WoW 9.0.2 Shadowlands – Kyrian Ret Paladin PvP – Divine Toll INSANE Damage

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34 thoughts on “WoW 9.0.2 Shadowlands – Kyrian Ret Paladin PvP – Divine Toll INSANE Damage”

  1. As always, good video! Short and sweet.

    Question: Do you recommend keeping Final Reckoning as something to aim, or use @player?

    Main reason I switched to @player was because I wanted to make a macro to pop a trinket when I use it, but you can't macro unless you use @player or @something. How do you use it?

  2. I’m new to this game how come he has abilities on his bar twice??

    Edit: also do you not need any of the other abilities? I’ve tried to fit almost all the abilities on my bar for use

  3. I will be swapping between Ret for raid and Prot for M+. Love Divine toll. Which legendary are you thinking about going with first? I wonder if Magistrate's will synergize with Ret's Divine Toll enough to make it a good DPS play.


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