WoW 9.0.2 Shadowlands – 2H Frost Death Knight PvP – FAT Obliterate Crits

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15 thoughts on “WoW 9.0.2 Shadowlands – 2H Frost Death Knight PvP – FAT Obliterate Crits”

  1. great video man! I will main my DK in shadowlands mainly for pvp ….in your mind do you think frost or unholy which one will do better? I generally do 2v2 and rated bgs. Thanks!

  2. Hi mate ! Great video ! Why are you running Runic Attenuation instead of Murderous Efficiency ? Is there a better synergy with the Koltira Legendary ?
    Additionally, would you consider any other covenant for DK Frost PvP ? especially after the changes for Kyrian ?


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