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by @classichc
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of A͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d͏͏
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That death at 11:53 is so good. The guy is super tryhard with his addons, thinks he's a hardcore player, then proceeds to make 3 very stupid decisions in a row. 1: moonfire extra mob and then the one that was running away, ooming so he can't bear form. 2: turns to run, decides to root instead but forgets his back is now facing the mob and gets backstabbed. 3: runs away.
All he had to do was not moonfire that extra mob, instead using it on the mob that was running away and low health. Even if he did make the mistake of pulling the second one, had he simply used his health potion and waited for mana to go into bear form, he'd probably have had the hp to kill the second one, or at least get it running and he will have been in bear form long enough to get enough mana to heal up while the mob was running and maybe had enough mana to moonfire dot the rest of it's hp.
Looting before killing mobs WTF are these people DOING dude?!
I consider hardcore to be a huge waste of time and not fun.
I've seen so many people die to drowning.
Gamers these days are just so bad. Cringe. Like just give up already.
Play yourself
one of the funniest asmon videos lol.. every reaction was hilarious
14:00 yeah bro we didn't have any of that at our school…
They should add an incentive to flag yourself for PvP… it is pointless… which sucks.
I swear wow HC is full of the worst players ever
Can you get shadowforge key in HC btw
there is only one class to play wow classic. Paladin, bubble hearth
Wait does asmongold have a god damn ponytale? rofl
plainstriders = TERROR BIRDS
0:53 dude didn't die to a plainstrider, dude died because his camera is up his ass and he has 450 empty action bars.
The timing on "I should not have lived" 😂
I feel like I am terrible at WoW for the most part. Then I watch these videos and feel so much better about myself.
"It's the Dalaran Police" I am dying
It is amazing watching people all over the world in different languages and stuff all doing hardcore. It is awesome.
presses literally 0 spells and abilities – Reaction "NOOOOOO BROOO HOWWWW??? WHY MEE?"
dying to level 20 mobs that only have 1 ability 😂😂😂😂
Lol I am going to try this. PS I never played WoW except for the Korean beta as a Dutch person. You somehow could find online IDs or at least information of citizens and I picked a random one. Koreans needed to give that info in order to play it
i want to find all the french HC streamers and follow them all so i can only watch in french, french HC players dying are the most funny streams out there
I don´t see dead ppl, only a lot of dead computers & peripherals, caused by ppl ragequitting, after their char is permadeath…Not even gonna try hardcore, as my computer/peripherals will be one of the RL casualties…
"Thats the dalaran police"
"I can't resist jumping around. I have autism. I died to autism."
I cant 😂😂😂
"I cant resist jumping around, I got autism."
I mean I got autism too, but as far as Im aware it doesnt make my want to jump my characters around all over the place.
A sad way to go though
hahaha Druid How?! you have a Instant heal over time HAHAHAHA NOOOOB
The lack of map awareness and classic wow knowledge in general in astounding.
Hardcore truly highlights all the potatoes 🥔
Warriors are nothing but winners in this game.
All those Darwin Awards.
What is the Decurse?
Question? Why does he call it "Z axis'd" when the "Y- axis" is height?
You are my favorite of all the people who laugh at hardcore players dying without actually playing hardcore yourself people.
I feel like these guys are asking to die sometimes with the mobs they are pulling
You should never die as paladin on HC
The first dude who died to the elven patrols honestly deserved to die the way he was playing
You're running for your life away from some plainstriders, stray off the road into what looks like more plainstriders, and stop running after you aggro the patrol, and then run diagonally from them instead of straight away
yeah nah you earned that one chief
That last clip of the guy completely accepting death and that trogg was like, "nah, we're cool bro, leave and never come back."
A lvl 45 hunter was in gadgetzan And outta nowhere the bruisers just killed him outta nowhere (he wasn't flagged for pvp) any idea what might have happened? People said if your pet gets into combat the bruisers will aggro… but… wtf?
the mum screaming "its okey guys its okey" in the background! Goddamn, that shit had me lmaf!
1:17 that mage deserves to die what kind of layout is that with those action buttons that are empty.
The second dudes dominos set up made me physically ill.
Hardcore natural selection ?
2:17 WoW flags in the background, your character should have died of cringe.
Vanilla WoW was so fun because there was no real streamlined thought process. Things felt like they were added in piecemeal to create a wacky world. In a normal game you just laugh and ghost walk back, but in hardcore, you better have remembered all those lessons from 20 years ago.
"poor kid"? what? I know for a fact anyone who said that, wished he had a gamer dad, or is old and single
why does he have to pause ever fucking 5 sec
13:05 is the funniest shit ever..
Song at 10:20 Sega Sunset – Lorn