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WoW Forums: Is Dragonflight Worse Than Shadowlands?
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I once again am here to bring you news from the front lines of the forums, thank you for watching 💅
I actually like Dragonflight a lot compared to the past two expansions. You can tell people are working on this game. This is a play it safe expansion for sure
WoW is definitely better now, but it is a bit boring still. I still log in now and then to do some world content, though.
It is impressive that WoW has been out for 18 years and is still going. Can you think of any other game that has been getting constant updates and has a large community other than WoW?
DF is so much better then SL
Kakio: <speaks slightly louder than normal> I am once again asking you to balance around the average player.
Best Bernie impression 😀
Imagine complaining that a literal fantasy game has fantasy races, and using that as your justification for why you don’t like WoW…
You can put the cork on a bottle and achieve more good than shadowlands did. As for dragonflight… Dragons sucks, i wanna kill them not bed them.
Kak, ure a millenial, sorry to break it to you
Haven't played retail since MoP was announced, just commenting for YouTube.
i’m loving DF so far. i really only have one complaint and it’s that the crafting system is VERY overwhelming. while i do think the new crafting system is an upgrade from the old one, i think they split a few too many hairs, if that makes sense.
seeing what a spec does upon taking it and maxing it out requires knowing a lot of new terms but also it’s too general in its descriptions. i think a bullet point synopsis would be best. showing what happens immediately upon taking a spec and what you can do when maxing it out, the recipes you’d learn and abilities you gain, etc
Honestly, DF is gold for me.
Only thing missing from wow is low lvl zone revamp. I know it won´t make blizzard much money, since it´s not a "new" content, but low lvl zone / proffession revamp would be so cool..
Really enjoying dragonflight. Played the game since legion but quit for shadowlands. really hoping the upwards trend continues!
Hello kakman
dragonflight is definitely my last expac. I enjoy classic more and so i thought i would try retail but man it's just not as fun for me (hope it does for everybody else tho don't want wow "to die" )
Shadowlands was terrible, DF is simply just boring. (for me at least)
I am literally, something like one of those.
I think the game is great atm. The patches are coming nicely, the devs communicate, the core game has its soul back. I like that the game goes back to its roots gameplay wise and also lore wise.
i feel apathy towards DF. I haven't played wow since MOP i quit WOD before hitting max level and only played a month of legion. I'm back and feel the game never changes it only gets worse, more boring, more dead. My server is completely empty I cant even find someone to duel :/ If you are a casual player its impossible to keep up with the addicts.
I really like DF currently, my guild may be gone but the game has really become so much more fun even as a solo player.
I just wish they made leveling in WoW more fun, i mean sure i can play classic where leveling and gearing felt more meaningful but still i like retail and their classes/races so i would like just better leveling, make gearing and questing matter a bit instead of just most people dungeon finder all the time. Just my opinion. I like dragonflight alot more than shadowlands atleast.
That's why they're called dragonshite and goodowlands
Dragonflight is meh
I'm enjoying DF. first expansion i've been able to get the M+ mount! Very happy with it
You know it’s bad when the top complaint is the zones are too big
well DF is moving in the right direction when it comes to zones. questing there is alloth to do and you can be sure that those who complain it isnt enough to do have not grinded every profession out, levled every class up. colected everything in general they most likely complain cus there isnt a tower for them to hump every single day and thats why they are bored. but then again if you as a player is bored of the game then just unsub for a while and come back after half a year and you will have tons to do even if you arent playing the big 3. Wow would do better if we went completly away from the focus of m+ and rated pvp though, it is better to make that stuff feel less important, ofcourse people feel the preasure when you have advertisements showed in your face every single day about those 2 boring contents. making you feel like gear is life.. if you dont focus gear then the game is pointless etc etc (and yes these words are what players have used on forums aswell as ingame). If they just remove the whole advertisement about pvp and pve then it will get better ingame again. Making so we are able to gear outside the top 3 is the best decision they could have ever done so atleast they have taken a step in the right direction
weird hate boner you have for solo players but that otbe expected from wow players hahahhaa
Didn't even buy it. Left after bfa. Danusser juat crapped on the lore. Smoked 4 solid sources of expansions in just one patch. I wish they have the balls to just retconned bfail and Systemlands and present them as nightmares produced by old god blood stained azerite which manduin and sylvannas had.
I am liking DF had some doubts at first but they have been doing more changes faster and being more impactful in a good way.
Overall, great. However, it’s being treated almost as a live beta test! What else do you call complete class and spec reworks mid session? Balancing, sure, but when you completely alter them, it’s simply unfair to the newer players joining say the race to be the #1 ranked Marksman Hunter after they removed Double Tap. It did make the spec worse(and I main warlock, lol).
The PvP balancing is all over the place, extremely favoring melee classes, Disc Priests are overwhelmingly good, healers are mandatory, even in 2s. Don’t even get me started in the arena population being smaller than season 4 of SL, Solo Shuffle bugs, Solo Shuffle killing 2s participation, or how bursty it is, but enough of PvP.
I adore the zones, though I think the ‘worst’ are the plains. I’ve heard good things about Mythic+, though Shadowlands had a more beloved first raid. People LOVED Nathria, and Denathrius, but there’s little fanfare for Vault.
Finally, the story is… it has holes, but is interesting. Centaur origins are in question now, Elemental powers are in question, the Incarnates are underwhelming with tiny-arms, the Primalists feel forced, and I expect Sabellion to still be corrupted, since he fought alongside Deathwing for thousands of years, but was only on Outlands for, AT MOST, 33 years.
Its exactly the same because the main content is exactly the same and gatekeeps content by locking it rather than just letting people fucking play the game. Exactly the same as the previous expansions.
