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Asmongold Clips / Asmongold Reacts To: Blizzard Defenders on the latest boost
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Editor: Daily Dose of Asmongold
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How is this much different to being addicted to casino slot machines?
i almost feel like there was a decision, CLASSIC team gets to do what people ask for, While RETAIL is now run by people who want to do things in their way completely ignoring people. So.. classic gets creative fun people making stuff people have always cared for most and retail gets Gamba.. pay to win.. that oh so welcome slot machine feels… and lets not forget.. EASY.. everything has to be super accesible to ANYONE and it has to be EASY… cuz that special boomerlord who can only play 4 hours a week needs attention or that special kid who doesnt understand 2 + 2 needs it dumbed down..
I hate this, but at the same time I feel like this is mostly because of the gold sellers. You can literally go and buy gold for money, and then just trade it for gear etc (which is legit happening), or just buy boosts. Blizz is just trying to skip the resellers, at least partially, to get a slice of that pie. I am not saying it is a good thing, it is not, but at the same time I feel like these fucking resellers ruined it for everyone :D. People buy gold anyway, so they might as well get some extra cash.
My personal story?
I didn't care one iota for the boost. I got the WoW, "war within" presale because I ACTUALLY wanted to play dragonflight, and thought "2 expansions for $50 sounds like a deal I won't regret". I ended up levelling an Evoker to 70 using the main storyline and had some good fun with that. it took both of my off-days and one or two more work nights 2 weeks ago. I then went to my 60 vengeance demon hunter and tanked dungeons for 4 or 5 hours and got to level 64. I was finding the veng DH gameplay a bit stale so I actually spent one of my work nights just reading the talent tree for monk. I was going to just quit playing until late next year when 'war within' comes out, but decided "YOLO" and raid boosted a lvl 10 rogue I had to raid-level outlaw. I never had a max level rogue, and even though I naturally leveled a toon to 70 and spent 30+ hours in dragonflight, I wasn't able to raid without the boosted iLvl. I had a great time in the raid, absolutely nutted at how my finishing moves would refund half the time and how rogue works in general, then did like 3 hours of endgame content and that's all I've played since.
I didn't even understand the implications of a raid-ready boost until I found that my max-level character, after completing the full story, was not able to raid due to iLvl. I'm not a casual, I consider myself a semi-hardcore gamer. 80-90% of my free time this year has been spent playing various games. I just worked an exhausting job 5 days a week, and WoW isn't the only game I play. My Job was so exhausting sometimes I slept 12 hours just leaving time to work, eat, and 2 hours for "freedom activities".
My point is, I didn't use the boost to skip the story or levelling a character, I used the boost to give myself the experience of playing a different class and running a raid I normally would not have experienced at all had the boost not been included in the expansion I got. We have a limited time on this earth, and I'm glad I got to experience a raid this expansion. I feel that I earned the raid experience, after running the whole storymode and steamroll-tanking tens of pug dungeons with 0 wipes, putting in 30 hours across 2 characters. sure, if I pumped 30 hours into 1 character i probably could have hit 424 ilvl and done a raid, but I would have killed myself from playing the same class and no others.
I get that some people in the dedicated community are mad about this, but I, for one, am greatful I could be a small part of the endgame this xpac. without the included boost I would have just left until next expansion. Like, I'm literally done. I popped the boost, ran a raid, did 2 hours of stuff in the emerald dream, then left. I'd like to roll another character in SoD or hardcore but I'm happy with my retail Dragonflight experience.
“Our content is so sh*t, that you can just skip it. For a price of course”.
Can't even fathom why people play anymore. You can't even chat anymore, they ruined it.
the leveling experience from 0-60 is so bad they had to fix it with a boost
How is this any different than buying the old 60 boost, paying somebody to boost you to level 70 then buying BoE's from the auction house, i genuinely dont understand why people think a boost including 424 gear is an issue
Why do any of you care so much lmfao some people actually have to leave their house for 8 hours a day. Just because a normal person cant match a wow players level of degen, they should have to lag behind multiple patches? Nerds lmfao if you have a problem with it, PLEASE go outside.
