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Youre right now i want my lvl my dk 2nd lol. Great vid
I am so on the fence between Warrior and DK for Shadowlands
Benefits 2h over dual wield? I must be the only one player in wow that love dual World frost dk
you said "where's the Horde?"….umm delivering carts.
No more gladiator medallion????
I love that you mostly pvp on Plate classes. I also love that the Plate classes are getting more and more love from Blizz as we draw closer to Shadowlands : )
Was waiting for that video 🙂 but still not sure if I want to main one since I'm stuck between Warr or Surv hunter again
great video man! I will main my DK in shadowlands mainly for pvp ….in your mind do you think frost or unholy which one will do better? I generally do 2v2 and rated bgs. Thanks!
Pally still in the lead for your main?
Man that hunter had a hard on for you, he soundly leave you alone
nice video but you make me not want to play frost lol. any unholy videos?
Hi mate ! Great video ! Why are you running Runic Attenuation instead of Murderous Efficiency ? Is there a better synergy with the Koltira Legendary ?
Additionally, would you consider any other covenant for DK Frost PvP ? especially after the changes for Kyrian ?
Ahhh frost burst, how have I missed you, death knight expansion for the win
Arms Warrior, Frost Dk, Ret Pally. What do I choose for PvP??