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Is Blizzard building Shadowlands with their “B Team”? How do Blizz prioritize patches vs expansions?
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Shadowlands is just proof that the intellect is not stored in the soul seeing how everybody there act like complete morons.
Why do people want the people who destroyed current WoW to create Wow 2.0? Blizz need to have a clean out THEN rebuild with a fresh, competent team.
so the jailer sounds like lich king 2.0. Granted the jailer was in control… but still feels just meh. Ive never been more ready for a WoW 2.0 with a clean slate and more modern engine. I just cant see myself going back to it the way it is, or what it is going to be. I have 0 interests in grinding anything this exp.
Anyone know the music that starts at 3:10?
sorry, I cant listen to all this bullshit lore fuck this..
WoW isn't going to change direction significantly until such time as Ion and the rest of the senior team are replaced and new people brought in to refresh and reinvigorate the development of the game.
Props Bellular, keep doing these videos based on speculation 🙂
Anyone else just prefer it when wow had a simple story line well written like back in vanilla, tbc, and wrath
I'll give them credit where it's due, they did build the hype the right way. They advertised change and improvement. But, we quickly discovered, they in fact didn't change or improve what mattered. They actually took a few steps back.
next copy phase content.
Personally I don’t think Shadowlands was a “failure” in their eyes persay. People forget it became the most sold PC game of all time for a few days prior to Cyberpunk. They made TONS of money, not to mention all the 6 month sub people and WoW token buyers people keep feeding them. They’ve made them enough money to last a good while, despite their reputation being in the toilet.
I do think they’ve realized they can’t milk Shadowlands off hype anymore due to the train wreck the lawsuit has caused. So I assume they’ll move on to the next expansion not because shadowlands is a “failure” to them, but because they can quickly gain another large revenue dump from that initial expansion hype they cause. Because we all know when it’s announced, a lot of YouTubers are gonna hop on covering it for the views and hype.
I just want to stay on Azeroth
Just have the titan inside Azeroth wake up, be disgusted by the state of the universe and reset everything. Problem solved 😛
They could even name the Titan "McGuffin"
wow needs the lalafell masterrace, they'd figure out all this bullshit and stop it through capitalism before the game became shit
Can ya add the background music in your description, I was vibing the whole time.
I’m with Eugene on this
is that old-school Runescape music in the background?
There's honestly so much about the core concept of Shadowlands that doesn't make sense. Maldraxxus is the army of the shadowlands yet somehow the Primus, their leader, went missing and none of the other covenant leaders knew or cared enough to investigate.
The covenant leaders conspired to remove Zovaal and make a new arbiter, but didn't know their mecha-arbiter was broken or why? (and we still don't actually know why). You would think when no aspirants showed up for a few weeks, anima stopped flowing into ardentweald, and the armies of Maldraxxus started actually destroying each other the leaders would hold one of their hologram conferences, realize "hey, the Primus is gone, the arbiter is broken, and all the souls are going into the Maw. Maybe Zovaal is up to something!".
Any time your story hinges on characters choosing to do nothing to stop their own misfortunes when they have the ability to communicate with one another, your story is bad. It would have made WAY more sense if the covenants just had a lot less familiarity with one another. The first ones established each covenant and their leader independent of one another. The covenants never actually go to Oribos or interact with the keepers there, they just follow their assigned purpose religiously. It would explain their inability to fix their issues, as they genuinely would not be aware of the shadowlands wide problems. It also helps explain why you need to PICK a covenant at the start of the expansion, as they are just learning about each other along side you and are distrustful to start. You actually have to work to unify them against a common threat.
Have the first ones be who imprisoned Zovaal shortly after his creation, when he failed to perform his role as arbiter properly. They made a replacement that was more mechanical, without a soul, after feeling their first creation failed because of his individuality/free will.
"The A team works for 10.0" they only have a B team. While FFXIV only has an A team.
Id rather go back in time than go forward. I want old content to be relevant. Give me endgame rewards for playing MoP. Upscale all stuff
The WoW team seems to focus on the world and a narrative that we are apart from. Everything from no flying, no mounting, community hostility, and lack of visual armor diversity, the player is treated like an annoying kid brother who needs be "tolerated". FF14 has been a nice change of pace.
All this talk about purpose is giving me Matrix vibes. I don't like it lol.
What broke the Arbiter?
The death of WoW’s storywriting.
The things I got excited the most about in regards to Battle for Azeroth… were things like the direction of the War Story (going underwater to find Derek etc) but most of all seeing the zone changes to old world areas – like Arathi, Darkshore, Uldum and the Vale. Here I thought it was a clever way for them to save time on assets for the next expansion by inserting a lot of changes to the world now by updating old zones a patch here and there at a time. I remember following on the mission table and reading how the remnants of the North Eastern Kingdoms Horde fortified and moved to the Ruins of Alterac after the victory of Arathi and destruction of Undercity. It was all pointing to a big things happening with Gilneas and Silvermoon, would Andorhal get updated?
These were the things I was excited to see changing in the world. Not a huge hole ripped in the sky so we could go to a few separated islands in death-space trying to earn favor for 4 different factions just to see all the important main story on top of all the unbearable systems they keep throwing at us.
I think deciding to make content around one game is silyl, at this point this content is becoming so repetitive, how many videos ask "whats next?"
The mystery that once was, has been lost forever…
Regina, regal, interregnum… Class ed/10 you beast 👽🎮🐹
Guys its time for some real talk. You have good content but you guys are falling into neckbeardism. PLEASE go get some exercise. You guys are getting bigger and bigger by the day, dude #2 is now a mix between the cheshire cat and a karen. Also, might want to change your clothes more than like twice a year.