WoW Is Actually F*cked..

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Blizzard let this happen. Get rid of ALL addons.
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20 thoughts on “WoW Is Actually F*cked..”

  1. For retail there are parses for doing mechanics, you can still filter out people that fail and consistently don’t do mechanics and it has nothing to do it with damage dealing.

  2. Blizzards knows if they take addons away everyone is going to stop playing when they no longer have flashing buttons telling them how to play because blizzard decided to make wow needlessly complicated

  3. $25 dollar subscription for many services above and beyond access to a free add-on. It would be very difficult to prove that the price for the subscription is strictly based on the WOW add on.

  4. I stopped playing retail because it was way too complicated, and I began playing SOD because it was simple. I play entirely without addons. Now SOD has become retailish and I cancelled my sub. It had nothing to do with this addon, but it did have something to do with the culture it promotes. The major reason I quit SOD is that it is becoming retailish regardless of addons. The game by itself is becoming too complicated for me. When I have to constantly look up and visit websites just to know what the content in the game is all about (season 3), and no one wants to group up unless you're running an addon which maximizes something with rewards or some BS like that it's time for me to go. I don't play non-retail WoW to play retail WoW.

  5. Gearscore caught on in Wrath. Daily and weekly content became essential and common in Wrath. The game became a chore in Wrath. Arthas was turned into a sissy and we jobbed to Tirion in Wrath.
    Why do people say Wrath was the best expansion?

  6. I'm a developer who frequently works with professional-level APIs. For my applications to go public, they need to undergo a review process by the company to ensure compliance with their TOS. Until approval, my access is restricted to only about 10 users for testing purposes. A good example of such an API is Spotify. Setting this system up would not be easy for Blizzard, but it's definitely achievable, if they wanted to implement this.

  7. Whaaaaat a jooooke this bullshit keeps up I'll just quit games in general BC everything is garbage right now. Any new game that comes out Is conpleeeetely garbage I beat it in a few days for 80 dollars and now the game that I grew up with is deciding to charge 25 dollars a month for an ADD ON. PAID ADD ONS?! time to pirate your bullshit whatcha gon do bout it? Hahahah I'll wait.

  8. the way to stop underperformer is to remove all addons , that way there would be a surge of guilds grp , since the only way to know if you are good is to play with you , and if ur bad , ur out of the guild … like the old days

    if they wanted to do a good job blizzard should add an in game gear rating , since even if they didnt put it in , toxic ppl who dont invite if ur not full bis still inspect you so it doesnt matter that much
    and maybe but im not sure a basic recount … maybe that shows only your dps , so you cant compare but you can use it to improve your rotation

  9. To be honest, this addon is totally toxic with the game and it should not be allowed at all. I 100% agree with that but once again I disagree with the idea of removing addons, I like the idea of being able to program something or be able to "put a little extra" for the things I do, or even change how the game looks and I feel there's nothing wrong in that being available.


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