WoW IS SO MUCH BETTER! – WoW Shadowlands Pre-Patch Playthrough – Part 2

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What is up guys? Mcdoubles back again with a new video today featuring our Beastmaster Hunter! In this video we make more progress on our new Hunter character including PvP, dungeons, battlegrounds, and a brand new zone to quest in!

Also, we find out that hunters are op.

If you missed the last episode make sure to check it out first here:


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-Andrew Arata
-Daniel Iversen
-Sara Hedburg
-D.C. Gold


World of Warcraft


39 thoughts on “WoW IS SO MUCH BETTER! – WoW Shadowlands Pre-Patch Playthrough – Part 2”

  1. Dungeons are broken atm. Bosses have more hp and some hit a hundred times harder, like Rammstein in Strat.
    If the tank falls out or die, your pet can tank bosses. They can barely damage pet, its kinda disgusting.

  2. As much as I enjoy wotlk leveling Ill probably go the WoD route to collect transmog I don't own. Also given you're in full boa gear that might explain your massive dps lead over the others. I don't know what they're wearing but having a set of gear that grows in power every level is pretty good. Yes its not the best gear but it grows every level. Its basically like you have improved green to blue items every level in every slot. Where some people at that level might have low level greens on.

  3. Man, how dare you make me wanna play retail this bad!! 😤
    How does the leveling work? Does it average your level in pvp and pve? Sorry, might help to answer it in your next video. 😁

  4. I think rather than limit AOE to effect only 5 targets it would have been a better idea to diminish the effect greatly beyond five. 5 targets receive full damage, everything else receives 20%. I don't know why the decision was made other than to have some sort of effect on Mythic plus AOE team run times but, to do something to deal only with the top end players that will effect the entire game as a whole is such a bad decision.

  5. I started playing on a new server, as my server was dead. I transfered my mage over, because I thought I would want to play mage for shadowlands, then I leveled a druid while waiting, I've been watching your ascension videos for a while, and really enjoy them, but I'm really enjoying this walkthrough of your hunter video, you have actually made me want to go back and re level a hunter on my new server I'm playing, and just use no heirlooms and go through normally. Keep up the good vids man!

  6. The reason it shows you doing so much more dps than people higher level than you is because the mobs scale to each person level and however much dps you do on the % is what counts in the damage meter, it just seems to be quite unbalanced making low lvl chars blast

  7. So I wanna thank you for the content you put out, I have never played Ascension but I've been watching your videos for a while now and now the retail series aswell, I like it man, keep it up 🙂

  8. Hunters have been OP forever – at least in the 13 yrs I've been on WoW….Patch after patch, everyone else got some kind of nurf, except huntards – they'd get somekind of enhancement – minor or major they still got enhanced. This happened in most every patch out in 13 yrs and its still happening….
    So nothing new here…I avoided playing a huntard simply because they were far, far too easy — being so OP there just wasn't much of any challange at all playing that toon…


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