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Surely divine toll, ringing clarity is going to be nerfed soon, that is silly damage.
10:00 – 19.5k Templars Verdict LMFAO !!
4:52 divine toll claps, shaman went from no way i die here, to being dead.
/cast Avenging Wrath
/cast Seraphim
it lets you use wings and seraphim at the same time. you're welcome dude.
19.5k Templars into 12k Wake of Ashes wtf. Berserker, Wings, Seraphim combo sooo strong !
Ret pally damage now is replacing my hatred for destro/fire mage in bfa
great Vidéo ! What's addons use you ?
Any near future enhance action coming?
Which soulbinds/conduit path do you go? The left for more damage, or right for utility?
Wtf is this
you need to stop these vids man Rets are going to get nerfed lol
Lead game designer:
Alright folks…so we want the Paladin to be able to heal, tank and do damage…
Development team:
Ok so we want each spec to be able to tank heal and dps
You're going to get us nerfed ☹
The thing is as well is that your a good ret. Most rets are not doing things like this.
did over a million damage today on my hunter in that bg :0
Damn, pvp looks really fun again
As always, good video! Short and sweet.
Question: Do you recommend keeping Final Reckoning as something to aim, or use @player?
Main reason I switched to @player was because I wanted to make a macro to pop a trinket when I use it, but you can't macro unless you use @player or @something. How do you use it?
Can you please let me know what add-ons you use for nameplates and combat text? I really like how clean it looks and I'm curious.
Don't be afraid to get nerfed I am sure he can let all classes look overpowered 😀
This is awesome brother!
Is your guild taking in new ppl? I'm trying to find an active pvp guild.
Yea this is the ret i love to see, reminds me of wotlk ret, slow with big burst.
I wanna main monk as well but yeah I know what you mean about it not feeling like wow lol. Trying to decide between monk, rogue or druid
I’m new to this game how come he has abilities on his bar twice??
Edit: also do you not need any of the other abilities? I’ve tried to fit almost all the abilities on my bar for use
What you maining for shadowlands?
Yeah paladins are just broken.
Really liking your ret content man. Wish I was on Sargeras because I'm looking for a new guild and would love to join the next level. Sadly I'm on KT :/
Disgusting and broken. Prepare for the nerf bat
Hello! What addon does he have for the type of hp enemies?
Lvladen bro stop ! If blizzard sees that video they will ruin our ret fun 😀 your damage is OFFF THE CHARTS
Hopefully ret will finally have its damage massively nerfed.
Do you have a combat text mod?
I was stuck deciding between pally and rogue but I think this vid made my decision for me. plus and i can tank and heal so ye.
Great video, is there a macro currently for burst CDs such a finger fest with reckon, wings, execution and wake
I will be swapping between Ret for raid and Prot for M+. Love Divine toll. Which legendary are you thinking about going with first? I wonder if Magistrate's will synergize with Ret's Divine Toll enough to make it a good DPS play.