the Blizzard and WoW community are woke snowflakes now. What a shame.
Brother! What in the heck is going on here?! I don't remember you being all apologetic and pacifist like this! What has happened to our most beloved human capital?! First, we have discovered murders in the lakes and ponds (all credit goes to CSI Stormwind for his valiant efforts and investigation skills); Second, a colossal invasion from The Iron Horde (The REAL Horde and the Alliance's ACTUAL enemy faction); And now, THIRD……..we have a "Woke Ideology" now infiltrating our fair city?! SERIOUSLY?!?!?! THAT'S IT!!! This has gone too far, Hank, we need to get you and your other fellow Guardsmen (and Guardswomen) back to being over-the-top masculine "HE-MEN" or else we will lose "The War Within Stormwind" once and for all! I can't believe I'm doing this, but……..I'm going to have to contact a tiny little gnome named Brewmaster Brewfest from Argent Dawn (RP Realm) and put an end to this "Wokism Garbage!" Oh, Hank………I promise you this: The female guards will go back to being bad-@$$ warrior princesses again, the men will ALL go back to being over-the-top hunters and gathers again, and the children will learn to be brave, kind, noble, honorable, valiant, and so forth! I WILL retake Lunarfall and overthrow BOTH Karen and her cursed husband "Adventurer" once and for all! (I have connections with The Darkmoon Faire after all; and since they are in town……well…….let's just say that this B.S. is going to come to an end!) Sniffs…….Hank…….you can trust me on this: Brewmaster Brewfest is Silas Darkmoon's Right-Hand Man and he is the official SECOND-IN-COMMAND of The Darkmoon Faire Faction, and with his fellow carnies on the move……..Karen and "Adventurer" will be DEFEATED and that's final! Find Crazy Linda and keep her safe, brother, because things are about to get ugly…….and I'm NOT talking about the hideous looking jack-o-lanterns that are about to be harvested by The Headless Horseman himself! 🎃
I was half expecting a demon hunter for the Blind bit
Average Reddit Interaction WoW Machinima
This is pretty reguarded
wait, why did they get a dwarf to represent the vertically distinguished community? Clearly that's a gnome's job! Always the big.. well, the bigger guy keeping the little guy down!
There’s an old say that most people tend to ignore, “Actions speak louder than words.”
I'm waiting the D&D treatment, were all the races are equal, all the races can interbreed and all the races now have the same stats and same habilities.
Also, i almost forgot,they aren't 'races', because thats derogatory, they're SPECIES.
God, i hate woke community so fucking much.
Anduin Lothar is spinning in his grave right now
DF was def pretty wokecraft. Havent noticed it yet in TWW but im sure its there.
It's important that we all do better. Thank you for raising awareness on this most impotent of matters.
Notice how the gnomes didn’t get offended by the word short 🐱
I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu hahahaha
Ahh $%@! It!
The Virgin community: 😢