Don’t Miss These EASY Gearing Options – Season 1 ULTIMATE Gearing Guide

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There are so many ways to gear up in Season 1 of the War Within, and you can get up to item level 635 and even higher! In this ULTIMATE gearing guide we’re going to go over every gearing option we have in the new season and how far you can get with each one.

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Timestamps –
0:00 – Season 1 ULTIMATE Gearing Guide
0:49 – The upgrade system and you
2:28 – How Valorstones work
3:03 – How the Crests work
5:10 – Catch up mechanics
5:46 – Gearing options for EVERYONE
7:30 – Gearing up through CRAFTING
11:15 – Gearing up through DELVES
13:29 – Gearing up through RAIDS
15:08 – Gearing up through DUNGEONS
17:00 – Weekly vault vendor
17:35 – Gearing up through PVP
18:30 – The Catalyst returns
19:23 – Guaranteed tier tokens


44 thoughts on “Don’t Miss These EASY Gearing Options – Season 1 ULTIMATE Gearing Guide”

  1. For the pvp segment u didnt mention the crafting system that u can get a quest item from epic bg even or some arena games 9 tokens to craft into 606 items up to all 3 jewelry with selected stats ofc. Or even go further and cap conquest and get even more heralrdy tokens to craft more items

  2. A lot of wrong information in this video. Normal dungeons are a waste at 80 as they only drop 554 NON upgradable gear. World Quests rewords are scaled to you ilevel so you are mostly going to get 558 ilevel or gold.

  3. Its sad of what happened to this game. I came back after almost 2 years beeing off, i have played wownfor 17 years, playing hardcore for some time, achieved Realm First kill on Garrosh back in Pandaria.
    When i play it now, people dont communicate at all. Im talking about M+. Tanks running forward and pulling everything they see, never paying attention to rest of the group, healer's mana etc. Im not about one or two dungeons, im talking about whole week of doing M+. Its just not fun. People act like AI.
    Game feel empty in 2024.

  4. Thank you. It would be great if literally any of this was explained in the game itself. There's so many nuggets of information about how upgrading and crafting work that the game just doesn't explain at all.

  5. For those of you attempting pvp gearing. Just get ready. As horde the win rate for any random pvp is 5% for me. 20 qued events it's likely you will not win more than 1. Not a very good use of time. Delves – crafting – heroics/mythics much more stable and fast.

  6. Well, that's all pretty straight forward. Honestly….This is mental, I have played wow on and off since it came out but this level of geekery leaves me cold. I find it all mind boggling and it puts me off from playing.

  7. Gear system in TWW is stupid. Here are some reasons why:
    – Ilvl 554 from normal dungeons is not enough for you to charge for heroic dungeons;
    – Delves are overtuned and despite this, if they're not bountiful, the reward at the end gives you 554 ilvl loot… 😀 (what, really? Yes, really). Completing a T8 delve is hard and the reward at the end is 554 ilvl gear (gear drops aren't even guaranteed). 😀 …..
    -Valorstones drop rate is low and yet you need a lot of them to upgrade your gear…
    -Heroic dungeons are harder now, so they should give more valorstones at the end since even if you get an 580 ilvl item, you can't upgrade it without the valorstones;
    -M0 difficulty increase means that you are timegated behind getting lucky with drops from heroic dungeons (if anything drops at all) and upgrading your gear. No one will invite you in a M0 if you have a 580 ilvl. So you can't go there as well. Not even mentioning M+.
    – Buying BoE items from AH is an option, but these items are expensive, so if you don't have the gold, you are screwed. Furthermore, there is no point in spending gold on an item on the lowest track;
    – PvP gear is also upgraded using Valorstones… That's the stupidest stupidity I've ever seen in WoW. 😀 Not even commenting on this. If you could update it with honor, you could've reached 580 ilvl easily (since its on the Explorer track), but no. So, you give players a single currency to update both kinds of gear, yet the drops for this currency are low… No point or reason for this.
    – The only good thing is buying veteran gear with Bloody Tokens. At least you will get some good ilvl increase there.
    – The RNG element is still in the game in almost every content you do;
    – Raid looting should be personal, not group. Or there should be an in-game choice for what kind of loot the raid group prefers. Other than that, you can run a raid 1000 times and not get a single piece of gear from it.

    This entire system sucks. Especially for a player who can play their class, they can't reach endgame content because they are timelocked behind stupid item upgrades and farming heroic dungeons for weeks before even being able to do anything else like M+ or raids. Delves would be good gearing point for solo players, but mobs oneshot you, even if you are high ilvl. And they aren't playable in a group anymore as well, neither are they rewarding enough (not counting the bountiful delves, which are rewarding, but you need high ilvl gear to complete them).

    Once again good ideas from Blizzard, but the execution is extremely poor. They screwed up SoD like this as well, as well is many other expansions before this one. DF was 10 times better than this – accessible to everyone. I played endgame content on multiple characters (M+ and raids) and had extreme fun. Not only did they make the expansions shorter, but they also made it so that you have to play weeks before you can even think of M+ or raids. Sorry, this is not a game for players who just want to have fun and play casually, they continue to cater to those 5% of the population who have time to spend 10 hours in-game every day… I regret buying this, sincerely.

  8. Que genial idea lo de las delves, deberían darle un buen aumento a quien se le ocurrió, la verdad nunca hago ni raids ni míticas, ni siquiera mazmorras aleatorias, al jugar delves siento que estoy jugando diablo, lo cual me gusta.

  9. iLVL 636 is a dream for 90% of players if not more. If u play 2 or 4 hours a week or you are in a guild and you don't personally know anyone in that guild you might a well be playing by yourself because nobody is going to help you learn what to do in a raid or dungeon. WoW is is for hardcore player who spend a lot of time playing. So iLVL 636 is not easy but for a few players this is BS

  10. i was hoping the war within would have skipped the "currency simulator" aspect of WoW. Just… just ONE currency would be enough across all expansions in addition to gold, silver and copper and maybe the PvP currency. This gearing shit has always been the worst side of WoW. I get wanting to feel powerful by "earning" your gear, but then you should be able to get gear from doing increasingly more difficult content WITHOUT THE CURRENCIES. And now i have to worry about some "spark" as well? Jesus christ. Get it together blizz.


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