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Welcome to my WoW OPie Guide video! OPie is an awesome addon that let’s you add radial menus to your game. In this video, I give an overview of some of the use cases for OPie and its settings. I cover how to create new rings and then dive deep into the unique way that I use OPie as a total action bar replacement.
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Previous OPie Video:
0:00 Introduction to OPie
2:23 Why I Use OPie
4:40 Combat Example
7:01 Main Settings Overview
11:09 Creating New Rings
11:28 Ring Settings Overview
13:50 New Slices and Slice Settings Overview
19:25 My System for Opie Ring Creation
36:08 Info on Future Import Codes
36:47 Outro + Support the Channel!
#opiewow #addons #gid #worldofwarcraft #wow #guides #shadowlands
This is awesome ty! I bookmarked it from the earlier video.
How did you setup your mouse?
The constant flick typically up and to the right means if you have any acceleration turned on, the mouse creeps to the right.
I turned if off and while opie works much better, BUT I can't seem to click anything else on the screen.
tips? Or do you have a mouse that also has a ball on the thumb?
YESSSSSSS!! This is what I have been waiting for. Thanks mate.
My hero! As a disabled player, I have been looking for something like this for ages! While I am proud of myself for going from 100% clicker to mostly keybinder, there is a point where I just can't handle more keybinds and often I feel like they are needed, especially now with the SL unpruning. This will take some time to master, but oh boy will it help 😀 You just got yourself a new and very grateful subscriber my good sir 😀
I'm less curious about the how and why, I've been using opie for many years, so I'm good on that. What's interesting to me though, is the thought process that leads people to certain setups or creations or whatever. Probably why I watch so many videos on things that technically have 0 relevance to me lol.
hi i think its awesome the way you put your abilities on the ring. i tried it as i am very clumsy but also very panicky when under stress.. i play a druid and shifitng forms with the ring is kinda annoying but maybe i need to get used to it first. i would love to click as fast as you on the rings. but especially in pvp i feel it is a i get panic in pvp and almost lose every fight
I don't understand why you would make your quick action ability also be in the location most comfortable to flick your mouse, aka UP. Since you quick cast them, you never actually flick your mouse in that direction, basically wasting that "best" location for a keybind. It would just make more sense to put your most spammed ability at the least comfortable location on the ring, and then make it the quick action, so you never actually have to flick in that uncomfortable location, you just quick cast it instead. This frees up the location you used to put your most spammed ability as a freshly opened up location for something else, most likely your second most spammed ability etc.
Thank you for this
amazing guide <3
I have tried to embed a nested ring into my ring but I am unable to select any of the options on this nested ring. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Cheers!
Tried this for my Demon Hunter, but the icons switch when I change specialization, for example the Demons Bite-icon changes in Opie to Fracture. In this case that's ok I guess, but in other cases it yields unexpected results. Any experience with that?
Thanks for sharing!
I’ve found opie super interesting but there’s always been a little bit of a barrier for me. Thanks for making it a lot easier!
Unfortunate this is what i saw today.. =(
Last Updated: Nov 21, 2020
"This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained."..
Theres youst one thing tsetzuko if i set this up with rings and such but how do you know when a ability is on cooldown as when u close the ring it stays that way until you press it again
I was looking for something to help simplify my UI and all my keybinds – this video covers EXACTLY what I needed! TYVM!
Question.. Just installed Opie… How do you get the actual ring to show? The small circle before you open the wheel
Loving this!
No to anyone watching this DO NOT USE THIS WITH YOUR MAIN DPS SPELLS. Absolutely backwards thinking its always a dps loss than just having the keybound spell because of the slice lag/mouse movements needed. Or at the very least you're going to get rsi flicking your mouse all over the show.