WOW PASSIVE Gold Making | Garrison BARN | Shadowlands Gold Making

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WOW PASSIVE Gold Making | Garrison BARN | Shadowlands Gold Making. We cover everything you must do to setup the WOW Garrisons to make loads of gold in WOW. WOW Garrison Gold Setup Tutorial will cover everything you need to do to get lots of passive gold.


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8 thoughts on “WOW PASSIVE Gold Making | Garrison BARN | Shadowlands Gold Making”

  1. Love the videos. I'm new to shadowlands. I really got into the Garrison stuff to get some passive gold going. I'm stuck on which 3 small buildings are best to use for making gold. This is my only character in wow. Plan for my main toon to have professions in alchemy and jewel crafting. The 3 small buildings I use are salvage yard lvl 3, jewel crafting lvl 3, and inscription lvl 3. Would alchemy be a better choice to make gold over the salvage yard or jewel crafting? Do you have any other recommendations?

  2. You better don't do the quest of barn guy, because quest mark helps to find him faster
    He looks almost the same as his son-in-law and likes to walk all over the place, so exclamation mark helped me a lot, and lack of it cost me too much time spent on search

  3. Goldenmane doesn't work not because of the "nerf", he doesn't work because bonus worked around his level, higher the level – higher the bonus
    And now his max level is just 60, that is lower than 90-100, and I guess the game just prefers to not calculate and implement his bonus at all, because it can't give a negative "bonus", that could make blood stop appearing in drop at all
    And as the evidence of it just being a bug, Blizzard response:
    "We have received multiple reports of this issue, and are currently investigating it. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided.

    Please submit a Bug Report on any affected characters to help us in our investigation."

  4. I know very well that there can be written very very thick books about what I do not understand … but nonetheless.
    (11.55) if I have two accounts and I farm with one, what advantage does it give the other account (the one on follow) … I do not understand
    the only thing I can think of is, if one is lvl35-45 and then maybe for the XP …
    otherwise no idea ??
    many thanks for showing and please keep up the good work … 😉


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