I Found the TOTALLY BROKEN Solo Build in Plunderstorm

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46 thoughts on “I Found the TOTALLY BROKEN Solo Build in Plunderstorm”

  1. please tell your editor to not do the censor thing in thumbnail. I will legit have to ban your content from my feed if I see that for much longer since that stuff really pisses me off. I have already removed other people's content from my feed because of it.

  2. Man I've been having fun with this but now I get why fortnite players get so mad with 3rd parties. Nothing more annoying than just barely winning a 1v1 for someone to come along and one shot you. Good game though wouldn't change a thing

  3. To me doing something is better than not doing anything – for Blizzard. Clearly this is an experiment by the devs to see how they can achieve faster and more varied gameplay away from the main games (Vanilla and Retail). They may drop this as an experiment in a few months or they may come back with a V2 or something more fleshed out down the line. Let Blizzard cook.

  4. How many people agree:
    Add: Classes (When you pick up abilities they are related to your class)
    Add: Bigger groups. E.g. 3 stack and 5 stack.
    Add: NOW FREE TO PLAY….. (Cosmetic purchases and appeal to a WIDE audience)

  5. I liked this game when it was very first out as it was new and no one knew what was happening. Now all the sweaty hardcore pvpers have descended on it like a shit storm and have killed it for me.
    Somehow I land, kill elites and mobs and I’m lvl 2, in comes a lvl 5 with the beat abilities and steamrolls me. How tf are you lvl 5 with good shit within literally 30 seconds of the same starting?

    I have never managed to kill anyone, not once. Even the same lvl and abilities I get destroyed while they are not even half health. Idk what I’m doing wrong but it’s super disheartening to get crushed again and again.

    I’m gonna stop playing I think, it’s no longer fun for me to constantly die over and over..

  6. Xaryu "im the best at the game because i've sat on it for 10 hours straight" meanwhile guy couldn't even understand how to level when he first dropped in like the game mechanics are difficult at any means this is a ranked 1 glad player they are braindead lol

  7. this plunderstorm release has release unleashed an army of angry autists that have been unsubbed since whenever the fuck trying to convince everyone and themselves that this is bad, a waste of developer time, not worth a sub, should be free, looks lame, or whatever other fucking cope helps them get over the fact that their strummer is having fun playing it. when this mode cycles out in like a month and a half a blizz starts deciding if and how to do it "for real" then your commentary might matter at all but until then the whiners are fucking melting my brain

  8. Won about 15 games in a row cause this is a simple af game mode… people kept spamming chat, telling others to report me for cheating… i woke up today to a 14 day suspension and the response to my appeal was a generic response about the TOS…. blizzard is a dead meme.


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