WOW SHADOWLANDS 4K UHD Gameplay Walkthrough PRE-PATCH LEVELING 1-50 | EPISODE 11 Priest Level 46-50

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Sup guys! WOW SHADOWLANDS World of Warcraft Shadowlands Pre-Patch Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 until the last part will include the full Gameplay on PC. WOW SHADOWLANDS is recorded in 1080p HD 60 FPS on the PC and will include the full Story Campaign, PVE like dungeons, raids and PVP aspects of the game like battlegrounds, arenas with cinematic cutscenes.

World of Warcraft, often abbreviated as WoW (or, when referring to the original game, vanilla, classic, or pre-BC), is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) developed by Blizzard Entertainment and released on November 23, 2004, on the 10th anniversary of the Warcraft franchise, three years after its announcement on September 2, 2001. It is the fourth released game set in the Warcraft universe, and takes place four years after the events of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.


The expansion will open up the Shadowlands, the realm of the dead in Warcraft lore. It will feature the game’s first “level squish” and a completely overhauled leveling system, access to the Death Knight class for the races that did not previously have access to it, Covenants in the new zones, and new dungeons and raids

The four zones that the Shadowlands comprise are ruled by “Covenants”, similar to the Class Orders introduced in Legion. Each Covenant will have its own campaign, similar to the War Campaign in Battle for Azeroth, with gear specific to the faction and abilities both universal and determined by class. The four covenants are the Kyrian of Bastion, the Night Fae of Ardenweald, the Venthyr of Revendreth, and the Necrolords of Maldraxxus. Players experiencing the Shadowlands content for the first time will need to reach level 60 before they can choose to pledge themselves to a Covenant, while alts are able to do so at the start of the Shadowlands content.


Developer Blizzard Entertainment
Publisher Blizzard Entertainment
Release Before December 2020
Platform Microsoft Windows, macOS
Graphic 1080p60
Mode Multiplayer, MMORPG


Full gameplay without commentary to bring you the complete narrative experience.
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