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WoW Fixed Leveling! – Shadowlands Pre-Patch
World of Warcraft has had 7 expansions released, 8 if you include the upcoming shadowlands. Over that time the story has taken twists and turns, looped back on itself, and undergone a number of retcons. From a gameplay perspective, the game has shifted in a number of ways in an attempt to continue to improve the experience. This resulted in a fairly disjointed leveling experience, that at best was fast but boring, and at worst was disjointed and confusing. But that might have all just been fixed….
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PC Specs: Ryzen 9 3900x
16GB 3200mhz RAM
GTX 2070 Super
Game Footage: World of Warcraft: Shadowlands
Developers: Blizzard
Platform: PC
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#Huntin4Games #WorldOfWarcraft #WoW
Second! I wouldn't mind a change in content to WoW if you're thinking about it, your storytelling is very entertaining, no matter the topic.
That's one thing about FF11 that I'm having trouble with, the skyrocket of stats at this 119 ilevel. Wow was getting bad with it as well. What was the lvl cap before this in wow? Like 120 or 130, maybe higher.
I started playing pre patch recently and it's pretty good. I still feel like open world mobs are still too easy, they barely do much damage. Coming from Classic WOW.
id be more excited if wow 2 came out instead
you'll never get me to touch WoW again. It got a little too serious and I suffered because of it. Luckily I was able to break away from it.
I tried to get into WOW twice, but i just couldn't do it. FF XI had me gripped, and that killed all other MMOs for me.
FFXI WOW and OSRS are my go to MMO's played them all at their primes (imo) and still play for nostalgia
I really have a distaste for scaling, it's not so bad in games like WoW… but its a giant PITA in games with lots of roving bands of hyper aggro mobs like Guild Wars 2 and ESO…infact it's what caused me to quit the former as i couldn't explore, farm whatever without it being tedious. And that game expected you to update your gear almost every level.
A level 20 scaled up with trash gear does more damage than a level 40 in the same zone who has laxed a bit on kit.
Yeah, I love these changes with the leveling. I didn't mind going up to level 120, but.. This is fun! Especially being able to choose your own expansion. Love that stuff and having a blast with it
I heard the math is broken in Shadowlands to an extent that a new character can perform better than any of your old characters, depending on which content you level with.
Frankly there are too many doubts looming for me to ever consider Shadowlands as a possibility for me in the future, and that would be if I considered Blizzard a company worth doing business with in the first place, which I don't.
Have they done anything to address the broken economy? That and the necessity of dailies is what kills it for me.
I mostly play FFXIV these days (played XI for a loooong time), but I also play WoW, and I'm liking all the new changes! The new starter experience is really good, it does a good job introducing you to your class and even has a little mini dungeon at the end to introduce you to instances and party play. Something I didn't see you mention that might appeal to a lot of FFXI/FFXIV players is that now you can play with a controller natively without an addon. The support isn't fully integrated yet but if you type in /console GamePadEnable 1 you will enable controller and can bind everything to it like you would in FFXIV via combos of shoulder and face buttons. It also enables FFXI/FFXIV legacy style movement to make controlling your character a lot easier with the controller (which was my big issue with controller play in WoW before). There's some cool options you can enable through the console like having the cursor be automatically stuck to your character whenever you move the movement stick so world/character interaction is as easy as just pointing your character and a single button press. The targeting has been updated too so that now you can tab through npcs as well, so you can do FFXI/FFXIV style targeting/interacting also via the "Interact with Target" key. Navigating the UI is still a bit of a pain though, I usually just reach for my mouse. The Consoleport addon you talked about previously is going to be updated for this native support too, and with the native support I imagine the dev of it will be able to make UI navigation a lot easier.
All that said I've messed with the controller support a lot to make the game play as similarly to FFXIV as possible so any questions I'd be happy to answer.
find it interesting that in a video about WoW, you still play the FFXI intro
This is the only reason I love level scaling.. in Elder Scrolls Online and Fallout 76 I can take my high level characters and play with friends and help them on their first day
The new 1 to 50 is so sick!. I will always play ffxi, it's like rereading a favorite book but for wow I think shadowslands could be really good
I recently picked up the Battle for Azeroth and started a new subscription, I've been playing on and off since Lich King as the levelling process was always just a chore. About a year ago, I picked up FF14 and have been loving it so this latest WoW attempt was me trying to pit them up against one another and the whole WoW experience was just a drag. Kill 5 things, move to next town, kill another 5 things and then move to next region, rinse, repeat.
After having such a glowing experience with FF14, I just took this as the death knell of WoW, cancelled my subscription and have moved to Final Fantasy permanently from this point onwards. It's a shame as the update has come out so soon after I quit but at this point, I just have no energy to try again.
soothing background music + talking about an uninteresting game = slept through half of it. But I still love the channel. FFXI FTW
I'll give you a like but no im a fan of ffxi and so this isnt going to be a vid i watch through
Love your videos man! Keep em' coming. I originally subbed because of FFXI nostalgia but stayed subbed for all the good content.
Good video. Love your ffxi coverage. Brings me back lol checking out wow right now actually because of the better leveling experience. So far so good.
Just in time lol, I just got a new laptop and FFXI Eden was getting kinda stale. Cant wait to play Wow now
Question, does this mean i can level 10 to 50 in the Legion zones?
Hey Hunt4Games!! Great to see you covering some other games and Wow was my first MMO and have enjoyed it on and off like others but there seems to be lots of problems as of late with the current expansion thats upcoming, glad to hear they delayed the release but still having some reservations
I tried to play WoW multiple times since The Burning Crusade era and it never really stuck. I might try to jump back in just to enjoy the narrative of the game. I feel like a lot of games, once they've been around a long time, would really benefit from what FFXI did with Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.