While I agree with DF not having much content (right now) I prefer it that way. More time to just have fun with doing random content, instead of worrying of losing player power because you didn't do XY content every day/week to get your YX powered power system.
Zones to big!? Bruh..
Me and my guild quit after seeing raid was a revamp of bosses we already killed and there is only 1 interesting dungeon. Since we’re into progress we need to replay content we dislike every day so we quit just a week after raid released. SL was way more interesting and it brought new lore (no matter how average), new characters and the gameplay we have in DF – so DF changed nothing related to gameplay, gave us vanilla like dungeons and really easy and non-memorable raid built of diff bosses in the past. PvP is broken and lore should’ve been right after or during Cata. It’s a miss but casuals might enjoy it so we all have diff tastes in games and wow is still alive. But right now most of the playerbase is casuals, top guilds and boosters. We, mid-top guilds are not playing. Feel free to compare names from last expansion. SL was hated for lawsuit and it was great while final raid and patch content was perfect. This comes from someone that didn’t miss one expansion and never quit wow – until DF. Ye, I survived even BFA. Just enjoy what you like and don’t let anyone influence you into thinking otherwise is all I am saying. For me, DF brings nothing to the table, rewritten content 99/100% for story with SL gameplay. Talents choices are imaginary.
so far dragonflight is, as many agree a very safe expansion, but I like that. there are no systems that require me to craft legendaries, or grind some stuff to level up other pieces of armor. dragonriding is just a fun mechanic – and I like having fun.
one thing I would like to semi-defend is torghast tho. people hated it, but I think it was really only disliked, because it was a mandatory chore . I had a blast running the twisted corridors. I think one of the biggest problems was just, that so many mechanics and features were nothing but a chore.
While DF is a step up from BfA and SL, the writing is still ass, and apathy really is an apt description to how I feel to the game now, as a result of this tedium.
I barely play outside of weekly raids with the guild, and have been spending most of my gaming time on other games. Once you reach a decent ilvl, DF just doesn't feel worth playing.
Right now, there are only two expansions I played from start to finish. TBC and Legion, and only in TBC I raided with a stable group trying seriously to take down the hardest content the game had to offer. Normally I stop playing after 2 weeks or so. 1 Week for Shadowlands. In Dragonflight I'm playing everyday and I'm raiding in heroic with a stable group. So… Yeah, for me DF it's the second best right now (I'm the 1% of the community that really dislike Arthas story, so played WoTLK for a month or so).
If DF plays it's cards right, with the traiding post (exactly in the spot for me), some old gods doing lovecraftian hentai here and there and good raids, it may become my best expansion so far. So yeah… I'm really enjoying myself with this one. I know my opinion is weird, but considering how bad Shadowlands was and the close I was to delete my WoW account then, considering DF one of my two best expacs it's saying a lot.
I feel that dragonflight as ok because the 2 expansions before it was so bad it makes df feel better then it is. Df pretty much brought the same shit as every other expansion focus on raid and dungeons but since not everyone is ok with them and they don't want to give players what they want they added dragon flight a stolen idea and long needed rework of the combat talents trees
The only way I see saving warcraft is by starting over getting rid of some things like species majority of the science fiction crap
I feel more apathy about wow now than I did in bfa. after going over to destiny 2 I find wow just too…..slow.
"Do you feel apathy towards DF, or do you feel positive about the future and the state of it?"
100% honesty, I stopped caring after legion, couldn't get into the writing or the gameplay anymore and the art style made everything look like it was made of rubber.
I guess it'd be fair to say I have a strong sense of apathy towards whatever the current expansion is this time, because I forgot the name for it until this video came up in my recommended section.
It's not the WoW I used to play.
For me, it is a matter that last expansion burned me so much, it was the straw that broke the camel's back. I really like the theme of the current expansion, in fact I've always wanted a full dragon theme expansion, but last expansion was the end for me.
I moved on to other life projects and games. Not only that, but I really don't feel the drive to grind for hours to see the story, do all dungeons, collect all toys, armor or farm mounts. Not to mention do it all over with alts.
So for me, Blizzard is late with this expansion.
Personally, BFA and Shadowlands absolutely killed WoW for me.
I loved Legion. My only regret is not playing it when it launched. I still dont have all the class mounts, which doing them back to back, is extremely tedious, nor all the class hall armour unlocked. I should go back and 100% Legion.
It got to the point where I was farming mounts in previous dungeons or doing achievements to pass the time.
Upgrading your covenant is Shadowlands. It was extremely tedious because you had to farm anima for all of your alts, and it was too much, so I missed out on that part of the content.
The Maw was such an ugly and annoying zone. I have no idea what Blizz was thinking of creating the zone like that.
And the zones in BFA and Shadowlands were too big. I was forever and a day on a FP waiting to travel to the next zone or just to fly to the next WQ was such a time waster.
It was a chore playing SL. It's not fun or engaging, or worth the effort. But that's Blizzard's plan. To keep you on farming. Stupidly did they know that people quit after a while, so it's not viable long term.
I played DF for a bit, but I burnt out. I didn't care. I am tired of WQ and resource gathering. I'm tired of having to get good gear (I just stop at LRF now or get gear through vendors. I don't mythic or raid – I stopped raiding during WoD from burn out)
So, I quit a few months into DF. I just couldn't do it anymore. It was hard to quit because I put in a lot of time and effort into my characters, and I have a lot of alts.
i do feel apathy. df feels very lacking in content and just character. its just a game for raiding and dungeons atm. basically no lore, nothing to await, nothing to find out, nothing exciting, nothing really to do or work towards once im geared
its worse
until this video i havent even thought about mission tables, im glad this forgettable features inst relevant