Dragonflight must have done bad and they are trying to recoup the cost of developing it over it's lifespan…nah so many quit so they hav…greed it's purely greed.
rare asmon L
"if you aint broke, why fix it!"
feel scammed after buy thing there lvl 60 pack lol
this is a really good way to flood end game with people that cannot even play their class.
Says the guy who geta gold from his followers 🤣🤣
It's not "Pay to Win".
It's "Pay to Won". You buy this and you've won. /played = 1 minute. Fun game y'all cya next expac.
The other day one of my IRL friends was complaining that COD doesn't come out with DLC fast enough and wanted to try out Crusader kings because he saw it had a lot of DLC.
They've managed to shift people into thinking that spending more money on games = good game.
For like the 20th time asmon it's not Blizzard anymore.
blatant pay to win
Why even boost? I leveled two alts in a week from level 10 to 60 just doing quests and dungeons. And that was with my full time work schedule playing maybe 4 hours a day. The emerald dream story gives you 424 gear too. Say what it is. Its a way for people to just get all their alts up without playing the game
Such a stupid system, what is the point in grinding for progression when people can just buy it? even if you take a lot to reach the new expansions, you are still building up an adventure and getting stronger along the way, that's the what makes players admire your character when they see how strong you are
I mean yea the boost stuff isn’t ideal but how are u or any streamer gonna say shit when u get mob tagged in the only versions of the game that don’t have boosts? Or how convenient it is that while u may not buy gold that u most definitely receive gold from people who do? Not to mention the fact that with or without blizz’ involvement the players themselves speedrun ruining their game by selling (for in game gold) various dungeons and boosts themselves? If ur going to call boiled frogs it’s you and the rest of player base that set the stove and I’m tired for the sole blaming of blizz they didn’t help the situation but they sure as shit didn’t start it and we’ve already heard exactly why it’s not perfectly possible to ban all the bots. So u r gonna need a better fix than what they already try.
Unironically pretty down to pay money to get 20 renown with all the factions. I'm not some sweaty gamer anymore, I work full time and have other hobbies, when I game a game I like I want to do just the stuff I want to do, not spend months of prep work before I'm able to.
For how much Asmon preaches about how glad he is he quit WoW, he sure does spend a lot of time looking at the news and updates on it.
I mean I'm 481 and don't feel especially bothered by this. The Emerald Dream gave piss-easy catchup gear and you could get 438 with that without stepping into a mythic or raid of any kind. 424 is basically the minimum to get started in the current patch.
I have a problem with them selling boosts, period, but if they're gonna do it I can see why they'd want to give someone the ability to at least function in current content. 424 is NOT a good item level, you won't get invited to any real content short of 450, and to do any serious key you'll need 465.
I think that asmongold has no say in wow and end game content things regarding wow, he has no legit curve (other than his guild boosting him), he hasnt played anything other than his spin to win warrior, his only "achievement" in the game is being a neck beard and went full achievement run.
Look at the boost a bit more and you will see that the ilvl boost is useless, 20 renown is only useful if you plan on doing professions or want certain mounts, 30 slot bags cost literally 1k gold, and the only thing worth it is lvl 70 boost. And if you actually check it out the usual boost gives you the same things……
go back to vanilla wow and live off your copium asmon, oh wait even that game is dead now……..
424 is bad tho, they just recreated their marketing – its the same boost as allways
Yeah, if I were a new player and saw this, I wouldn't buy it. Cause how the hell am I going to learn how to play, if it is just given to me without any effort, just the click of a payment.
The amount of whining that comes from the wow community is crazy.
I can get from 0-70 in and up to 424 in like.. 24 hours of playtime easily, shit is NOT hard. You get 441 ilvl gear from mythic dungeons. (basic mythic dungeons.)
Saying they should just sell ahead of the curve shows how much of a baby the tweet guy is.
424 is nothing bro people just crying lol